Picture Me Dead

“Hey, if you want to get back quickly, we can just grab a cab,” Karen said.


Len stepped in gallantly with the obvious. “Don’t be silly. We can escort Ashley to her car, and then I’ll be happy to drive you both home.”


“Len, you’re a sweetheart. Are you sure you don’t mind?” Ashley asked. “I really am anxious to find out what he wanted.”


“Sure, no problem.”


They walked her to her car, and as soon as she had managed to say goodbye, she was gone.


She had a hard time sticking near the speed limit. She couldn’t wait to get home.




Len Green dropped Jan off first. Then, once he was alone with Karen, he took the conversation to a more personal level.


“Ashley’s doing really well in the department, even if she’s going to be a civilian employee for a while. Dilessio is one of the most respected men on the force.”


“And a hunk, too,” Karen commented, then turned to him. “Not that everyone likes the brooding type, you know. I mean, I’m not sure he’s the type to ever loosen up, just have fun. I don’t even know the guy. But…well, you know…he seems very serious. And take you. You’re a cop, dedicated to your work, but yet look how much fun we had the other night. I hope I remembered to thank you for such a great evening.”


Len smiled at her. “You did,” he said softly. She was close to him. Friendly, warm…eager? He suddenly wanted to know her better. A lot better. “So…you’re coming with us to celebrate Ashley’s promotion, huh?”


“Of course, since we’re invited. We don’t mean to horn in.”


“You won’t be horning in at all.”


“There’s my place,” Karen pointed out.


He pulled into the driveway. “Cute little place. You live alone?”


“I do. It’s not a mansion, but I own it. Well, the bank and I own it.”




“Want to come in and see it?”


“I’d love to. Are you sure it isn’t too late?”


“No, no, not at all. I get up about six-thirty every morning, but I never go to sleep before midnight. Please, come on in. I can make coffee, tea…whatever. Or you’re welcome to a beer. Whoops, sorry, you’re a cop, and you’re driving….”


“We could have a beer—and then the coffee,” Len said.


Karen smiled slowly. “Sure.”


They went in. Karen proudly showed him her place. It was small, but nice, and old, considering the area.


“There are a number of places from the late twenties around here. Back then, of course, we would have been in the boondocks, the eye of the swamp. No, what am I saying? The Everglades isn’t really a swamp since the water is always moving.”


He laughed. “I get what you mean.”


“Well, I’ll get that beer…and put the coffee on for after,” Karen said.


She got the beer, turned on the stereo, and they sat on the antique sofa in her living room, talking about their jobs. After a while, she caught him staring at his empty bottle. “I’d offer you another, but…driving under the influence and all.”


“Well, yeah, another glass would be good, but…”


“Hey, this is a fold-out bed. You’re welcome to stay.”


She was right beside him, her long legs curled beneath her. Their faces were close. He touched her chin. “I don’t know that I could make myself stay on the sofa,” he said softly.


He heard the soft inhalation of her breath. “I’m not sure I’d want you to stay on the sofa,” she told him.


He leaned close and kissed her lightly. When they broke apart, her lips were moist, her breathing erratic.


“I’ll get you that beer,” she murmured.


She disappeared in the kitchen for what seemed like a long time. Then he heard her call his name, and he turned. She was in the doorway to the bedroom. No subterfuge. She was naked. Long, lean, beautiful—and naked.


He wondered why he felt such a sudden surge of fury.


Seemed like all women were sluts these days.


The tension in him increased.


He rose, feeling his fingers knot at his sides in anger.


“I’ve got your beer in here,” she said. Soft voice, sexy, sensual.




“Is it?” he replied, just as softly. She left the doorway. He followed. She had moved to the bed and she was stretched out invitingly. He stared at her for a long moment, feeling every muscle in his body tighten. This was Ashley’s friend. Ashley.


“Officer?” she teased softly.


He moved toward her. And then she screamed.


But only for an instant.




Ashley parked her car in her spot, then went around the back, hoping the terrace would be empty. A few of the tables held customers, but they all seemed to be couples, out for an intimate evening. She ignored the walkway to the terrace and hurried along the path to the docks instead.


As she neared Jake’s houseboat, she slowed her footsteps, hesitant. He had said he wanted to talk to her, but still, she felt awkward.