The Space In Between

Chapter Twenty-Five

LESS THAN TWO hours. I had been home less than two hours and I had already had enough family time. I sent Ladasha away, telling her I was fine and needed some rest. Before I could let out my first breath of relief, there was someone knocking at the door. I didn’t feel like talking to anyone. What didn’t they understand about that? “Come in.”
When the door opened I released a sigh when I saw Daddy standing there. He was holding one of his craft airplanes in his hand and dangled it in the air as he made animated airplane noises. He walked over and landed the aircraft on the dresser before sitting next to me and patting my leg. “How you doing, kiddo?”
“I’m fine.”
“Today was interesting, eh? She doesn't mean any harm.” He was justifying Mom’s actions. Of course he was; he always backed her up, even when she was outside her mind.
“I've only been here for a few hours and she's already driving me up the wall, Daddy. I don’t know how much I can take.”
He chuckled. “She can be a handful at times.”
Eyebrow raised, I smirked. “At times?”
Lifting the model airplane off the dresser, Daddy studied it and grinned. “I always get my hands in crazy projects.”
“You’re talented.”
“I'm wacky. A few weeks ago, I built my own snow blower machine, and as I was using it on the sidewalk, the engine exploded, knocking over the neighbor's mailbox.”
“Ms. Kathy's dog-shaped mailbox?”
He nodded. “A paw went flying down the street. Your mother told me to stop with my projects. That I was wasting time, and she hated how the town laughed at me. That same afternoon, she brought me a model airplane kit, saying she saw it and thought of me. Anders, she just wants to protect us from...”
“The world,” I finished for him.
He placed the airplane into my hands and stood up to walk towards the door. Mom entered the doorframe with blankets in her arms. “I thought I would bring you extra blankets before we head home. This house seems a bit drafty.”
My eyes locked with my dad’s and my heart softened a bit. “Thank you, Mom.”
Mom studied my face. She smiled and lightly brushed my hair with her fingers. “We’ll get this mess fixed tomorrow. Ms. Rivers would have a field day talking about this in our book club. And you really do look skinny. You don’t feel the need to be a certain size to make strides in your dance career, do you? You don't struggle with that?”
I saw Daddy cringe as he listened to Mom tear apart the precious moment he had previously built up with me. “Did you just ask if I have an eating disorder? First I’m a drug addict and now I’m anorexic?”
Clearing his throat, Dad wrapped his arm around Mom’s waist and kissed her forehead. “It’s late. I think we should get going. Have a good night sweetie,” He kissed my forehead too and disappeared out of the room, dragging my mom with him.
I stood up to shut the door, and right after it closed there was yet another knock. Leave me alone. Seriously! What didn’t these people understand about that? Swinging the door open, I waited to hear how my mom had planned to unknowingly offend me now.
“I think your hair looks sexy.” Cooper smirked and leaned into the room, moving a piece of my hair behind my ear.

Brittainy C. Cherry's books