The Belial Stone (The Belial Series)





Baltimore, MD




The wreckage of the Security Jeep cast a glow through the window of Henry’s office.


“We need to move now.” Henry pushed Patrick towards the door before running across the room to the conference table. He half-lifted, half-pulled Danny out of his chair.


“What’s going on?” Danny asked, panic filling his voice. With the noise-buffering windows and his focus on the monitor, he must not have heard Patrick and his conversation.


Henry pulled him towards the door. “The estate is under attack.” He looked back to see that the shooter in the helicopter had reloaded and was aiming for his office.


“Down!” Henry tossed both Patrick and Danny into the hall, before throwing himself on top of them.


He heard and felt the impact of the missile as it slammed into the wall to their right. A wall of flame shot above their heads. Henry rolled off them as the flames receded, his back stinging, smoke choking him. Patrick jumped to his feet, slapping Henry’s back to extinguish the flaming debris that had landed there.


Henry grabbed one of Danny’s arms, while Patrick grabbed the other. Together, they hustled him towards the stairs and down to the second floor.


Patrick started to head down to the first, but Henry grabbed his arm to stop him. “We need some supplies first.”


He crossed the landing to a section of wood paneling along the back wall and pushed a button concealed under the white chair rail. A small portion of the panel slid back, revealing a keypad. He entered a password and another larger panel to his left slid open. He pulled out an M4, a shotgun, two Berettas, and a bag of ammunition. The shotgun and one of the Berettas had been specially crafted to fit his larger hands.


He handed Patrick the M4 and, at the priest’s raised eyebrows, replied, “I’m very security conscious.”


Patrick nodded with a small smile and checked the weapon. Henry turned and handed Danny a Beretta with the safety on. Danny’s face was filled with fear. Henry’s heart clutched. He was supposed to be offering Danny a safe haven. The boy had experienced enough violence in his short life.


Gently, he wrapped Danny’s hand around the weapon. “It’ll be all right, Danny. It’s just in case. You won’t have to use it. I won’t let anyone hurt you. Okay?”


Danny nodded, fear causing his whole body to tremble.


Henry placed a hand on his shoulder and gave what he hoped was a reassuring squeeze. His throat felt thick when he thought of Danny being caught up in this.


Henry looked over at Patrick. He’d read up on him before he and Laney had arrived. The Scottish priest had been an incredible soldier in his day. The sight of the machine gun nestled familiarly in his arms gave him a sense of hope. Maybe they could survive this. But looking at Danny, he promised that regardless of the cost to himself, Danny would survive


Patrick glanced at Danny and then back at Henry. He nodded, his face determined. Henry knew the priest had just promised to defend Danny as strongly as he would.


“Okay, let’s go.” With a calming breath, Henry led them across the landing and down to the first floor of the house.