In the Dark

Elizabeth realized then that Director Allen was in charge of the field agents who most often needed her services.


“I’m glad I can help, Director Allen,” she told him in all sincerity. It felt odd now that she’d never met him before. Need-to-know, she reminded her self.


There was an awkward moment of tense silence before Calder said, “Elizabeth, please have a seat and we’ll talk.”


The director ushered her to the chair next to the one he’d vacated when she’d entered the room. Allen seated him self directly across the table from her.


The air suddenly thickened with the uneasy feel of a setup. This was not going to be the typical briefing. There was no folder marked classified that held the case facts of the agent who needed a new face. There was nothing but the high sheen of the mahogany conference table and the steady stares of the two men who obviously did not look forward to the discussion to come.


To get her mind off the intensity radiating around her, Elizabeth took a moment to survey the room. Richly paneled walls similar to those of the director’s office several floors overhead gave the room a feeling of warmth. Royal blue commercial-grade carpet covered the floor. The array of flags surrounding the CIA emblem on the rear wall and the numerous plaques that lined the other three lent an air of importance to the environment. This was a place where discussions of national significance took place. She should feel honored to be here. What ever she could do for the CIA was the least she could do for her country, she reminded herself.


Elizabeth clasped her hands atop the conference table, squared her shoulders and produced a smile for Director Calder. “Why did you need to see me, Director?” Someone had to break the ice. Neither of the gentlemen appeared prepared to dive in. Another oddity. What could either of these men, who possessed the power to start wars, fear from her?


Calder glanced at Allen then manufactured a smile of his own. “Elizabeth, I think you understand how important covert operations are here at the CIA.”


She nodded. Though she actually knew little about their actions, she did comprehend that covert field operatives risked their lives in positions deep under cover and generally in foreign countries.


“The men and women who make up the ranks of our field operatives are the very tip of the spear this agency represents,” he went on, verifying her assumption. “They are the forerunners. The ones who provide us with the data that averts disaster. They risk more than anyone else.”


Again she nodded her understanding. The knot in her stomach twisted as she considered why he felt the need to tediously prepare her for what ever it was he really wanted to say. Every instinct warned that things were not as they should be.


“During the past two and a half years we’ve counted on you more than a dozen times to provide a means of escape for our operatives. Your skill at creating new faces has allowed these men and women to avoid the enemy’s vengeance while maintaining their careers. With out your help, a number of those operatives would certainly have lost their lives.”


“There are other surgeons in your field,” Allen interjected with a show of his palms for emphasis. “But not one in this country is as skilled as you.”


Elizabeth blushed. She hated that she did that but there was no stopping it. She’d never taken compliments well. Though she worked hard and recognized that she deserved some amount of praise, it was simply a physical reaction over which she had no control. Her professional life was the one place where she suffered no doubts in regards to her competence. If only she could harness some of that confidence for her personal life.


“I appreciate your saying so, Director Allen,” she offered, “but I can’t take full credit. My ability with the scalpel is a gift from God.” She meant those words with all that made her who she was. A God complex was something she’d never had to wrestle with as so many of her colleagues did. She made it a point to remind her residents of that all-important fact as well. Confidence was a good thing, arrogance was not.


Director Calder braced his hands on the table in front of him and drew her attention back to him. “That’s part of the attitude that we hope will allow you to see the need for what we’re about to ask of you, Elizabeth.”


She didn’t doubt her ability to handle what ever he asked of her. In that vein, she dismissed the uneasiness and lifted her chin in defiance of her own lingering uncertainty. There was only one way to cut to the chase here—be direct. “What is it you need, Director Calder? I’ve never turned you down before. Is there some reason you feel this time will be different?”


Heather Graham's books