An Immortal's Song (Dante's Circle #6)

“I need to hold you. You’re going to have to deal with it.”

Tristan liked the firmness in Seth’s tone but didn’t move forward. He wouldn’t crowd her right then.

Amara let out a shaky breath. “My mom killed herself so Dad wouldn’t. He used to beat her, break her, use her. And when she died, he turned his…attentions on me.”

Tristan let out a growl and the wards around them pulsed a dangerous red.

Amara’s eyes widened as she looked around them, and then she met Tristan’s gaze even as she leaned into Seth. “He never touched me in that way. That came out wrong. I’m sorry.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for,” he bit out.

Seth gave him a warning look, and he tried to control himself.

“My dad beat me when he could and broke my bones. I was never strong enough to protect myself, and I couldn’t leave until I finished school. The authorities did nothing because he hid it well.” She swallowed hard. “And because I lied to them. He told me he’d kill me if I told anyone, and I believed him. I was young and stupid and broken. So I let him hit me. But when I grew up, I ran away. I didn’t have a home, I didn’t have a family. But then I met Lily and the others and they became the only family I had. I’m only telling you this because well, you’re both mine, and you deserve to know. And I’m telling you now because I need you both to know that I’m finding my strength. You don’t have to protect me.”

Tristan stepped toward her and cupped her face. His jaw ached and he unclenched his teeth. “You are strong, Amara. I don’t know why you don’t think you are. To survive what you did and be able to…be with us as you are, that is strength.” He’d almost said love, but as they hadn’t professed those feelings yet, he waited. “We will always protect you, Amara. But that’s not because we think you can’t do it yourself, it’s because it’s our vow, our duty, our hope that we do so. When you grow in your powers, you will do the same for us. It’s how matings work. We protect each other. I might be older than both of you by centuries, but I’m not so old as to think a woman can’t take care of herself. You are a warrior in your own right, and you will be a warrior in every way possible when the time comes.”

“As for your family,” Seth added, “the girls are your family. We are your family. And with us, you have more than one home. When we get through the siren…mess, then we’ll see how those homes work, but we’re it, Amara. You have us, no matter what.”

She licked her lips, tears filling her eyes. “You’re both my home. I know that now.”

Tristan shuddered then kissed her softly. “I love you,” he whispered. He stiffened, as he hadn’t meant for that to slip out, but now that it had, he was happy about it. “I love you, Amara. I wanted you from the moment I first saw you, but I loved you the moment you took a chance on the unknown.”

He turned to Seth. “And it’s the same for you. I love you, my Seth.”

Seth cupped the back of Tristan’s head. “I love you both.” He kissed him, then Amara.

Amara looked between them, her eyes wide, but a small smile on her face. “I love you both, as well. And I can’t believe I’m saying that as we’re hiding in a forest on the way to the siren realm. Nothing is how I thought it would be, but I’m happy.” She took a deep breath. “Now let’s get through to the realm and see what we must do. I don’t want to wait anymore for the bond. I don’t want to wait to see what the queen will do. I feel as though if we wait for her to come to us, it won’t end as well.”

Tristan nodded. “I agree.” He ran a hand over his chin. “The portal is close. I can feel it.” He met the others’ gazes and frowned. “I hope you two can feel it as well once we’re closer.”

“Well, you are older,” Seth said with a smirk.

Tristan punched his lover in the shoulder, and the merman just stood there. Damn.

Amara put her hands on her hips. “And when we get there? What are we going to do exactly?”

Tristan answered, “If I remember correctly, there is a roadside inn right when you go through the portal. It’s been a century since I’ve done so, but in non-human realms, things tend to move slower than the human one. We’ll still be a ways from queen’s domain, or rather where she gathers her people. That will give us time to regroup and make sure we’re…presentable for the queen.”

Amara shuddered but nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”

He gripped her hand and let the wards fall around them. They wouldn’t be able to pass through the portal with the ward bubble around them, sadly. Tristan put Amara behind him and Seth took the rear. Amara might be able to fight a little, but she didn’t have the experience they had yet. He would just have to teach her. Because he’d be damned if he’d force her to waste away behind a locked door even if he had wanted to wrap her in cotton wool before.

They walked another half mile or so and Tristan sighed as the tingling sensation of a portal crawled over his skin.

Carrie Ann Ryan's books