Accidentally Married

As I lay there, I start to think about Liam. He's such a mystery to me. I see the face he shows to the public. He's cold. Aloof. Every bit the professional businessman. And yet, I've also seen a different side of him – his private face. I imagine not many people have seen that particular face of his.

What I told Skyler is true – I have no idea how he feels about me. I can say with near certainty that he wants to fuck me. Aside from that, if I had to guess, I'd say that he's at least mildly intrigued by me as a person. Just as I am with him. I have no idea what this strange thing is between us, but I can tell there's something there. Defining that something, however, is the problem.

The other problem, of course, is that I don't know if I'm ready to be in a romantic relationship. I don't know if I want to be. And given the fact that Liam is coming off a pretty traumatic divorce, I can't imagine that he is dying to be in one either.

Which leaves me where exactly?

“I have no damn idea,” I say to the empty room.

I push all the unpleasant thoughts out of my mind and try to focus on something else. Which, of course, is another stalling tactic to allow myself a little more time under the warm covers. I know all the good tricks.

I run through the list of things I need to do today. Finish the inventory that I've been dragging my feet on. Contact a few vendors. And of course, the most unpleasant task of the day – touch base with my accountant. I've been putting it off for ages, but I need to see where I'm at financially. I know it's not going to be good and in the back of my mind, I have a feeling that things are starting to build to a head.

As much as I'd rather deny it, I may be forced to make a tough decision at some point in the not too distant future. I sigh and push those thoughts away as well. I'd rather not think about it right now. The time is coming, I can't deny it, but that time isn't upon me just yet.

I do my best to clear my mind of all thought and try to relax for a little bit. One thing, however, keeps intruding into my pseudo-Zen like state – Liam Anderson. In my mind's eye, I can see his face. Hear his voice. My sensory recall kicks in and I breathe in his musky scent – a very manly fragrance.

The uninvited assault on my senses then takes my mind to another place – to the bookstore and what we did there together. As I recall the feeling of his kisses on my lips, I feel a warmth spreading throughout my belly. And when I remember the feeling of his mouth on my sensitive parts, and his fingers inside of me, the warmth spreads down into the hot, suddenly wet, center of me.

Biting my bottom lip, I close my eyes and revel in the memories that are washing over me. As if it has a mind of its own, my hand slides down under the covers, running over my breasts, and slipping down into the waistband of my pajama bottoms.

As I remember the sensations Liam wrought in me with his mouth and tongue, I touch myself through my panties – panties that are soaked through already. The touch of my fingers sets off an explosion of sensation inside of me. Wave after wave of desire and need crash down over me.

Pulling my panties to the side, I trail my fingertips across my wet, swollen lips. A soft moan escapes me as I circle my clit with my fingers, imagining it's Liam. In my mind's eye, I look down and see him with his face buried between my thighs, using his mouth, tongue, and fingers to pleasure me. I rub my clit harder and faster, the warmth inside of me blooming into an inferno of lust.

I remember the feeling of his cock in my hands. So hard. So thick. So long. I wince as I bite my bottom lip hard enough to cause me a flash of pain. I hear his voice commanding me to bend over the counter and I picture myself doing as he tells me. His hands are strong and rough upon my skin as he slides them up my thighs, pushing my skirt up around my waist.

I imagine myself looking back at him over my shoulder, seeing the look of hunger and desire in his eyes. I feel him as he steps forward, taking that glorious cock in his hand and guiding it to my opening, dripping wet for him.

I picture Liam driving his cock into me at the same moment I plunge two fingers into my pussy. My eyes open wide and I cry out as unknown sensations erupt within me.

“Yes, Liam,” I call out, my voice echoing around my empty room.

I drive my fingers into my pussy hard and fast – imagining Liam pumping that hard rod of his into me the same way. I hear the throaty growl in his voice, see the passion in his eyes as he fucks me. In my fantasy, he's rough and commanding and I obey his every wish, begging him to keep fucking me.

Sliding my other hand down, I rub my clit furiously as I keep driving my fingers into my pussy. I'm so wet, the sounds coming from between my legs as I finger myself are as loud as my cries.

Fantasy Liam grabs my hair and pulls it hard, yanking my head back so I'm staring up at the ceiling. His voice echoes through my mind – you like this, don't you? Tell me you like this. Tell me you want my cock. Tell me, Paige.

“Yes,” I moan. “I want this. I want your cock.”

I slip a third finger into my pussy, feeling myself being stretched open wider. I squeeze my eyes shut, the slight pinch of pain blending with the pleasure surging through me. I drive my fingers harder and faster, banging my tight little opening like I want Liam to.

The pressure inside of me builds quickly and as I drive my fingers in one final time, the dam bursts. My body tightens sharply and explodes in pleasure. My breathing is ragged as I cry out, practically screaming as my orgasm grips me hard. With my fingers still working, I'm writhing beneath my comforter, lightning bolts of ecstasy running along every nerve ending, setting my body on fire.

Slowly, my orgasm begins to fade, leaving me trembling and out of breath. I lay still and feel my body going limp. A smile crosses my face and a nervous little giggle bursts from my mouth. Heat flares within my cheeks and a sudden wave of embarrassment washes over me – despite the fact that I'm alone in my room and nobody knows what I just did or what I fantasized about.

I let out a cry of surprise when my second alarm goes off, startling me. Reaching over to turn it off, I feel like a fool. A stupid grin on my face, I throw back the covers and dash to the bathroom, turning on the water, letting it grow hot. I strip out of my pajama bottoms and then look at myself in the mirror for a moment, my gaze locking onto my panties.

When the steam starts to fill my small bathroom and it gets to feeling like a sauna, I step beneath the nearly scalding water and start my day.

With memories of Liam floating through my mind – as well as a pretext for going up to see Liam that just popped into my mind – I start my day with a smile.

Chapter Twenty-One


I'm working at my desk at home, Hemingway asleep on his bed in the corner, when the house intercom buzzes. I set down the offer sheets for a few new properties I'm looking at acquiring and look at the intercom. I'd asked to not be disturbed as I'm working on putting together a deal – one I know I should probably talk to Paige about, but one that also makes me nervous to mention.

I sigh and punch the button on the intercom.


“Mr. Anderson,” Janice says. “Ms. Samuels is here to see you.”

I look at the intercom for a moment, surprised. I wasn't expecting Paige to come by. I'd thought about going down into town and stopping by her shop, but it had just been a thought. I honestly wasn't sure if she wanted to see me or not, given that she hadn't contacted me after what happened between us.

“Mr. Anderson?”

Janice's voice snaps me out of my reverie. “Yes, sorry,” I say. “Please, send her in.”

“Yes, sir.”

I lean back in my seat and wait. A few moments later, I hear Janice's sharp, almost military-esque footfalls and the softer sounds of Paige's footsteps coming down the hallway. Hemingway looks up, suddenly interested in our visitors.

Janice opens the door and holds it for Paige, who steps inside and gives my house manager a shy smile.

“Thank you,” she says to Janice.

R.R. Banks's books