Trust in Me

Jase laughed as Teresa shot me a look that promised death and dismemberment and yanked her arms free. I stepped back, just in case she was going to try to hit me again. My sister had muscles.

“I think Mom wants to see you in the kitchen,” I said, pushing her in that general direction.

A frowned pulled the corners of her lips down. “What for?”

“Probably something to do with all the classes you’re planning to skip,” I teased.

“You’re skipping classes?” Jase asked, crossing his arms. “You shouldn’t be doing that, Tess. It’s your senior year.

Tess? Two what the fucks just happened. When had that nickname occurred? I knew the two of them had grown close, but dayum. And that piece of advice coming from Jase of all people?

A faint pink flush stained her cheeks. “I don’t do it often.”

My brows shot up.

Jase winked at me.

Finally, Teresa left us and I snuck Jase off to the basement. Dad had created one hell of a man cave down there. Pool tables, a bar, air hockey and TV the size of a wall.

Picking up a pool cue, Jase arched an eyebrow at me. “Who pissed in your Cheerios?”

“Teresa has a crush on you,” I said, knowing I sounded like I’d tasted something bad.

Jase chuckled as he glanced at me. “Is that so?”

I shot him a look as I grabbed a stick.

“What?” He laughed again. “Are you surprised? It’s my stunning charm and good looks. It’s hard to resist.”

“Well, she better resist.”

Jase watched me as I racked the balls. “Dude, as hot as your sister is—sorry.” He raised his hands as I straightened. “As beautiful as your sister is, that’s your sister. I wouldn’t even dream about what you’re worried about.”

I smiled tightly. “Good to hear.”

“Do you really think I would? She’s a kid.”

“She just turned eighteen, Jase. She’s not a kid anymore.” I scowled as that little ditty sunk in. My stomach roiled. “Damn, she’s really not a kid.”

“She’s still your sister,” Jase said, pointing the pool stick at me. “And that’s never going to change.”

Go out with me.

Grinning, I put the phone on the table and waited for Avery’s response. Across from me, my dad studied his cards. There was more gray peppered in his hair, but his face was still absent of wrinkles.

“Anytime now, old man.” I sat back in the chair. “I’m not getting any younger.”

“Isn’t that the truth?” Dad looked up at me, eyes narrowed. “You cannot rush perfection.”

Jase chuckled under his breath. Beside him, Teresa’s head hung forward. She hadn’t been able to get out of dance practice since it was Saturday and that had been an all-day event. She would’ve crashed by now, like Mom, who’d dozed off in the living room, but I knew why she was still up.

I glanced over at Jase, and he arched a brow at me as he took a swig of beer.

My phone vibrated. Asking me over text is no different from in person.

The grin spread into a full smile as I texted her back. Thought I’d give it a try. What r u doing now? I’m beating my dad at poker.

As Dad threw two cards forward, she responded with a Getting ready for bed.

Wish I was there. And then I sent, Wait r u naked?

No!!! came the immediate response.

I could almost picture her, face blood red and eyes wide, and I grinned. Even miles away, I couldn’t resist teasing her. Hell, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. It seemed odd to have not seen her on Friday and facing a Sunday without eggs just didn’t seem right. We exchanged a couple of more texts and then I tossed my phone aside before Dad had a shit fit and threw it out the window.

In the next round, Jase bowed out and then Teresa quickly disappeared and the poker game fell apart after that.

“How’s school?” Dad asked once we were alone.

Nursing my beer, I leaned back in the chair. “It’s going good. Got a really easy semester.”

He nodded as he picked at the label on his bottle. “And the meetings? You’re going?”

I sat my bottle down. “Dad, you’d be the first to know if I wasn’t going. And I talked to Dr. Bale about this weekend. He was cool with it.”

“Just want to make sure.” He sat back, hooking his knee over his other leg. If anyone saw my dad now in his flannel shirt and ripped jeans, they wouldn’t believe he was a successful lawyer. “What about soccer? You give any more thought about next year?”

“Dad . . . I won’t be able to join the team at Shepherd my senior year.” I ran my hand through my hair and then dropped my arm. “And I’ll be twenty-two by then.”

“What about afterwards?” he asked, not ready to let it go.

My gaze settled over his shoulder, landing on the fridge. Photos of me scoring goals and Teresa dancing covered almost the entire door. “I don’t know, Dad.”

“Can’t fail unless you try,” he said, drinking deep.

My brows knitted. “Isn’t that you can’t succeed if you don’t try?”

J. Lynn & Jennifer L. Armentrout's books