Red Ribbons

Kate looked down to both girls’ hands, their small, delicate fingers intermingled, looking almost like stone. Standing back from the photographs, something else struck her. It was as if both girls were kneeling, reminding Kate of stone guardian angels you would see in a graveyard, erected in memory of the dead. Once the connection was made, each time she looked at the images, Kate kept seeing the very same thing.

When she heard Declan putting his key in the door, she opened the door of the study and went out to them. Charlie was asleep on his dad’s shoulders, exhausted from the park. Declan put his index finger up to his lips, signalling for her to keep quiet. As she still hadn’t finished her report, Kate was relieved to see her son asleep. Declan went in the direction of Charlie’s bedroom and she left him to it, slipping back into her study to finish the report.

It was past nine o’clock by the time she was ready to phone O’Connor. Everything in the report had been composed based on logical reasoning, but there were other elements that had crept into her mind over the course of the evening, elements she couldn’t include, not yet.

Report on the Murders of

Caroline Devine and Amelia Spain Compiled by Dr Kate Pearson Crime scene characteristics:


Secondary crime scenes.

Both burials detailed.

High level of intimacy demonstrated (perceived or otherwise) with victims.

Minimal trace evidence gathered from secondary crime scenes.

No sign of sexual assault. (See cause of death and body markings below.)

Difficult terrain.

Location: Dublin Mountain Zone.

Large stone deposits both locations.


Ease of access to city.

Contrasting site characteristics:

(Site A)

Area of natural beauty, stream, views of surrounding forests, heather, large elderberry tree, abundance of birdlife, green and luscious.

(Site B)

Special Area of Conservation – grave area particularly barren, little or no natural greenery, flatter land contours, calcareous bedrock.

Cause of death:

Asphyxiation, in both cases.

Injuries to victims:

(Caroline Devine)

Pressure markings on victim’s neck – manual strangulation.

Multiple blows to head. Blunt force trauma, causing large loss of blood.

(Amelia Spain)

Ligature markings on victim’s neck, strangulation by form of cable/cord.

Bruising to face – no blood loss.

Positioning and observation of victims:

Preadolescent females.

Similarity of build/facial features and hair colouring.

Both girls physically fit: swimmers.

Both put in foetal position (rigor forced with first burial).

Hair plaited.

Hair tied with red ribbons (identical ribbon used).

Hands joined together (fingers intermingled as if in prayer).

Earrings missing from Caroline Devine.

Cross/Crucifix on silver-plated chain left with Caroline Devine, around her neck.

Clothing – School Uniform (Caroline) versus jeans and tracksuit top (Amelia).


Caroline Devine – Victim last seen mid-afternoon.

Amelia Spain – Victim last seen early evening.

Inferences (behavioural factors):

Killer may have certain specifications that his victims needed to fulfil (physical similarities), and perhaps personality traits.

Killer wasn’t sloppy, demonstrating a high level of intelligence. (Research has established that the more organised and methodical a killer, the more intelligent he is likely to be.)

Tidiness of crime scenes consistent with ability to desensitise, compartmentalise events, perhaps to the extent of externalising blame. Psychopathic reasoning – may believe his victims have let him down.

Could be familiar with the area or, in Caroline Devine’s case, may have an attachment to it, other than the privacy offered.

Both burials occurred during hours of darkness. This and the physical act of burying victims mean, if he acted alone, the killer was physically fit, male most likely, and capable of managing a difficult terrain. Possibly someone at ease with the outdoors.

Blows to the head in the case of Caroline Devine, at odds with second murder – could be the result of the killer becoming panicked or angry.

Ability to strangle defenceless victims, capable of disconnection.

Ribbons/plaiting/positioning of victims – aspects of burials giving value to him.

Details of first postmortem – killer prepared body elsewhere, someplace he felt safe.

Blows to the head of Caroline Devine frenzied as noted above, could have been reactionary. Bruising and killing of Amelia most likely planned.

No indicators that either attack was sexually motivated.

Attention to detail – burial crafted.

Risk-taker within controlled parameters. Abduction of Caroline Devine in broad daylight. Likely to have taken risks before – burglary or other similar offences.

Calmness, planning, attention to detail, ability to develop trust with victim, indicating older/mature person, and someone not perceived as a threat.



Physically fit

Outdoor recreational interests

Age profile 30 +



Working in professional environment


Repeats behaviour

Lives alone

Risk-taker – history of burglary/similar offences

Attention to detail – high

Level of control – high

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