Vincent (Made Men, #2)

Jesus Christ, that’s a lot of suits.

There was a perfect line of suits separated by items. She didn’t think she was ever going to understand how in the world he was so immaculate. Not only did he keep his looks that way, but his house and even his goddamn closet were just as flawless.

Turning around and wanting to vomit from his sheer perfection, she caught a glimpse of herself in a mirror. She felt like one big, fat lie. Her makeup hid her flawed face, and her big, curled hair hid the fact that it was actually thin and paper straight. Hell, even her boobs were a lie in the corset, as it actually made them appear bigger than they were.

Seeing the outline of the wadded-up cash she had stashed in her boobs, she pulled it out and shoved them down in Vincent’s jacket pocket, which she was still wearing. It made her feel cheap in a way, and she was sure that Perfect Vincent could only like her for the same reason all the men downstairs did. In her mind, there was no way a god like him could possibly want a trailer trash, white girl like her.

Her eyes were caught by something in the mirror. Turning back around, she looked at the end of his closet. Everything was perfectly in place, but she noticed something sticking out.

Walking toward it, she grabbed a hangar holding a black garment. Why does he have this? Staring at it, she didn’t know what to think.

Lake’s eyes moved to the entry of the closet to see Vincent standing with nothing other than a towel wrapped around his hips.

“Did you keep Adalyn’s dress?” she asked, licking her dry lips.

He started going through his clothes, looking for something to wear. “Fuck no, I burned it.”

Lake looked back at the black dress she had worn that night to Poison. “Then why did you keep mine?”

“I couldn’t bring myself to burn it. You looked too fucking hot in it.”

“Okay, but why did you keep it?” she asked again. You don’t just keep a random dress in your closet for months.

When he didn’t answer her, just simply continued looking for clothes, she threw the dress down on the floor and started storming off. Fuck him. He is being a complete asshole today!

Vincent swiftly grabbed her as she passed by him, holding her close to his naked body. He pulled the back of her hair down to force her to look up at him. “I kept that dress because I wanted to see you in it again. Do you know why else I kept it?”

She softly shook her head as she forced herself to look down at his lips instead of his intense, blue eyes.

He gave a light tug of her hair, making her look back up at him. “Because I also plan to fuck you in that dress one day.”

“We’re just friends, remember?” She hated that it came out more breathy than she liked.

A smile touched Vincent’s lips. “Baby, you know damn good and well I don’t just want to be your friend.” He slowly moved his other hand up from her hip, over her chest and to her neck, letting his thumb rest right over his favorite spot, feeling the drum of her heart. “Is that what you want, to just be friends?”

Lake was under his control. He liked to do that when he wanted the truth from her. She could lie, but he would know it and make her pay for it, or she could tell the truth and it would stroke his already-massive ego. There was no winning.

“Y-Yes, I just want to be friends.”

He rubbed his thumb slower over her throat as he moved his face to where his lips were barely separated from hers. “You sure about that, baby? I’ll stop, I promise.”

Told you he would make you pay for it.

Lake stared at his lips, wanting him to kiss her again. Her body was on fire from wanting him to touch her more. She knew it was too late to turn back. There was no stopping a derailed train once it left the tracks.

“Please, don’t stop,” she whispered in defeat.

He moved his head to whisper in her ear, “I wasn’t going to.”

Lake shuddered when his lips kissed the sensitive part of her neck then sucked in a piece of her flesh.

She desperately wanted to grab him and feel his hard body, which was inches from hers, but she was afraid that, if she did, he would stop kissing her like he always had.

Vincent grabbed her bare shoulders under the jacket and started sliding it off until it fell to the floor. Then he leaned down and placed a kiss on the top of her shoulder.

“You are so fucking beautiful.” His hand went to the black zipper at the front of her corset, between her breasts.