Accidentally Married

He sighs. “Yeah, I just hope he's not seeing mirages and setting himself up for more heartbreak,” I say. “The guy's been through enough.”

I see the genuine concern for his friend in his eyes and it really touches me. I can't shake Trey's words though. There is so much I recognize in his story. Not that I'm saying I'm in love with Brayden or anything. The idea of building a connection, a strong, emotional bond with someone, resonates with me on a deep level.

And because it does, it scares the hell out of me.

We hear Trey singing loudly and then shout through the door that he's heading out. A moment later, the hotel room door slams shut, and the suite falls silent once more. Brayden and I stand there awkwardly, looking at one another. It's almost as if an expectation-fueled tension had suddenly filled the air in the room around us.

The door chime sounds and breaks the silence between us. Brayden clears his throat and I let out a nervous chuckle.

“That'll be your dress,” he says. “Let me go get it.”

“Thanks,” I say, my voice suddenly thick with an emotion that I don't understand.

He heads out of the room and I give myself a firm mental kick in the ass. I'm behaving like an idiot, and I need to stop. Last night was last night. It was good. More than good, it was amazing. The entire situation has left me rattled and shaken in ways I never could have imagined when Gabby first pulled me into his booth.

But, that's on me. I can't blame that on Brayden. He never asked for anything. He didn't lead me on or make me any promises. We shared a single night together – an amazing night – but one night, nonetheless. If I'm smart, I will walk out that door, head back to my hotel, and move on with my life, without looking back. Despite the connection we share, I'm going to avoid getting attached to Brayden in any way, shape, or form. That is only going to end badly for me.

Brayden comes back into the room carrying a box. He lays it down on the bed and takes a step back, a smile on his face.

“Your outfit,” he says.

A small rush of excitement shoots through me as a I open the package. I've always liked surprises and I didn't actually get to see what he had picked out for me. Truth be told, I wish he hadn't bought anything for me at all. I hate to think that he's wasting money on me.

I take the lid off the box, setting it aside for now. After pushing the tissue aside to reveal its contents, I gasp. Picking up the dress, I hold it against my body and turn, looking at myself in the mirror. It's a vintage sleeveless dress with a V-neckline bracketed by a petite white collar. It's a pale mint green color with small white polka dots and is absolutely gorgeous.

“Put it on for me,” he says. “I want to see you in it.”

Brayden gives me a small smile before walking out of the bedroom, shutting the doors behind him. I admire the dress in the mirror for a few seconds longer before dropping my robe and slipping it over my head. I don't have my makeup bag with me, so I can't do anything about that situation. And all I can really do with my messy hair is pull it into a loose braid. At the moment, I’m afraid I look rather plain and ordinary - which given how lovely this dress is, is a shame.

In the box, I also find a pair of black designer heels, and put them on. Once I'm fully dressed, I turn to look at myself in the mirror again and spin around a few times, the flared skirt twirling with me. Even though I'm without makeup or a proper hairstyle, I still find myself feeling beautiful.

Walking over to the bedroom doors, I open them up and step into the living room. Brayden is sitting at the bar with a pair of mimosas and a plate of scones in front of him. When he looks over at me, his eyes widen, and I swear I can hear his breath catch in his throat.

As I cross the room toward him, I watch as he drinks me in - and I can honestly say I've never had a man make me feel so wanted. He looks at me like I'm the most beautiful creature he's ever seen, and it makes my insides ache. I feel the heat in my cheeks and know they're turning an unnatural shade of red.

“Jesus,” he says. “You are absolutely stunning.”

“Stop,” I say and look away from him, feeling too self-conscious to make eye contact. “I don't have any makeup on, my hair is a –”

Brayden moves so silently that I'm not even aware he's standing next to me until he takes me into his arms. He leans down, pulling my face up to his, and kisses me. It's a sweet, tender kiss that sets my insides on fire in an entirely different way.

I'm blown away by all the different facets of the personality of the man holding me. Last night, he was rough, commanding - the alpha-male. The man in charge. This morning, he was tender. Gentle. He took his time and seemed to enjoy every sensation just as much as the night before. And right now, he's acting like – I can't even explain it. It's almost – loving.

It all combines, making my head spin and leaving me confused. To be honest, I don't know what to think about any of it. There's a big part of me that likes it, as unexpected as this situation is. But there's another part of me, just as big, that's terrified of it.

Brayden steps back and flashes me a gentle smile. “Come,” he says. “Have a mimosa and a scone.”

“I should probably get back to the hotel,” I say. “Gabby will be worried.”

“I've already called for a car to come get you,” he says and looks at his phone. “It will be here in ten minutes, so you have time.”

“You've thought of everything, haven't you?” I say.

“I usually do.”

“Well then,” I say, “how can I say no?”

I sit down at the bar with him and pick up my glass of champagne. He follows suit and taps his glass against mine.

“What are we drinking to?” I ask.

“How about to amazing nights,” he says. “And even more amazing connections.”

He's looking directly into my eyes when he says it, leaving no doubt about the meaning behind his words. It turns my insides into jelly and I want nothing more in that moment than to kiss him. To have him right there on the bar. To feel him inside of me once again.

He's pushed so many buttons inside of me that if he asked me to explain, it feels like it would take the better part of a year. There's something about Brayden that has turned my world upside down and shaken me to my very core. It's something I now know I want but didn't even know I was craving. And now that I've had a taste of it, I only seem to want more.

And it's frustrating as hell because I know that this is something I cannot have. Not with the situation that I know is waiting for me back at home. I ruthlessly push the unpleasant thought away. Viciously. I want to focus on the here and now. I don't have to deal with reality for a few more days - so I won't. Until I have to face reality, I'll live happily in this fantasy life. I'll enjoy it. I'll enjoy every last damn minute of it. Because God knows, once I leave Las Vegas, I may never taste true happiness like this again.

With a maelstrom of thought and emotion swirling inside of me, I plaster on a smile and tap my glass to his.

“To amazing connections.”

Chapter Twelve


“Well, look what the cat dragged in,” Gabby says and laughs as I come through the door.

I look around, making sure we're alone. Knowing she was meeting a “friend” last night, I thought she might have brought him back here.

“Don't worry, I made him leave last night,” she says. “He wasn't worthy of a sleepover.”

I laugh. “Not worthy, huh?” I ask.

She sighs dramatically. “Two-pump chump,” she says. “It was over before it began. I certainly hope your night was more satisfying.”

“Actually –”

“Wait,” Gabby says as if something had just dawned on her. “That dress. It's fucking gorgeous, for one. But for two, I know you don't have a dress like that and I sure as hell know you didn't wear it to the club last night.”

I give her a modest twirl, showing it off, smiling wide. “Like it?”

She jumps to her feet and checks me out more closely. “Honey, I love it,” she says. “Did he take you shopping?”

R.R. Banks's books