The Belial Stone (The Belial Series)





Saint Paul, MN




In the living room of the suite, Jake glanced at the door Laney had closed. He’d taken a quick shower and changed. When he’d gotten back to the living room, he heard Laney’s shower still running. She’d been in there a long time. She’d only turned it off a short time ago. Maybe he should check on her.


He shook his head. Or maybe he should just give her some space. He leaned against the wall across from the door and stared at it.


He was out of his league here. If it were anyone else, he’d probably just bang on the door and tell them to get a move on. Here, he didn’t know what to do. Part of him wanted to kick down the door, hold her, and tell her everything was all right.


Another part told him he should just leave her alone. He was the last thing she needed right now. She’d been through hell and he’d failed to protect her. And besides, she was a professor with a nice normal life. What could he possibly offer her?


Jake leaned his head back and closed his eyes. He couldn’t get the image of Laney curled up and covered in blood out of his head.


He banged the back of his head against the wall in frustration. What the hell had he been thinking bringing her here?


He cursed himself for not taking stronger precautions. He didn’t think they’d follow them to Saint Paul. Why hadn’t he noticed the surveillance?


He’d been off his game this whole investigation. He didn’t know if it was because he was worried about Tom or because he was attracted to Laney. Generally, he knew the second someone glanced at him for too long. His platoon buddies use to joke that he was part psychic, he was so attuned to danger. Where was that ability lately?


Whatever the reason, his radar was off and Laney was paying the price for it. Well, this latest attack was the last straw. He might not know what to do about how he felt about Laney, but he sure as hell knew how to keep her from getting hurt again.


His head jerked up as the bedroom door opened. Laney stood poised in the doorway. She looked around the room before her eyes landed on him. Her eyes were red from crying. He wanted to kill those men all over again/


Jake pushed away from the wall. He opened his arms. She flew across the room and into them. Jake held her, his heart aching at the fear that trembled through her. She'd been so strong and handled so much. Damn them for doing this to her.


He couldn't let her be put in danger again. When the plane arrived, he was going to lay down the law – she was going back to Chandler Headquarters in Baltimore. At least if she was back in Maryland, he’d know she was safe.