A Leap in the Dark (The Assassins of Youth MC Book 2)

“No dildo. Just show me how much you love to suck—ah!”

She just jumped right on in, that girl. She wrapped her luscious lips around my dickhead and plunged it into her mouth, sucking away for dear life.

Simultaneously, she took my oily balls into her hands and massaged. I had to hold the top of her skull, pushing her away from me a little, to prevent from flooding her mouth with jizz. Unbidden, the thought of that asshole Italian boyfriend popped into my mind. I was going to make damned sure he was out of the picture. What if he begged her to come back?

Anger at that faceless moron propelled me now. Instead of pushing Oaklyn away, I cradled her to my groin. She sucked even more enthusiastically, as though I were a Popsicle on a hot summer day. When she boldly slipped one of her creamy fingers up my ass, I nearly lost it. She was worshipping me with her mouth and both hands, while wearing a nurse’s uniform to boot. A long, low keening like a lonely elk on a foggy day came from somewhere in the pit of my stomach.

Was that me? I’d been the recipient of a thousand perfunctory blowjobs in my time, but only maybe one percent of them had involved a shred of emotion. Now that I thought I might be falling in love with Oaklyn, I found the emotion mobilized the action. It lubricated the sense of pleasure, so to speak, enhancing everything to such a degree I couldn’t have held back even if I wanted to. So fucking embarrassing, coming that fast.

But her slippery little nurse’s finger tickled inside my ass, finding that sweet spot the purple beaver had found, and I lost it. Every muscle in my body seized up as I threw my head back, my mouth open in a silent scream. Wave after wave of blissful euphoria gripped me as I spewed into her mouth.

My ass clenched her finger but she never gave up the tickling. It soon became unbearable, and then I really had to put my palm against her forehead and shove. She detached from me with a loud popping sound like a wine bottle cork, falling back on her ass, her mouth still in the shape of my cock.

I collapsed back on my heels, my prick jutting toward the ceiling, hard, red, stimulated. I panted, trying to come down from my high. My head swam in confusion. Was it night or day? I didn’t know—the curtains were closed.

“Wow,” Oaklyn breathed, clambering to her feet. She stalked off unsteadily on extremely tall heels. I was still in a guest room, so she had to go down the hall to use the bathroom I shared with Deloy.

I opened the curtains so I could see the rainbow-colored pinnacles of Zion. I fell back into bed, propped up by the headboard. Reflected sun from the orange peaks flooded my room. Deloy was in the kitchen rattling stuff around, percolating the coffee, sizzling something in a frying pan. That was good. We both relied too much on packaged food grabbed somewhere. At Liberty Temple I was the grand chef, but here, I had no pots and pans. And just because I wasn’t performing like a trained seal anymore didn’t mean I should let myself go to pot. My equipment from my weight room was coming down in the next moving van load. I hoped Oaklyn would agree to use the fourth bedroom as a workout room.

What am I thinking? These were totally domestic, and therefore foreign, thoughts to me. Oaklyn padded back into my bedroom. She sat on the bed beside me without closing the door behind her. That was when the aroma of bacon wafted into my nostrils. My stomach growled as if in agreement.

“You still don’t have a condom?” Oaklyn teased.

I grinned lazily. “I do. I’m just enjoying drawing this out, making it last. These are images that’ll never go away, will stick with me forever.”

“You in a leather cock ring.”

“You in your nurse’s uniform with a lace bra and high heels.

‘When the stars threw down their spears

And watered heaven with their tears

Did he smile his work to see?

Did he who make the Lamb make thee?’”

She actually blushed. “You have so much more book learning than I do.”

I frowned. “Talk about book learning. You’re a registered nurse. Did you know that most of the universe consists of matter that science hasn’t been able to see?”

She nodded. “Dark matter. That’s you. And I’m starting to see things your way, too. You’re just a lone agent operating in a valley of doubt. I can see that your faith in your religion was completely crushed when—what happened to you happened. Why would you continue to believe in a cult that had devastated you and left you for dead?”

“Now you’re getting it.”

Layla Wolfe's books