In the Dark

Well, attractive or not, hot in bed or not, Elizabeth Cameron held the key to his future. He hoped by now she understood that. His survival in the up coming mission depended upon his ability to fool the enemy.


The idea of sporting another man’s face held no real appeal, but if it got the job done Hennessey could deal with it. He could even man age to put up with the doc’s company for a couple of weeks and maintain the necessary level of restraint. What he wasn’t at all sure he could handle was her constant analysis.


He recalled quite well the way she’d studied him that one time. Her lover had apparently related a number of tales about the legendary Joe Hennessey, none of which had sat well with Miss Prim and Proper.


Half the stories were exaggerated and the other half were no body’s business. But that wouldn’t keep her from holding his past, real or imagined, against him.


Hennessey put his life on the line for his country all the time. The last thing he deserved was some holierthan-thou broad, however talented, treating him like he was the scum of the earth. Throw that in the mix with the undeniable physical at traction and he came up with distraction.


He’d learned the hard way that if a guy thought with his privates in this business he ended up dead. He’d had his share of ladies along the way, but he never let one distract him from the mission.


He didn’t intend to start now.


The door swung open and Hennessey came to attention. A leftover habit from his days in Special Forces. Anytime a superior officer was about, he came to attention as was expected.


Directors Calder and Allen moved into the corridor, closing the door behind them. A frown pulled at Hennessey’s mouth. Where was the woman? He’d thought the plan was for him to be called in once they’d broken the news to her. Had she out right refused to do the job?


That would be just his luck. Damn. He wanted the best. And she was it.


“Agent Hennessey,” Calder announced with out preamble, “Dr. Cameron would like to see you now.”


Hennessey blinked. “Alone?” He didn’t relish the idea of the confrontation with no one else around to temper it.


Calder nodded. “She hasn’t committed to the request. She insists on speaking to the operative as signed to the mission first. If she continues to resist, you have my authorization to enlighten her.” He qualified his statement with a warning, “Her participation is essential, but she doesn’t need to know any more than absolutely necessary.”


With a heavy exhale and a nod of understanding, Hennessey stated for the record, “Yes, sir.”


As he reached for the door, Dawson stopped him with a hand on his arm. “I know your reputation, Agent Hennessey,” he cautioned quietly. “Don’t do any thing you’ll regret. Dr. Cameron is a nice lady.”


“I think Agent Hennessey is aware of proper protocol,” Director Calder suggested, his tone as stern as his expression. He would tolerate no roadblocks now or later. The reprimand was meant for both Dawson and Hennessey.


For the first time since going to the hospital to pick up the good doctor, Hennessey removed his eyewear. He’d worn the dark glasses in side purposely, to remain anonymous until the decision was final. Apparently there was going to be no help for that now. He hoped like hell she wouldn’t let that one night influence her decision.


Hennessey leveled an unflinching stare on Dawson. “I have never jeopardized a mission or an asset.”


“Just remember,” Dawson persisted despite the director’s warning, “that she is a very valuable asset.”


Hennessey shoved his sunglasses back into place and opened the door. He didn’t need Dawson telling him how to do his job. He had no intention of getting tangled up with Dr. Cameron. There might be some sexual energy bouncing back and forth between them, but she definitely was not his type.


Opinionated women were nothing but a pain in the ass.


Like he’d said before, some things don’t require thought.




Elizabeth couldn’t shake the idea that she knew the other agent. There was definitely something familiar about him. That mouth…the way his presence overwhelmed the atmosphere around him.


It couldn’t be him.


She would remember if it was him. It wasn’t like she could forget that night. That one night. She shivered. She’d tried not to think about it, but every now and then it poked through the layers of anger and guilt she’d piled on top of the memory. He’d practically held her hostage. He’d made her feel things she hadn’t wanted to feel. A hot, searing ache, a yearning deep down in side her. It had been wrong. A betrayal. And with him no less. David had told her all about Special Agent Joe Hennessey. His dark, alluring charm that the la dies couldn’t resist; his ruthless single-mindedness. An agent like no other.


She wondered if David would have spoken so highly of him if he’d known how close his supposed friend had come to seducing her…how close she’d come to allowing it?


Heather Graham's books