Accidentally Married

I've never been told no in the bedroom before. I've never been managed or handled the way Brayden did tonight. Telling me what I can do and when I can do it. Or, in this case, when I can't. It's unlike anything I've experienced before and not only is it confusing – I'm slightly ashamed to admit that I was aroused by it.

I'm a strong and proud woman. A woman who doesn't like to be told what to do or when to do it. And yet, in a strange way, it was liberating to hand over all my power and control to Brayden. Having him dictate my every move was sexy as hell. I'd be lying if I said it didn't turn me on. Because it did. A lot.

He runs his hands lazily through my hair, neither of us speaking, just enjoying the moment. It's not long though, before I feel my eyes growing heavy. I feel spent and my body is now reminding me of the fact. I hear Brayden's slow and even breathing and know that he's already dropped off to sleep.

I know I should get out of bed, dress, and head to my own hotel. I shouldn't stay. But, there's something about Brayden that makes me feel so comfortable. That makes me feel – safe. It's the strangest feeling in the world and certainly not something that I've ever experienced before.

It feels really good. Completely unexpected and somewhat disorienting, perhaps, but good. Damn good.

But then again, maybe I've had too much to drink tonight. It’s also entirely possible that my head is just fuzzy with post-coital bliss. I don't know. All I know is that I really should get out of here and back to my hotel.

And that's when the darkness creeping in at the edges of my vision, the siren song of sleep echoing out of the shadows, beckons me to sleep. Okay, I'll take a quick nap. Just a short nap to get my head on straight. And then I'll go back to the hotel. I'm sure Gabby is worried about me.

Just a bit of sleep, and then I'll get up and go...

Chapter Ten


The desert sun streaming in through the uncurtained windows pulls me out of sleep and I groan, rubbing my blurry eyes. I look down and see Holly curled up in bed next to me, her long red hair fanned out on the pillow, the morning sun making her alabaster-colored skin glow.

Rolling onto my side, I prop myself up on my arm and look at her. She's beautiful. But more than that, I feel like I have a real connection with her. She's sharp, witty, funny, and a great conversationalist. She gives as good as she gets and has a warped sense of humor – two traits that I find to be very admirable.

It's rare that I find a woman I enjoy talking to and who is what she appears to be. Most women I've dated over the years have an ulterior motive and want something from me. They either crave the lifestyle I lead or the wealth I have. And honestly, those relationships left me feeling very cold and ambivalent about the whole dating process.

But with Holly, it already seems different than with those other women. I know it's insane, given that we barely know each other. For Christ’s sake, we only met last night. But despite that, I feel like we have really connected with one another. On levels that I can't even begin to comprehend just yet.

I reach out and brush a few loose strands of hair off her face, pushing them back behind her ear. I gaze at her, memorizing her face, taking in the smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose, her smooth skin, and how her body feels pressed against mine.

And as I look at this picture of perfection before me, I find my mind drifting back to the night before and I recall the feeling of her body, the sensation of moving inside of her. Of having her mouth on me. I remember the scent and taste of her. As memories from the night before flood my mind, I feel lust stirring within me once more. I close my eyes and try to shut it down. Gritting my teeth, I try to resist the urges flooding my body.

When I open my eyes again, Holly is looking straight at me, a little smile pulling at the corners of her mouth.

“Well, I guess I don't need to ask you what you're thinking about,” she says.

“That obvious, huh?”

“Well, the fact that you're poking my leg is a pretty dead giveaway.”

I look down and realize that she's right – my erection is pressing against her leg. It leads to an awkward moment of silence between us, which is quickly followed by a burst of laughter. She gives me a quick peck on the lips and starts to pull away, still smiling, but I gently tug her back to me. I look her in the eye and then press my mouth to hers, kissing her deeply.

As our tongues swirl around one another, the fire inside of me grows – as does my cock. Holly reaches down and takes it in her delicate hand, giving it a tight squeeze. I start to reach for her hand, but she pulls back, a stern look on her face.

“No,” she tells me. “You don't get to call the shots today.”

A seductive smile crosses her lips as she takes my hand, moving it above my head as she rolls me onto my back. She takes my other hand and places it on top of the first.

“Put them behind your head,” she commands.

“Think you're in charge, do you?”

“I know I am.”


“Stop talking,” she says. “Or I'll give you something more productive to do with that mouth.”

“Please do.”

There's a twinkle in her eye, a flirty grin on her lips, and a defiant tilt to her head. But, I do as she asks and put my hands behind my head. I'll go along with her demands. For now.

“Good boy,” she says, drawing a laugh from me.

She presses a finger to my lips and starts to climb up my body. There's a profound look of desire in her eyes and seeing her stare at me the way she is does nothing but turn me on. I must have this woman again. My body is already crying out for her.

Holly looks down at me, our eyes locked together, as she moves to straddle my face. Lowering herself down on me, I take a deep breath of her sweet aroma, as her juices drip upon my lips.

“Now, put your mouth to good use,” she says, her voice a bit husky.

I comply quickly, flicking out my tongue and running it around her wet, swollen lips. She throws her head back and moans as, I plunge my tongue into her, reveling in how she tastes. I start to move my hands, wanting to get a grip on her ass, but she smacks them away.

“Behind your head,” she says. “No hands.”

With a smile, I do as she asks, locking my hands behind my head. Holly leans forward, and begins gripping the headboard, grinding her dripping wet pussy on my face. I suck and lick at her, nipping her clit, and fucking her mercilessly with my tongue. She moans and cries out as she rides my face, her body tensing.

I'm not a man used to taking orders. I'm the one who gives them in both the boardroom and the bedroom. And yet, a little thing like Holly telling me what to do is strangely erotic. Having her call the shots, turning over my power to her is – well – different than anything I’ve experienced. And if I'm being honest, it is intoxicating. It's turning me on to the point that my stiff erection is growing slightly painful.

Holly moves and grinds herself against my mouth, and I lick and suck on her hot, wet pussy in time with the motion. Her grip on the headboard tightens and she cries out as I slide my tongue as deep into her as possible, relishing the taste of her. Relishing the feel of her.

I move to take her clit in my mouth and suck hard on it, drawing a cry of absolute ecstasy from her lips.

“God, Brayden,” she calls out. “Yes, god, yes!”

Her thighs tighten around my head as I give her clit another hard suck, pushing her over the edge. I feel her body tense and she lets out a stuttering gasp as she lets go. Holly’s body shudders and she throws her head back, calling out my name as she climaxes hard.

Eventually, she comes down as her orgasm subsides and she looks down at me, a shy, crooked smile on her face.

“Amazing,” she gasps. “You are a magician with that tongue.”

“I've been told I'm pretty good with the wand, too.”

She laughs and shakes her head. “Such a pig.”

“Good thing you like bacon.”

R.R. Banks's books