Vincent (Made Men, #2)

Vincent slid the card into the slot until the light flashed green. Then he opened the door and dragged her inside the darkly lit room.

She jumped when the door slammed shut behind her. “Vincent, w-where are we?” she whispered.

Looking around, she could barely make anything out, but her attention was drawn to a huge glass wall, which looked out over the night city. It was breathtaking.

When the lights flew on she blinked, adjusting to the brightness, and her mouth dropped open as she took in the huge space. Walking farther into the place, she knew it had to be the penthouses of all penthouses.

It was a very dark space. The walls were black along with mostly everything else. There were only hints of dark grays and silvers that came from various mirrored things. It was warm yet cool, inviting yet structured, and contemporary yet Victorian, all while being dark with no light. She never would have dreamed she would have liked something so obscure and free from anything bright, but she found it completely inviting and appealing.

Her hand ran over a black fur pillow, which sat on a huge, leather sectional. “This is your place, isn’t it?”


Lake looked back at him. “How long have you had it?”

He shrugged. “For a few months or so. I finished it just a little before graduation.”

Right before we saw each other again.

She didn’t know what had happened in those months after they had first kissed but whatever it was, she didn’t think the lightness in him came out very often during it. The dark side of Vincent mostly had its say in designing his place; however, she could see the few touches of his good side. Looking around, someone would think the two sides fought each other. However, they didn’t; they complimented each other and made the place one.

Looking back at him, she knew he was waiting for her approval as he stood in his bloodstained, white shirt.

“It’s perfect, Vincent.” Just like you.

Maybe she was crazy and demented for thinking that, but the way he always treated her made it easy for her to justify her feelings.

Lake walked toward him and the closer she came, the more tortured he looked.

“I need a shower.” He started unbuttoning his bloody shirt as he walked away when she got about a foot from him.

She stared at him blankly as he went up the glass stairs. The feelings of hurt and confusion returned, and she wrapped his jacket around her tighter in an attempt to hug herself. She didn’t understand what she was doing wrong, and the feelings she was getting from him were so mixed, only increasing her confusion.

He had flirted with her non-stop for a whole month, and just a short while before, he had basically forced her to perform a lap dance. Then, after months and months, they kissed in the elevator, only for him to reprove her by pulling away when she tried to kiss him back and pull him closer.

She had to admit that she wanted him so badly, and she knew he wanted her, too. She didn’t know how much longer she could take him pulling away from her, though.

Lake was getting sick at herself for how much her body wanted his after merely thinking about him unbuttoning the shirt riddled with bloodstains.

I’m just as insane.

Chapter Forty-One

Forgive Me, Father, For I Have Sinned

Lake slowly walked up the steps when she realized there was nowhere else to go. Vincent was her ride home and after the night he’d had, she knew running away from him wasn’t going to make him very happy. As much as she would like to run, it was only going to make things far worse for her. It definitely wasn’t wise to test Vincent after he had practically tried to kill a man. Besides, she had spent a month with him, day and night, and had learned how to handle him. Although, she did feel a little bit over her head as she realized their relationship might be taking a turn.

I’ve got this under control. Nothing is even going to happen.

Going up the last step, a huge bedroom greeted her, stopping her in her tracks. The big bed took center of attention, and it looked luxurious with the black silk sheets shining from the city lights.

Taking the last step and making it onto the second floor, she felt like she was on a balcony. You could see the rest of the apartment from the top. Lake particularly liked looking at the gourmet kitchen. A month before she might have been surprised, but with coming to know Vincent better, she had found out he enjoyed cooking and was surprisingly good at it.

The décor on the second floor matched the rest of the house, even if it was only one huge bedroom. Walking around, she could hear the shower running from behind a door. She wondered what magical things were in his bathroom, apart from his gorgeous body. She had a strong feeling the bathroom was just as awesome as the rest of his place.

Seeing another door, she went forward and opened it, revealing a huge closet.