






King fell on top of me, pressing me into the mattress as we both caught our breaths. The weight of him over my back was almost crushing, but I didn’t want to move. Afraid that if I did, I would wake up and this would have all been a dream.


King sat up and leaned against the headboard pulling me close to him. “Now can I tell you why?” I asked, still catching my breath.


King nodded. “I thought you were dead,” I started. “I’d panicked when I hadn’t heard from you in a while. I went to Bear’s clubhouse hoping they could get a message to you somehow. Bear’s dad told me you were dead.” King gave me a reassuring squeeze, encouraging me to continue. “And I missed you. I missed you so much.” A tear ran down my cheek as I remembered how I first felt when Bear’s old man had told me that King was dead. King leaned in trapped the tear between his lips, catching it before it had a chance to drip from my jaw. “I went to see Max.”


King froze.


“What? You saw Max?” He asked in disbelief.


I nodded. “Yes. And she’s so beautiful. She has your eyes, your smile. She gave me this.” I held up my wrist to show him the plastic purple bracelet and King ran his fingers over it as if he were examining the queen’s jewels. “I knew right away she needed to be with me. I wanted to adopt her.”


“Baby,” King said on a strained whisper.


I wiped at another tear spilling down my other cheek. “I wanted to increase my chances of making that happen. The senator said single women looking to adopt are often passed over.” I turned to look him in the eye. “I didn’t want that to happen. I would’ve done anything. For her. For you. But to be honest, I was doing it mostly for me, because she’s a piece of you, and I wanted that piece with me, always.” I laughed. “So I did what I had to do.”


“You married Tanner… for me.” King said. There was no more anger. No judgment. If anything he sounded in awe of what I’d done. Gently reaching out to cup my face he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my lips. Where most of our kisses are full of heat and passion, this one was all tenderness and love. He pulled back slowly, looking me over as if he were searching for something.


“And for me.” I reminded him. “I hate to break it to you, but I fell in love with her faster than I fell in love with you.”


King laughed. “I love you. I’ve never said that to anyone but Max before. Since the day you turned up at my party, it’s been you.” He kissed me again then rested his forehead on mine. “Only you.” It was exactly what I’d needed to hear. Warmth spread in my chest and I felt my heart expand as the beautiful man in front of me worshiped me with his eyes.


“I never loved him, just so you know,” I said, offering King something I knew he wanted to hear. “I remember him, but it wasn’t that kind of love. Not for me, anyway.”


“You loved him enough to let him fuck you. To have his kid,” King stated. There was no bitterness in his voice, and although it wasn’t a question, it seemed like he was waiting for an answer.


“Tanner was sick,” I said. “Dying. I thought what I felt for him was real love, but I know now it was just the kind of thing you feel for a close friend. He wasn’t going to get to experience graduation, or prom, or—you know, girls. It was my idea.” I shook my head. “But, we made Sammy. So, as young and stupid as we were, as I was, I don’t regret it. I may not remember my son, but I feel him in here.” I placed my hand over my heart.


King chuckled.


As great as it was to hear his laugh I felt myself getting angry again. “What exactly do you find funny about all this?” I snapped, sitting up and leering at him.


King reached out and dragged me back to him. “Because, Pup. I could feel my blood boiling when I thought you were about to describe fucking another guy. But instead my sweet girl tells me how she gave up her virgin * to her dying friend.” King nuzzled his nose into my neck. “Sweetest pity-fuck ever,” he said, erupting in laughter. I grabbed a pillow and swung it at is head but he caught it and threw it to the floor, grabbing my hips and settling me on top of him.


“Now tell me where the fuck you were for a whole month.” I demanded, feeling free to be pissed at him now that he was alive and well. I crossed my arms over my chest. He pulled my arms away from my body and moved his lips from my ear to my nipples, sending my head rolling backward. I pushed at his head until he fell back against the headboard with a thud.


“Shit with Eli, it’s over,” he said looking relieved. He rested his hands on my waist. “It wasn’t pretty, Pup. He found us first. Shit went down you don’t ever need to know about. Shit with Bear.”


T.M. Frazier's books