A Leap in the Dark (The Assassins of Youth MC Book 2)

He wasn’t resisting. I made a giant swipe for a jar of coconut oil on the nightstand. As befitted his former and current jobs, he was an organized, clean man—a nice change from all the slobs I’d known. The oil was the only thing on the nightstand aside from his charging phone. He was having some furniture shipped down soon, as was I.

I swabbed a good dollop of the rich white stuff and touched it to his balls. His deep groan encouraged me, and my fingers slithered around his full, taut ballsac. His eyes closed again, and the groans resounded through his torso, vibrating the balls I caressed. Working with two greasy hands now, I tickled the corona of his penis while fondling his balls. His face went slack with concentration. He raised his hips a little, allowing the weight of his cock to fall into my palm. I squeezed and jacked him, murmuring helpful, nurse-like words.

“You have to trust me. I know what I’m doing. I have to feel how responsive you are to my touch.”

“Very responsive,” he groaned.

His cock was slippery beneath my fingers. A drop of semen glistened at the tip and I swiped it, adding it to the lubrication. “Well, we don’t know yet for sure. I’ll have to do further testing. Further probing.”


This was where I worked my magic. I’d secreted a bright purple dildo in one of my pockets. I’d planned to use it for other purposes, but this use just presented itself to me.

I pressed the bulbous tip—the hat of the little beaver, as it turned out—against his puckered hole. He grunted, but didn’t try to avoid the pressure. I rotated the purple wand, rubbing in a clockwise manner until Levon started gyrating his hips to match me. It was a sight to see, his thighs splayed as he allowed himself to be stimulated, his shiny almost purple phallus jutting out from under his hip.

He sucked in air when I nudged the latex scepter up his ass an inch. Still, he made no sign of resistance. I kept on in that smooth nurse’s tone.

“Just relax and it’ll soon be over. Here, you can help me by getting to your knees.” He did, like a zombie, balancing himself by grabbing the headboard. Now I could kneel behind him and freely jack his beautiful, thick cock while reaming him with the lavender rodent. “Does it hurt? You should feel nothing but pleasure. I can tell by how tight and hot your penis is that you’re building to the resolution of this crisis.”

“Oh, God, yes,” he groaned. “Nothing but pleasure. Don’t stop, nurse.”

But just as soon as I got up a good rhythm, Levon stopped me. I was starting to get the hang of corkscrewing that dildo up his ass while frigging his cock with the other hand when he grabbed my wrist. Twisting to face me, I had no choice but to slide the beaver from him.

His face had changed. It was like he’d put on a new mask. “Now,” he said with a brisk, authoritative tone. “You’re going to kneel on that floor and worship my cock.”

My lips parted, but no sound came out. He whacked the dildo out of my hand, and it spun harmlessly on the carpet.


Truth was, Oaklyn was getting the better of me with that dildo.

She was making me look bad—ruining my self-image as a power top.

In my old job, I was willing to be anything the client wanted me to be. Some women liked to dominate men, and that’s why I started going under for Oaklyn. She might be a switch—someone who can flip the tables depending on her mood. And who’d complain about a nice latex dildo up his ass, tickling his sweet spot at the back of the prostate gland?

But ultimately I couldn’t give up control to Oaklyn. She was dressed as a sexy nurse—was that her actual nurse’s uniform? And surprisingly, within minutes had aroused the slumbering me to the point of climax. I was going to switch it up on her.

“You’re going to kneel on that floor and worship my cock,” I said.

Instantly the lopsided lewd expression vanished from her face. She was merely a nurse holding a purple beaver, wondering where she’d left the blood pressure cuff. The control and power surged in my chest, and I belted the beaver from her hand. No one was going to put me in a subservient position again. Taking her by the wrists, I showed her what I meant. She fell to her knees clumsily. I could see that it hurt, but I wasn’t all about the comfort, not just yet. I had to go to my duffel bag and remove an item that was perfect for this scene.

I kneeled back on the mattress, my erection at her eye level. My cock was still greasy with the coconut oil she’d been jacking me with. I was proud of my long, fat dick. I knew it was a source of amazement and sometimes fear for people. I didn’t sense fear in Oaklyn. True to her medical nature, she was really a curious creature, and when I put the leather cock ring in her hand, she seemed to know what to do.

That was sort of disconcerting. She’d presented herself as a woman with a limited sexual background. Well, it was pretty obvious, just snap the thing on at the base. Constricting the blood flow in my cock like that was a form of auto-prick torture. Already I was climbing to the top of the wall with the edgy, tingling need to come.

“Worship me with your mouth and hands.”

“No dildo?”

Layla Wolfe's books