Accidentally Married

As if reading my thoughts once again, three of his fingers suddenly find their way inside of me, and that sends me over the edge. If I ever wanted to stop things – and the rational part of my mind argues that I should – it's too late now. There's no going back now. That train, as they say, has left the station.

The muscles inside of me clench tight, spasming around his fingers. Liam can obviously feel it too, seems to know he's bringing me closer to the brink, and picks up his rhythm, pounding his fingers into my hot, wet opening.

“Yes, yes, yes...” I moan.

My head is spinning, and I feel a little unsteady. My legs slip off the stool a bit and for a moment, I fear that I'm going to come crashing down to the floor. But, with his free hand, Liam steadies me, keeping me in place on the stool, never breaking the rhythm of his tongue and mouth as he licks and sucks on my clit, as he drives his fingers deeper inside me.

Liam's free hand rests on my side, keeping me steady. I reach for it. As if without any thought, he takes my hand in his, and I grip it tightly as my body is inundated with feelings of pleasure. Intense pleasure I've never felt before in my life.

As I'm hit by a wave of sheer ecstasy, I call out his name, accidentally pulling on his hair hard. If it bothers him at all, he gives no indication, never breaking his stride. My fingers intertwine with his and he holds onto me, bringing a sense of intimacy that I didn't expect. Yet, a sense of intimacy that I want. That I need.

“Liam, yes!” I cry out as he pushes me over the edge with his tongue.

I can no longer control my body, or the sounds coming from my mouth. My vision wavers and goes black as I succumb to the pleasure tearing through my body. Liam continues fingering me and licking my clit, never hesitating and never stopping. It's as if he's making sure I experience every bit of pleasure possible. Squeeze out every ounce of bliss.

My climax hits me hard. I'm gripping his hair and calling out his name as I rock backward against the bookshelf. More books fall from the shelves, clattering to the ground, some of them falling around us. The intensity of the pleasure grips me hard, hitting me like a ton of proverbial bricks, and I can't stop shaking and writhing and crying out.

I'm still holding tightly to his hand, squeezing it for all I'm worth, with my other hand gripping tight to the back of his head. And in that last glorious moment of my orgasm, I push him down harder into me – wanting to feel him deeper inside of me. He drives his fingers and tongue hard into me one last time and it draws the ecstasy out a moment longer.

But then, my orgasm loosens its grip on me and I come crashing down. As if I'd expelled every last ounce of energy inside of me, or my skeleton has somehow just liquefied, my entire body goes limp. I'm utterly spent. Thankfully, Liam catches me and keeps me from falling to the ground and turning into a puddle of jelly.

He stands up, holding me in his arms with a satisfied grin on his ruggedly handsome face. Even with the cuts and bruises that mark him, he's still a beautiful man. His lips are soaking wet from my juices, glistening in the light, and he licks them away like he's savoring the last bit of his favorite dessert. With my hands in his hair, I kiss him, tasting myself upon his lips.

Suddenly exhausted, but with a fire still burning within me, I reach down and stroke his cock through his pants. It's so thick and so hard, and after what he'd just done to me with his tongue, my body is desperately wanting to find out what he can do to me with that. All my fears and uncertainties, all my doubts and reservations from earlier, fly straight out the window.

The voice in my head, cautioning me against letting things go too far, is suddenly silent. Gone. As if it had never been there to begin with. I stare into his crystalline eyes and feel the heat in my pussy growing more intense. More desperate.

I want him. I want to fuck him.

And judging by the look in his eye and the stiff cock I'm stroking through his pants, it's clear that he wants me too. I fumble clumsily with his zipper and slide my hand down into his pants, eager to feel it. Impatient to have it inside of me.

Before I can touch him though, the bells above the door tinkle and chime, signaling that someone has stepped inside the bookstore.

“Shit,” I whisper.

I hurry and try to straighten my skirt as Liam zips up his pants. I'm quickly running my hands through my hair, doing my best to make it look like I wasn't just in the process of having sex. Liam stifles a laugh and he's smiling wide though, and I can feel my own smile stretching across my face.

I can't help it. Not after a mind-blowing orgasm like that.

“I'll be right there,” I call out.

I pick up a few books off the floor, trying to tidy up, but quickly see that it's pointless. The whole aisle looks like a hurricane went through it. Liam bends down starts picking up books, motioning for me to go see to my customer, and I excuse myself to step over to the counter at the front of the shop.

“Mrs. James, wonderful to see you,” I exclaim.

I cringe when I hear my own voice speaking, perhaps, a bit too loudly and a bit too brightly. While I'm always friendly, I know I'm never this effusive. Which is probably a sure sign of guilt. At least in my own mind.

“Nice to see you too, dear,” Mrs. James replies.

I'm still trying to subtly smooth out my skirt, hoping the woman – an old friend of my mom's – doesn't notice my flushed cheeks and messy hair. I'm suddenly self-conscious, terrified that the shop smells like sex. I'm deathly afraid that Mrs. James is going to put two and two together and realize why I'm looking so disheveled and acting so out of sorts.

“What brings you in today?” I ask, trying to take my chipperness down a notch or two. “What can I do for you?

“I need a gift for my granddaughter,” she says, looking at the small section of Young Adult books near the front.

“I can absolutely help you with that,” I say. “What kind of books does she like?”

I look over and feel my stomach drop straight into my shoes when I spot my panties lying on top of a pile of books stacked at the end of the counter. My heart races as I reach out to grab them as unobtrusively as I can. Instead, I manage to knock the stack of books over. They all clatter to the floor, taking my panties with them, the whole stack landing on Liam's foot.

“Oh, dear,” Mrs. James says, “Let me help you with those.”

I step in front of her quickly and put my trembling hand on her arm. “Oh, don't you worry yourself with those,” I say. “We'll take care of this mess. Don't trouble yourself with it, Mrs. James.”

She looks at Liam for a moment, not recognizing him. “And who might you be?”

Liam holds his hand out. “Liam Anderson,” he says. “I'm new in town. Hello.”

“Oh, well isn't that lovely?” Mrs. James says. “And such a strapping young man too. Why I'll bet you have the ladies in Port Safira fighting over you in a matter of days.”

“You flatter me,” he says, a low, rumbling chuckle escaping his mouth.

There's a hint of amusement in his voice as if he's enjoying this damn freak show. I glare at him and then cut my eyes to the pair of wet panties on the floor near his foot. Mrs. James looks back at me and smiles wide.

“Why you're single, aren't you, dear?” she asks. “You two would make a beautiful couple.”

I feel my cheeks heat up and know that my face must be a bright shade of red not normally found in nature. Liam just stands there, smiling wide, like he's having the time of his life. I clear my throat and shoot him another glare, trying to get him to look at the floor.

“About those books, Mrs. James,” I say, eager to divert the conversation. “What is it that your granddaughter enjoys reading again?”

R.R. Banks's books