Vincent (Made Men, #2)

Shaking them, she started to slowly bend over until her ass was perfectly positioned in his face. Coming back up, she sat on his lap, rolling her hips over him as she leaned her back on his chest. She turned her head to the side so she could look at him then brought her arm back to run down the side of his face.

When Vincent’s more-than-pleased expression inched closer to her lips, Lake danced off his lap, feeling more confident. I’m going to at least make this painful for him.

She turned to face him and sashayed down to a squat with her face between his knees. Smiling up through her lashes at him, she placed her hands on his thighs and ran them up his body until she sat back on his lap, facing him that time.

She could feel how hard he was as she let her ass dance against his dick. Her body wanted to burst into flames at feeling and seeing how badly he wanted her. The burning in her skin began to irritate her; she was supposed to be killing him, not her.

“It’s not your birthday,” she whispered in his ear.

He gradually moved one of his hands from the side of the chair and lightly placed it on her bare thigh, away from the view of the audience. “No, but it is now.”

Her breath caught in her throat as he moved his hand up her inner thigh. She found herself dancing her ass into him harder. She could see how badly he wanted her through his baby-blues, and she could definitely feel how badly.

His fingertips grazed her thigh, an inch away from her sex, making a flow of wetness escape her. Looking at his very close lips, she forgot about the world and edged closer, wanting, needing to taste him again…

The lights suddenly flew back on.

Lake jumped back up, coming out of her daze. She couldn’t get off the stage fast enough. Holy freaking hell! Her body was on fire.

“The song wasn’t fucking over yet,” Vincent hissed behind her as she started to pass Sadie.

“It was over when I saw that ninja hand of yours crawl up her snatch.” Sadie grabbed Lake’s hand, making her stay.

“So fucking what? No one else could see it!” He grabbed Lake’s other hand and tried to walk away with her.

“No way, playboy. You ain’t going anywhere with her. Lake’s shift isn’t over and if I let her go with you, she’ll be giving away her virginity against the bathroom stall.”

Lake’s face turned bright red. I’m right here!

Vincent gave Sadie his own look of death before he let go of Lake’s hand and walked away.

“Um, how the hell did you let that happen?” Lake looked at Sadie, wanting to shake her. It was finally sinking in what she had just done up there in front of everyone.

Sadie looked back at her stupidly. “Oh, gee, I don’t know. When that fucking prick came up to me and told me it was his birthday and that, if I had a problem with it, I could call his fucking father, naturally I said, ‘I don’t give a fuck who your father is.’ But when he told me Vitale is his last name, then I, of course, cared who the fuck his father is.”

“This is all your fault because you put me in this fucking outfit,” Lake told her, taking back her hand.

“Yeah, well, it would have been nice to know that playboy was Mr. Vitale’s son, wouldn’t it?”

Lake wasn’t going to let her walk away with the last word. “You know it wasn’t his birthday, right?”

“Bitch, I know that!” Sadie stormed off.

“Good, I was just checking!” Lake yelled back at her, concentrating on not trying to laugh.

As she headed back to her tables, Amo was standing against a wall smiling. “It’s my birthday today, too, you know.”

Lake pointed her finger right in his scary face. “You should be very, very afraid.”

Chapter Thirty-Nine

I Don’t Give a Fuck If Their Dads Are Jesus

After Lake got off the stage with Vincent, she still couldn’t keep her body under control. She found herself constantly looking back at him, which kept her aroused. Stop thinking about it!

Lake went to go check on the table where David was sitting. When her shift had started, she had felt something was off more than usual about him and as the night had progressed, the look in his eyes had only gotten crazier and crazier. As she got closer, she noticed an even more severe change in him.

“You doing okay, or would you like some more to drink?” she asked him, hoping he wouldn’t ask for more.

He and the men around the table who were getting free drinks off him were well inebriated by then. Down there, though, no one was ever cut off. That was one of the perks.

“No, we need another fucking bottle. Don’t we, gentlemen?” David looked around the table at all the men nodding and yelling in agreement. “Right, so hurry that sweet ass up and I’ll make it worth it.”

Lake nodded while, leaving the table, unable to even fake a smile. He was really starting to freak her out.