Always Will: A Bad Boy Romance

We come out of the restroom and make our way back to our booth to find drinks on the table and the two men chatting amiably. Kylie was right, they do have identical expressions on their faces. They both look laid-back, almost tranquil. We take our seats, and Ronan is telling Braxton about Edge Gear and their recent breakthroughs in technical fabrics. After a while, the conversation turns back to sports. Braxton is fascinated by Ronan’s extreme sports passion, and Ronan listens with rapt attention as Braxton talks about some training techniques that could improve Ronan’s rock climbing.

We all have a few more drinks and chat late into the night. I try not to stare at Braxton, but I’m amazed. His easy mood is not just the result of recent sex with his wife, regardless of how hot or kinky it might have been. I’m almost afraid to think it, but Braxton seems to like Ronan. He never likes men I date. I didn’t think he’d be any different with Ronan. It isn’t like Ronan doesn’t have the same reputation for arrogance and womanizing that the last few guys had. But Braxton never gives him the glowering stare I’m so used to seeing.

We’re all pretty tipsy by the end of the night, but we’re walking distance from my house, and Brax and Ky don’t have to drive home either. We get up from the table and Ronan excuses himself to the bathroom, so the rest of us wait in the lobby.

I look up at Braxton. He’s one of the few men I know who is actually tall enough that I have to look up, even when I’m wearing heels. “So, say something.”

He gives me an easy smile. “About what?”

“About Ronan.”

“He’s a good guy,” Braxton says with a nod.

“That’s it?”

“What am I supposed to say?” he asks with a laugh.

“What you think of him,” I say. “You didn’t glare at him across the table all night, and I want to know why.”

Braxton looks at me for a long moment. “He protected you when you needed help. That earned him a lot of points in my book. And he looks at you the way a man should look at you.”

I’m about to ask what he means when Ronan returns, putting a gentle hand on my elbow.

“Ready?” Ronan asks.


Ronan takes my hand, twining our fingers together. We say goodbye to Braxton and Kylie outside, and walk back to my place in a comfortable silence.

24: Ronan

Selene and I get out of my car and head into the hangar. After our last skydive, Selene decided she wanted to do it again. I hardly need an excuse to take to the air, so I was thrilled. Since she wanted to be able to jump on her own, she took the five hour skydiving course a week ago. The weather didn’t cooperate that day, so we didn’t get to jump. But today dawned clear, and the forecast calls for nothing but sun. It’s the perfect day to fly.

After a quick safety overview, we get geared up and head out to the plane. The air is chilly, and it will be colder up high, but my blood pumps hard, warming me. Selene’s eyes sparkle with excitement. I love sharing this with her, although I feel an unfamiliar twinge of fear as we board the plane. I’m not scared for myself—I’m buzzing with adrenaline in anticipation of the rush I know is coming. I’m worried about Selene. I know she can handle herself, and she’s been through the proper preparation. Yet I can’t shake the slight feeling of darkness that threatens my euphoria.

The plane takes off, the engines roaring. We watch the ground fall away below us through the window. Selene clasps her hands together and chews on her lower lip. I know she’s nervous. We’ll be jumping together, and I’ll be in constant physical contact with her until we deploy our chutes. She also has a radio in her helmet, connecting her to someone on the ground who will help guide her landing. It allays my fear a bit to know I’ll be with her the whole way down.

We circle wide, giving us a chance to appreciate the incredible views. My limbs tingle and I’m getting restless.

“You okay?” Selene asks, pitching her voice to be heard above the noise of the airplane.

“Yeah,” I say. “You ready for this?”

She nods and smiles, giving me a thumbs up.

We get to altitude and the jump coordinator opens the door. My heart thunders. Selene and I get into position, holding the bar above the opening. I meet her eyes, grab the strap at her hip, and give her a nod.

She lets go and we both tumble out of the plane. I could have let her jump without me holding her jumpsuit. I know how to navigate while free-falling, and I could have moved to her once we were in the air. But I want the security of my hand on her suit the whole time.

We spread out, horizontal to the ground, our arms and legs held up by the rushing air. Selene hollers with joy as we fall, and I let the high take over. There’s nothing like free-falling. High above the world, you’re flying, soaring through the fucking sky.

I check my altimeter more than usual, even though I know Selene has a voice in her ear, telling her what to do. I work my way around so I’m holding her arm, but in front of her so she can see me. She smiles, the air buffeting her face, and gives me another thumbs up.

Claire Kingsley's books