Ravage: An Apocalyptic Horror Novel

Cassie stared down at the floor sheepishly.

“She was just doing what she thought was right,” said Jan. “Trying to help me. I made a promise to protect her the day all this started. She probably feels she owes me.”

Annaliese sighed. “I’m sure she did just do what she thought was right. The problem with that, though, is that people have differing opinions on what’s right and what’s wrong.”

“We tried to talk it out,” said Dave. “But that loon came at me with a knife.”

Annaliese looked at Nick for verification. He shrugged at her. “It’s true. Shawcross was the one who got violent. He could have really hurt someone.”

“Well,” she said. “I doubt he would have done so unprovoked, but what’s done is done.”

“So what do you want to do?” Nick asked her. “Can we let Jan and Renee out?”

“Looks like the decision’s already been made. I don’t trust either of them, I’m not going to lie, but I trust you, Nick. If you think they should be free, then so be it. Just don’t make me regret it.”

“You won’t,” said Jan. “I promise.”

Annaliese looked at Jan and rolled her eyes. Then, without saying anything else, she exited the building through the window she came in by.

Shawcross stirred on the floor, moaning.

“What should we do with him?” Nick asked.

“Lock him in the cellar,” said Dave.

“No,” Jan objected. “Nobody else is being locked up. I think it’s time for a fresh start. An equal one. No more prisoners.”

“But he tried to stab me,” Dave cried out.

“And he got his clock cleaned for it,” said Jan. “He might have learned his lesson. If not, then he only gets this one chance.”

Dave huffed. “Fine, you just keep him the hell away from me.”

“I’ll personally guarantee it,” said Jan. “I appreciate you going to bat for me, brother.”

Dave nodded. “You’re welcome. Just be sure to make yourself useful.”

Eve climbed in through the window at that point. She headed over to Nick and placed a hand on his arm. “Anna just told me things were all sorted in here now.”

Nick sniffed. “Yeah, kind of…sort of…mostly. My hand is swollen from punching Shawcross, who tried to murder Dave, but other than that, everything is hunky dory.”

Shawcross continued moaning on the floor. He started to drag himself up.

Eve looked down at Nick’s injured hand and winced. “Wow, you must really have hit him hard.”

“Yeah, I suppose so. It’s fine, I’m sure; just bruised. Hopefully Shawcross will be okay, too.”

Eve grinned at him as though he was a misbehaving, yet amusing child. “Come on, let’s go back to the kitchen and bath it in some cold water.”

Nick felt the fuss was unnecessary, but it seemed important to Eve so he went with her. They headed behind the bar and went into the kitchen. The room was now filled with pots and pans full of water, intended to sustain them once the water stopped coming from the taps. Even now, it came only in tiny trickles. There had been a lot of discussion recently about using some of the water to wash with, but Shawcross and Dave had not been able to agree on the issue. Perhaps, now that Shawcross had been brought down a peg or two, Dave would start making decisions for the group unopposed. The thought sent a shiver down Nick’s spine.

Not sure I can figure the guy out. Having him as dictator may not be such a good idea.

“Over here,” Eve said. She stopped next to one of the kitchen sinks. “It’s not ice-cold, but it should be cool enough to stop some of the swelling.”

“You’re quite the nurse,” he said.