
“You showed them more than that.” I said, circling her. Appraising her body that I’d missed so much. Taking her all in. “You showed them you were mine.” I stood behind her again and reached between her legs, her panties already soaked. She closed her eyes as I stroked her through the material. “But most importantly,” I told her as I rubbed faster and her mouth opened as she lost herself in the pleasure of my touch, “you showed me that you were still mine.”


I turned her around and crashed my lips to hers. She shuddered under my touch. “Don’t be trying to come up with an excuse to argue with me, Pup. The time for excuses is over. I will tell you right fucking now that it doesn’t matter what you say. There is nothing you can tell me that changes anything. I claimed you, and I’m not apologizing for shit this time.”


“I have to explain—” she started to argue, but I interrupted.


“We can talk later. Do I need to bend you over and fuck you like an animal to remind you whose * this is?” I said, biting her earlobe. I roughly flipped her over onto her stomach. I pushed down between her shoulder blades until she was bent over the bed on her elbows. I unclasped her bra and let it fall to the bed. I pulled down her panties with one hand and threw them to the floor. I gazed at the fucking amazing sight that was my girl, naked, bent over for me. I unhooked my belt and took off my jeans while she braced herself on her hands and knees. I crawled over her onto the mattress and took off my tank top so that we were skin to skin. She lifted her head and my lips brushed the back of her ear. “Do you need reminding of who you belong to, Pup?”


“Yes,” she breathed. I positioned my cock at her entrance and pushed in hard, past the resistance of her tight *. Each centimeter into her heat was an agonizing combination of torture and pleasure.


I paused when I was fully seated inside the fucking greatest * ever created. Warm. Wet. Ready. “Tell me you missed me,” I said. Doe groaned and pressed her little round ass back against me, trying to get me to move, but I stayed motionless. “No, baby. Not until you tell me what I want to hear.”


“I—” I rewarded her attempt with a slow circling of my hips and she moaned into the pillow.


“You what?” I asked, pausing again.


“I missed—” Again I circled my hips, this time adding a single hard thrust. “I missed—”


“Who did you miss?” I asked.


“You. I missed you!” she said.


I lost all control. I reached around her and wrapped one hand around her throat; with the other I anchored myself to the bed. I thrust into her furiously, like the crazed man I was. “I missed you too, baby. So fucking much.” Over and over again I relentlessly pounded into her like I was trying to fuck my way back into her life. “This, me being inside you. It just told me everything I needed to know. I’m not giving up on us. Not now. Not fucking ever.”


Pup moaned and her * clenched around me and I had to slow my pace in order not to blow into her right then and there.


A shadow across the open window grabbed my attention and my head snapped up to see a set of eyes watching us from the tree just outside the window. He may have thought he was hidden by branches and leaves, but like a lion can sniff out nearby males, I knew exactly who it was.




I could have stopped right then. Pulled my cock out of her. Covered us both up. Or at least shut the window for fuck’s sake.


I didn’t do any of those things.


Leaning down over my girl I licked her neck as she moaned my name over and over again. Oblivious to our new audience. “Who does this * belong to?” I asked, staring straight out the window into the horrified eyes of our uninvited guest.


“You. Always. It’s always been you,” she breathed. Her * clamped around my cock again and I struggled to maintain control. I wasn’t done yet. This kid had to know without a doubt that Pup belonged to me.


She is mine.


“I love you, Pup. So much,” I told her, thrusting harder and harder. “Do you love me?” I asked, making sure I stroked the sensitive bundle of nerves in the front wall of her * that made her scream.


I’d missed her fucking screams.


“Yes. So much. I love you so much!” she said. It started out as a whisper but as her orgasm took hold, it became louder and louder until she had to shove a pillow in her face to prevent anyone who might be in the house from hearing her.


But someone had heard.


When I felt the tingling sensation begin at the base of my spine, an idea took hold and it was like my baser instincts took over. Once I thought about doing it, I couldn’t think of anything else.


I pushed into her twice more then pulled out of her tight heat. I jerked my cock in my hand, making a show of spurting my cum onto her bare back. Doe dropped onto her stomach in exhaustion, but I wasn’t quite done. I looked out the window, directly over to where Tanner was unsuccessfully hiding. I ran my hands through the mess I’d just made on her, sliding it around on her back and her ass, marking her as mine. I pulled her up by her hair and stuck two cum covered fingers in her mouth.


She groaned and greedily sucked them clean.


My message was clear.


Tanner stood on the branch, no longer bothering to conceal his presence. For a long moment he continued to stare until finally he turned and leapt from the tree.


Both Pup and Tanner now knew who she belonged to.


And it sure as fuck wasn’t him.






Chapter Twenty-One

T.M. Frazier's books