Accidentally Married

“Mmm, I do,” she says. “Speaking of which...”

Her voice trails off as she starts to slide down my body, her hand already tightly locked around the base of my cock. But, I grab her by the arm and pull her back up, kissing her deeply instead. The fire inside of me is burning out of control and I need to have her. I need to have her right now.

I roll her onto her back, careful to not break our kiss. Any illusion that she was going to have total control over me now shattered. I pull back and smile at her for a moment, before reaching over to the nightstand and getting a fresh condom out of the drawer.

“I need to be inside of you, Holly,” I say. “I can't wait. I need you.”

“Then fuck me,” she moans.

I quickly tear open the wrapper and slide the condom on. I position myself on top of her and feel Holly wrap her legs around my waist in anticipation. I press the head of my cock against her opening and even through the rubber of the condom, I can feel the heat of her. She looks at me, her eyes wide, her lips slightly parted. She's waiting to feel my cock inside of her.

I lean down and kiss her slowly, letting her feel the passion I have for her. As our kiss grows in heat and intensity, her fingers entangled in my hair, I slowly push into her. Holly gasps as I slide into her wet opening, her face a mask of sheer ecstasy.

It's not long before I'm fully sheathed in her, stretching her open and filling her completely. She's a small woman and I groan, feeling how tight she is, pleasure shooting along my every nerve ending. I brace myself above her and Holly grips my shoulders, her nails digging into my flesh as I start to move within her.

I start off slowly, deliberately, taking my time to revel in the sensations her body sends through me. She arches her back upward as I drive my cock deep into her, a soft cry escaping her lips. Our bodies find a rhythm together, both of us moving as one. I kiss her mouth, running my tongue down her neck, and with one hand, cup her full, round breasts. As I pump my hips, I take a stiff nipple into my mouth, sucking on it and then give it a little nip, drawing a surprised yelp from her.

It feels like we've been plugged into an electrical socket. Our bodies are vibrating with pleasure. Unlike last night, which was definitely fucking, being with Holly this morning feels more like making love. Our movements are slow and deliberate. There's more care and concern. We both seem to be taking the time to relish in the pleasure we're bringing one another.

It’s different from last night, but no less intense. And certainly, no less pleasurable.

Holly looks up at me and smiles, as if she knows exactly what I'm thinking. And who knows? Maybe she does.

I feel the pressure building within me, my balls growing tight. I don't want this to end, but I'm too caught up in it, enjoying the sheer ecstasy I feel right now too much to stop. I feel my body tense and I force myself to slow down, wanting to extend this feeling as long as possible. However, Holly wraps her legs around me even tighter and arches her back, refusing to let me pull out.

“It's okay,” she says, obviously able to read my mind. “I want you to come, Brayden. I want you to feel good.”

“And I want you to feel good too, Holly.”

“I do,” she gasps, her cheeks suddenly flushing. “I really do. Let go, baby. Let go of that control. Just let go and come for me.”

I thrust my hips harder, driving deeper inside of her, and that's it for me. My body tenses and I shudder, a sound that feels half-animal passing my lips. I feel my cock start to pulse and throb and the next moment, I feel myself exploding within the condom. I cry out and grit my teeth as a wave of sensation crashes down over me.

As if my coming was the key that unlocked her own orgasm, Holly cries out as well, her nails digging into my flesh almost painfully as I feel the muscles inside of her spasming, tightening around my cock, as she's gripped by her climax.

We stare into each other's eyes as we ride out the pleasure that is washing over and through the both of us. The ecstasy rolls on for several moments, but I wish it could go on forever. Eventually though, it fades. After all, all good things must come to an end.

I roll over onto my back, trying to catch my breath. Holly collapses on top of me, her breathing every bit as ragged as my own. But the look of pure bliss on her face is unmistakable – and I'm sure it matches the look on mine.

“That's a pretty good way to start the day,” I say.

“Pretty good?” she asks, arching an eyebrow.

“I don't want it to go to your head or anything,” I say, teasing her.

She slaps me on the chest and laughs. “You're such an ass.”

“I take that as a step up from being a pig.”

“It's more of a lateral move.”

I run my hands through her hair and smile, as a strange feeling – something that I can’t quite identify - something I don't think I've ever felt before, washes over me. All I know is that, as I look up at Holly, with the morning sun pouring through the windows behind her, glinting off her skin and making her jade eyes sparkle, I realize it's something I could get used to.

It's a thought that is as strange as it is dangerous, and I quickly shut it down.

“You okay?” Holly asks.

I nod. “Better than okay,” I reply. “I just need a shower.”

She sniffs and makes a sour face. “I was going to say something, but...”

“Such a smartass,” I say.

“Damn straight.”

We climb out of bed and head for the shower, those dangerous thoughts pressing on my mind.

Chapter Eleven


“Seriously,” I say, “I have to go back to my hotel anyway. I'll just put my dress from last night back on. It's fine. No big deal. Really.”

Brayden scoffs and waves me off. Using the remote control for the television, I watch as he scrolls through the menu until he finds what he's looking for.

“There we go,” he says and punches the button.

He pulls up the Bellagio's in-house department store website. Or one of them, anyway. I'm sitting at the vanity, brushing my hair as he flips through different selections on the screen. He's in the dress section of their website and I can't deny, there are some gorgeous dresses on there. Most of them look like formal eveningwear though.

“Don't worry about it, Brayden.”

He looks at me and grins. “It's my money and my room, which means I can do whatever I please,” he says.

“Well, don't you sound like a petulant child?” I say and laugh. “What are you, five?”

He shrugs. “Based on the way you were moaning and carrying on last night and this morning, I'd give myself at least an eight. Maybe a nine.”

My eyes open wide and my mouth falls open at his remark, a laugh bubbling up and passing my lips. I pick up a washcloth and throw it at him. He just looks back at me, obviously quite pleased with himself.

“You're such a pig,” I say. “And I'd say you’re a solid seven. At best.”

He stands up and turns to me, his hands on the belt of his robe. “A seven, huh?” he asks. “Well, maybe we need to go another round to see if I can improve that rating.”

“Don't worry,” I say. “I'll make sure I give you a Yelp rating of eight, just to make you feel better. Wouldn't want to diminish your prospects or bruise your ego.”

Brayden laughs and chucks the washcloth back at me. As what I just said registers, I find myself cringing at the thought of his “other prospects.” I don't know why, but the idea of him being with another woman sends a sharp stab of pain through my heart. I don't like it. Nor do I understand it.

It's such a strange situation – so bizarre in its normalcy. Everything between us seems so normal, even though it shouldn't. We haven't even known each other for a full twenty-four hours. Despite that fact, being with Brayden feels so familiar. I can't explain it, and it makes no sense to me, but his presence is almost comforting.

R.R. Banks's books