Trust in Me

Standing next to Brittany and Jacob, she stood out and not because she wasn’t in a costume. Her formfitting black turtleneck revealed a small section of her flat stomach. It was the first time I’d seen her stomach. Crazy.. My mouth dried.

A big, old goofy-ass smile broke out across my face and I set my cup down. I didn’t even say anything to Jase as I crossed the crowded garage. Jacob said something to her that caused her cheeks to flush and, a second later, I had her in my arms.

Lifting her up, I spun around as she clutched my shoulders. “Holy shit, I can’t believe you’re actually here.”

Her warm brown eyes met mine. “I told you I was coming.”

I set her down, but kept her tucked close. God, she looked gorgeous with her coppery hair falling in waves down her shoulders, curling around the swells of her breasts. “When did you get here?”

“I don’t know. Not that long ago.”

“Why didn’t you come say hi?”

“You were busy and I didn’t want to bother you.”

She had been staring at my lips, which was entirely distracting up until those last words left her mouth. I bent my head, my lips brushing her ear as I spoke. I didn’t miss the way she shivered. “You are never a bother to me.”

When I lifted my head, our gazes collided and held. The hue of her eyes deepened, almost blending in with her pupils. There was a connection there between us. No mistaking the electricity shimmering in the tiny space between our lips. And when hers parted, I lowered my head, wholly intent on kissing her.

“Yo, Cam!” Jase yelled, obliterating the moment. “You’re up.”

I smiled tightly. “Don’t go too far.”

“Okay,” she said, her hands slipping away.

Stalking back over to the table, I shot Jase a dirty look. “Perfect timing.”

“What?” He watched me pick up the Ping Pong ball. “Did I interrupt Avery turning you down?”

“Funny.” I bounced the ball, missing my target. Cursing, I picked up the cup. “Fuck you all.”

Jase let out a loud laugh and said something, but my narrowed gaze found Avery. I could barely see her. Her friends flanked either side and a red cup had ended up in her hands. She really wasn’t drinking and, for some reason, I was glad to see that. Their group grew and every so often, she disappeared from view, reappearing a few minutes later. Once this stupid game was over, it was her and me, and no interruptions. And, dammit, tonight she would tell me yes when I asked her out.

“Incoming,” Jase warned.

I didn’t realize what he was talking about at first, but arms went around me from behind. I knew immediately it wasn’t Avery. I couldn’t get that lucky.

“What are you dressed as?” Steph asked.

“Myself,” I told her, turning around. She was dressed as if Little Red Riding Hood had wandered onto a porn set.

She smiled, twirling the edge of one of her pigtails. “That’s not really a costume.”

“We are too awesome to wear costumes,” Jase said, eyeing Steph’s friend.

I gently untangled Steph’s arms. “You guys look hot.”

“I know.” Steph giggled. “Can we join?” she asked, nodding at the game.

Jase stepped aside, and I knew by the way he was paying attention to Steph’s friend, he wouldn’t be spending the night alone.

My attention immediately sought out Shortcake. I was surprised for a second time that night when I saw what she was doing.

She was dancing.

It shouldn’t be such a big deal, but I had the suspicion that whatever caused her to stop dancing professionally hindered her from doing it at all.

God, she was . . . there were no words.

The song was fast, with a lot of beats, and her hips hit them all. Holding on to Brittany’s hand, the two of them danced together. A smile pulled at my lips as Jacob joined them. Her head was tipped back, arms raised, and she was laughing.

In that moment, I realized I was seeing a very different side of Avery. One I’d never seen before, where she was lively and carefree, and fucking perfect.

“I’m going to marry that girl one day,” I heard myself say.

Jase choked on his beer and bent over, dragging in deep breaths. “Holy shit.”

I grinned.

But it immediately began to fade as some guy came up behind her, slapping his hands on her hips. Avery jumped a good half foot off the floor as she looked over her shoulder.

Tony. That was his name. A freshman who was just initiated into Jase’s frat. He’d been a part of the first group we’d beaten at beer pong—the one who’d almost fallen face-first into the table. I didn’t know him, but I didn’t like him. And I sure as fuck didn’t like what he was doing with his hips.

Avery twisted to the side and Tony was attached to her like a fucking octopus. He was obviously plastered and it was also obvious that Avery didn’t want to dance with him. Every time she pulled away, he tugged her back.

Anger exploded in my gut like buckshot. I started forward, ignoring Jase when he called out to me. I was halfway across the garage when Tony slipped his hand across her stomach.

J. Lynn & Jennifer L. Armentrout's books