Picture Me Dead

“Hey,” she said.


“Hey back. I thought I’d come show solidarity. I told the Fresias I’m just a beat cop, but if I can do anything, they’re more than welcome to let me know.”


“Great. That was really nice of you.”


“And now we have an escort through the parking garage,” Jan said happily.


“A tall, handsome escort,” Karen said lightly. “Who has his gun.”


“You need a gun in the parking garage?” Lucy said, troubled.


“Oh, you know, dark and shadowy out there,” Ashley said, frowning at Karen. She didn’t want the Fresias worrying about her coming to see Stuart at night. “We’ll get out of here now, let you get your rest,” she told the Fresias. Goodbye hugs and kisses were shared all around, and they departed.


“Ashley,” Karen said, when they stepped out of the elevator into the parking garage, “don’t you think you should tell the Fresias you thought you were being stalked in the parking garage?”


“You didn’t tell me anything about that,” Len said reproachfully.


“I never had a chance,” Ashley told him. “And what am I going to say? Everyone thinks I’m nuts, thinking I was being stalked by someone in hospital greens in a hospital.”


“I’ve never thought you were nuts,” Len told her.


“I don’t want them to worry needlessly. They’ve got enough going on,” Ashley said.


As they walked, Karen suddenly came to a dead stop. “Shush!” she said.


“What?” Jan demanded.


“Footsteps. Coming this way.”


“I am armed,” Len said. He spoke in a low tone. Then they fell silent.


“They’re coming from the elevator,” Karen whispered.


“Can you see?” Jan asked.


“Too many pillars in the way,” Ashley murmured.


“Stay still,” Len commanded, reaching beneath his windbreaker. He must be wearing a shoulder holster, Ashley thought.


“They’re still coming this way,” Karen breathed.


Yes, they were, Ashley thought. But they were firm, not stalking footsteps.


A figure appeared, coming closer, silhouetted by a spill of light from the overhead fluorescent lights.


Tall, dark…broad-shouldered.


Then he stepped closer and was illuminated by the full pool of the light.


“Jake Dilessio,” Ashley said, exhaling.


He saw them as they saw him, and his long strides continued in a no-nonsense fashion in their direction.


“It’s that guy you were drawing,” Karen said.


“He’s a cop,” Len said.


Ashley stared at him then. “You know him? Why didn’t you tell me he was a cop when we were in Orlando?”


He frowned at her. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. He was in Orlando?”


“No, no, I drew a picture of him. That night, at the club.”


Len was still frowning, totally puzzled.


“When I did the other sketches,” she said.


“He was paying the bill, Ash,” Karen said.


Then they all fell silent as he reached them.


“Detective Dilessio,” Len said. “What are you doing here?”


Dilessio arched a brow at Len. “I came by to check on Stuart Fresia. How about you?”


“Ditto. I’m a friend of Ashley’s,” Len explained.


“I see.”


“And these are two of my other friends, Karen and Jan,” Ashley said quickly. “I, uh, I didn’t know you and Len were acquainted.”


They all stared at her.


“They’re both cops, Ashley,” Karen said.


“There are thousands of cops in the city. They can’t all know one another,” Ashley said, defending herself quickly.


“I think everyone knows Detective Dilessio. He gave a number of crime scene lectures when I was in the academy,” Len said.


“You’re working in the south section of town now, right?” Jake asked Len.


He certainly seemed pleasant enough tonight, Ashley thought. Not the ogre she had encountered at the morgue.


“Yes, sir, I am.”


“You still like the work?”




“Did you find out anything new to tell the Fresias?” Ashley asked.


Dilessio turned his dark eyes on her. “No, I’m sorry. But I went by to tell them I’d spoken to Carnegie and would do what I could. They told me that you had just left. I was hoping to catch you.”




“I can see you’re with friends, though. We can talk later.”


“I’m dropping off Karen and Jan, and heading back to Nick’s,” she said.


“Great. I’ll take off and talk to you later. Karen, Jan, a pleasure to meet you. Len, nice to see you.”


“You, too, Detective,” Len said.


Dilessio walked off.


“What was that all about?”


“I did a sketch for him today. He probably wants something redone.”


“He shouldn’t track you down on your off hours for something like that,” Len said indignantly.


“No…no…I asked him to see if he could come up with any information on Stuart’s case for me,” Ashley explained quickly. “But I’m sure I can catch him when I get back to Nick’s.”