Accidentally Married

“You know a little bit,” she says. “You know enough that you were about to shag him.”

“Which is a pretty basic physiological response to stimuli,” I say.

She laughs. “Wow, you sure know how to take the sexiness out of things,” she says. “But, the point remains, you are into him enough that you let that damn control you value so much slip. That should tell you something.”

I shrug. “He's nice,” I say. “He seems like a decent enough guy that I really misjudged in the beginning. But, I can also see that he's got some of that alpha-dog mentality in that I despise.”

Skyler scoffs again. “You're really grasping at straws, hon,” she says. “He's the head of a large company. He's got to have at least some of that mentality. It comes with the corner office. The question you should be asking yourself is this – is that who he really is? Is he that alpha-dog type? Or is that simply a mask he wears in his career?”

I shake my head. “I really don't know.”

“Oh, I think you do,” she says. “I think deep down, you do. You are just so bound and determined to avoid intimacy with anybody, that you're not letting yourself see what's in front of you.”

“I'm glad you have it all figured out,” I say and laugh.

“I do have it all figured out,” she says with a smile. “Now, if you'd only listen to me about what's best for you, things would be so much easier.”

“Yeah, maybe.”

I drain the last of my soda and know I need to get back to the shop. Skyler never fails to give me something to think about though. As much as I hate it at times – like now.

“So?” Skyler asks, a mischievous smirk on her face. “How was he? Did he make your toes curl?”

“You have no idea,” I reply.

She squeezes my hand again and is practically bursting at the seams. “I'm so happy for you, Paige.”

“The thing that blows my mind –”

“Other than an Earth-shattering orgasm?”

“Yeah, other than that,” I laugh. “I was really blown away by the fact that his sole focus seemed to be on pleasing me. On my pleasure. He really seemed to be more interested in getting me off than on getting himself off. I've never experienced anything like it before.”

“Generous lovers like that are amazing,” she says. “And amazingly rare. You should hold on to that one, hon.”

“Yeah, well, like I said, I don't know what he's thinking or feeling about me,” I say.

“One way to find out,” she says. “Ask him.”

“Ask him,” I stare at her.

“Yeah, ask him.”

“Please tell me you're kidding me,” I say and smile.

“Actually, I'm not.”

“That just seems so high school,” I say and then, in a mocking tone, add, “Gee, Liam, do you like me? Wanna go steady?”

Skyler laughs but rolls her eyes at me. “Jesus Christ,” she says. “Do you know how many of this world's problems would be solved if people just fucking started talking? If people learned how to communicate with each other? Gee, where have I heard that before? Wait, wait – it'll come to me.”

The laughter dies in my throat. She has a point. It's actually something I've railed about plenty of times before. A lot of things would be a lot easier if people remembered how to talk to each other. It's a simple concept that very few people can seem to grasp.

And now, I have to kick my own ass because I am apparently, one of those people. A rueful grin touches my lips as I look at her.

“No fair using my own words against me,” I say.

“All is fair in war and booty calls, baby,” she says. “Talk to him, Paige. Seriously, with the exception of those monks who live in yurts up in the Himalayas, you need to get laid worse than anybody on this planet.”

“Gee, thanks,” I say. “You always know how to make me feel good.”

“I do try my best,” she says with a wide smile.

Chapter Eighteen


I climb off the helicopter and head to the elevator. Stepping inside, I swipe my keycard and push the button, leaning back against the wall as it takes me down to the offices. My mind is filled with a thousand different thoughts and feelings – which, unfortunately, seems to be standard procedure these days.

It's not a feeling that I particularly care for. I'm a man used to crystal clarity and sound, logical thinking. Having this whirlwind in my head is unsettling – to say the least.

The elevator doors slide open and I step out into the ADE lobby. I greet our main receptionist and some of the other employees buzzing about. A few of them openly gawk but seem afraid to approach me. I'm sure with the cuts and bruises on my face, I'm quite a sight. Most of the people I see, however, cut a quick glance and then hurry away.

Judging by the reaction people are having to me, you'd think I looked like a combination of Quasimodo and Attila the Hun. I shrug and make my way down to my office. It is probably best to hide my temporary disfigurement behind closed doors.

“Good morning, Alice,” I say as I step into the lobby of my office and stop beside her desk. “How're the Words with Friends games going today?”

“You really need some new material, Mr. Anderson,” she says, looking up from her computer.

“You make it difficult for me,” I reply. “I know you're not looking at porn, which narrows down the material I can use significantly.”

“Well, work on it, would you, sir?” she says dryly. “I wasn't expecting you today.”

“I wasn't planning on being here either,” I say. “I just have a few things I need to handle in the city today.”

“Given what happened last time you were in the city, I'm surprised you'd want to set foot in Seattle again for a while.”

“Oh, you heard about that?”

“Everybody's heard about it, Mr. Anderson,” she says. “It's not often multi-billionaire CEO's are attacked in the street. Things like that tend to make the news.”

I shrug. “It wasn't that big of a deal, really.”

“Of course, you'd say that,” she replies.

I give her a grin. “Of course, I would.”

“Are you okay?” she asks. “I mean, really.”

I nod. “I'm fine, Alice,” I reply. “Nothing but a couple of bumps and scrapes. No big deal.”

She looks at me over her glasses, shooting a pointed look at the bruises I'm sporting with a clear look of skepticism on her face. Between her and Janice, it's almost like I have two mothers running around, ready to baby me at a moment's notice.

“Honestly, I'm fine,” I say. “The cut on my arm wasn't all that deep. Everything's going to heal just fine. Promise.”

She looks at me a moment longer and then a soft smile touches her lips. “Just, be careful out there, Mr. Anderson.”

Alice has never been one who's overly expressive with her emotions. To see her concern for me leaves me a little touched, honestly.

“Thank you, Alice,” I say. “I appreciate your concern. It means a lot.”

“Don't get all mushy and sentimental on me, Mr. Anderson,” she says. “I just don't want you to die because the job market is hell for a woman at my age.”

And she's back. There's the Alice I know and love. I laugh and shake my head as she gives me a small, warm smile. I turn and head toward my office.

“Oh, I'm expecting Adam shortly,” I say. “He's my only appointment today, so when he gets here, can you just send him in?”

“Of course.”

“Thank you, Alice.”

I step into my office and close the door. I drop my satchel on the couch and walk over to the windows, gazing out at the skyline of downtown Seattle beyond. The day is partly sunny, with fat, white fluffy clouds floating across the azure sky above. It's a gorgeous day, actually and there's part of me that wishes I was out there taking advantage of it. Hiking with Hemingway or just taking a stroll through the Pike Place Market. Anything would beat being cooped up on a day like this.

R.R. Banks's books