Love You More: A Novel

“Twenty-five weeks,” he supplied. “Live in dorms, only allowed home on the weekends. Not easy if you’re a solo parent.”

“I will have you know,” Mrs. Ennis said stiffly, “we all did just fine. Tessa completed her application before giving birth. She was accepted into the next recruitment class, when Sophie was nine months old. I know Tessa was nervous. I was, too. But it was also exciting.” The older woman’s eyes flashed. She considered D.D. “Are you a single woman? Have any children of your own? There’s something invigorating about embarking on a new chapter in your life, taking a risk that might provide a whole new future for you and your child.

“Tessa was always serious, but now she was dedicated. Diligent. She knew what she was up against, a single mother trying to become a police officer. But she also believed that becoming a state police trooper was the best shot she had for her and Sophie. She never wavered. And that woman, once she puts her mind to something …”

“Single, dedicated parent,” D.D. murmured.



“Always!” Mrs. Ennis said emphatically.

“What about when she graduated from the Academy,” Bobby spoke up. “You come to cheer her on?”

“Even bought a new dress,” Mrs. Ennis confirmed.

“Anyone else there in her corner?”

“Just us girls.”

“She’d have to start on patrol right away,” Bobby continued. “Working the graveyard shift then coming home to a small child …”

“She had thought to put Sophie in daycare, but I wouldn’t hear of it. Sophie and I had done just fine during our Academy days. Easy enough for me to cross the hall and sleep on Tessa’s sofa instead of my own. Then when Sophie was awake, I’d bring her back over to my place until after lunch so Tessa could get some rest. It was hardly a bother to entertain Sophie for a few hours. Lord, that child … All smiles and giggles and kisses and hugs. We should all be so lucky to have a little Sophie in our lives.”

“Happy child?” D.D. asked.

“And funny and feisty. Beautiful little girl. ’Bout broke my heart when they moved away.”

“When was that?”

“When she met her husband, Brian. He swept both her and Sophie off their feet. Regular Prince Charming. Least Tessa deserved, after working so hard on her own. And Sophie, too. Every girl should have a chance to be Daddy’s Little Princess.”

“Did you like Brian Darby?” D.D. asked.

“Yes,” Mrs. Ennis stated, though her tone was noticeably more reserved.

“How did they meet?”

“Through the job, I believe. Brian was a friend of another trooper.”

D.D. looked at Bobby, who nodded and made the note.

“He spend much time here?”

Mrs. Ennis shook her head. “Too small; it was easier for them to go to his place. There was a spell when I didn’t see Tessa or Sophie too much. And I was happy for them, of course, of course. Though …” Mrs. Ennis sighed. “I don’t have grandkids of my own. Sophie, she’s like my own, and I miss her.”

“But you still help out?”

“When Brian ships out. Those couple of months I come over, spend the night with Sophie, just like the old days. In the morning, I get her off to school. I’m also listed as an emergency contact, because with Tessa’s job, she can’t always be immediately available. So snow days, maybe Sophie isn’t feeling too good. I handle those days. And it’s no bother. As I said, Sophie’s like my own.”

D.D. pursed her lips, regarded the elderly woman.

“How would you describe Trooper Leoni as a mother?” she asked.

“There isn’t anything she wouldn’t do for Sophie,” Mrs. Ennis replied immediately.

“Trooper Leoni ever drink?”

“No, ma’am.”

“Gotta be stressful, though. Working, then coming home to a child. Sounds to me she never had a moment to herself.”

“Never heard her complain,” Mrs. Ennis said stubbornly.

“Ever get a call just because Tessa’s having a bad day, could use a little break?”

“No, ma’am. If she wasn’t working, she wanted to be with her daughter. Sophie’s her world.”

“Until she met her husband.”

Mrs. Ennis was silent for a moment. “Honestly?”

“Honestly,” D.D. said.

“I think Tessa loved Brian because Sophie loved Brian. Because, at least in the beginning, Brian and Sophie got along so well.”

“In the beginning,” D.D. prodded.

The older woman sighed, looked down at her tea. “Marriage,” she said, a weight of emotion behind the word. “It always starts out so fresh.…” She sighed again. “I can’t tell you what goes on behind closed doors, of course.”

“But …” D.D. prodded again.

Lisa Gardner's books