The Space In Between

Chapter Twenty-Two

“GO TO HELL, a*shole.”
Welp. Didn’t see that coming. After a night filled with memories, I had to get back to the real issue at hand—finding a way to keep Andrea’s name out of the tabloids. I knew I hadn’t responded to her text messages, but I didn’t think it was that serious for name calling. I was, after all, trying to save her image. I held the cell phone to my ear as I listened to Andrea call me every negative name on the planet.
Pig. Vomit. Ass. Jerk. Liar. Idiot. Stupid-ass. A*shole. Freak. Twit.
As she continued, I slipped a few words into the conversation. “What’s going on here?”
“I don’t know, Cooper. How about you ask your pregnant wife who got Ladasha and me fired last night?”
Oh no… She didn’t. She wouldn’t. I paused and thought about Iris and her recent threats and hatred. She would. Son of a bitch.
“Where are you?” I asked. I needed to meet with her. To try to explain myself. There was so much Andrea didn’t know, and it was only fair I tell her myself. I would hate for her to hear it from anyone else.
“Ma’am, if you could please turn off your cell phone? We are about to take off.”
I heard the stranger’s voice in the background and felt chills run down my spine. She was leaving. “Andie, wait.”
I ran my hands across my face and felt the prickly hairs against my palm; I hadn’t shaved in a few days. My mind hadn’t stopped racing. I needed to talk to Andrea. And she needed to hear me out. Iris kept crossing the line, and she was really in need of a f*cking reality check soon enough.

“WE TRY TO create the best weddings for the couples. It takes a lot, to be married. And it's important to have this special day to look back on.” Iris smiled to the cameras and crossed her long, sexy legs.
I completely agreed with my wife as we sat filming a confessional scene for our ‘reality’ show. “Yeah. It's a reminder of all the things you love about each other. But some don't need the big crazy wedding to remember those things.”
“What’s that suppose to mean?” Iris looked to me with a confused look as I shrugged my shoulders.
“I think that when people are lucky, they can look at each other to remember why they made the promises that day.” I took her hand into mine and kissed it gently, “I got lucky.”
Iris smiled brightly and looked directly into the camera, pulling her hand away from me. “Yeah. But a big wedding wouldn’t hurt.”
“And, cut! Let’s take a break, everyone.” The director yelled, as the camera crew stopped rolling. Iris’s makeup artist came over and started powdering her face.
“What the hell was that, Cooper?” Iris harshly whispered in my direction. Pushing her makeup artist away, she stood up, walking to her dressing room. “We have to reshoot that now because of you. Just stick to the damn script they gave us, all right? And next time I would rather you not make me look like a raging bitch, a*shole.”
I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed.
Well, if the shoe fits.

Brittainy C. Cherry's books