The Accidental Mistress

chapter Thirteen

Christophe opened the door to allow the staff to roll in their meal. He'd been on the phone most of the afternoon. He had his best attorney's on the case. They did inform him of the fact that they'd been approached in the past on the Blue Oasis. He found that odd. The paperwork had Elliot's name on it, and that too was odd. He told them to email everything Montague had on its Oasis file. He'd read it tomorrow. Tonight was meant for more. Tonight was about her.

"Merci." He gave the young woman and man a generous tip. They set everything up nicely, uncorking the wine and lighting the candles. He checked his watch. She was ten minutes late. He couldn't believe that he was actually nervous. Pacing back and forth he rubbed his hands together. He stopped and looked at himself. He went back through the suite to the bathroom and flicked on the light. He'd chosen a black shirt and slacks. His face and neck were raw but not as sunburned as he thought. He managed a clean shave. He sniffed his armpits. He showered, but maybe a bit more of aftershave. No, maybe. He put a dash in his palms and slapped his face.

Christophe had to chuckle to himself. He hadn't been this excited about anyone in years. He felt alive. Dropping his hands on the sink he leaned forward and sucked down a few breaths. "Calm down. It's just dinner and a little something afterwards. Nothing heavy."

There came a knock.

Christophe blew out a deep breath then went back through the suite, turning off the lights as he did, except the tall lamp near the outdoor terrace that faced the beach. He looked over to the swaying candle flames and smiled at what the moonlight and calm breeze added to the setting. Everything was perfect.

She knocked again.

"Shit," he mumbled realizing he had her waiting. He hurried and opened the door right before she turned away. Zuri looked back. Her smile made her face radiant. She looked breathtaking. For the evening she'd chosen to wear a yellow strapless dress that lifted her bosom and slimmed her waist. The skirt, which flared off her hips like an upside down teacup was short and stopped mid-thigh. Her feet were delicately wrapped in strappy rhinestone sandals like the headband that pushed back her crinkly hair from her face. Large sparkling hoops hung from her ears.


"Bonsoir," she smiled.

"You look beautiful," he said, letting his eyes sweep her once more.

"Can I um, come in?"

"Oh, yes, right."

She walked in smelling like roses. Christophe closed the door. His eyes latched to her swaying hips. Zuri cast him a seductive look over her shoulder then walked a straight line to the small table set for two. "Ah, I see they brought the food. I hope you don't mind but I ordered for us," she said.

"I figured you'd know what's best on the menu. So far you've fed me well." He pulled out the chair for her to sit. Zuri smiled up at him and his anxiety melted. It was so easy to get lost in her smile. "Wine?" he asked, lifting the bottle to pour her a glass. "How about a toast?"


"For new beginnings," he said after pouring and setting the bottle down. He lifted his wine goblet to hers and clinked it against hers in agreement.

"To new beginnings," she nodded, taking a sip.

He watched as the rim of the glass was brought to her rose colored lips. Dark long lashes shadowed her large round eyes while she held his gaze. She lowered the glass. "Today had become quite an adventure. I have to say that I've never enjoyed the Caribbean this way."

"I had fun too, Christophe."

"Do you hike often?" he asked, picking up his fork and knife. The lobster tail was filleted down the middle stuffed with a rice spicy mix of lobster meat and oyster that smelled divine.

"When we were kids, Joi and I loved to hike, swim, fish with our father, but when we hit our teens those adventures lessened. My mother said young girls shouldn't be found in trees or playing in mud."

"He sounds like quite a man."

"Oh he is," she said between bites. "He's Haitian. He moved here when he was seven or eight. He was adopted."

"Interesting. And your mother?"

"Oh she's Martinician. They married when she was seventeen, with the blessing of her family of course."

"I'd like to meet them someday."

Zuri looked away. He got the impression that she wasn't open to it. Considering their courtship he didn't quite blame her. She held her family in high regard. The jury was still out on how she felt for him. "What about you, your parents?" she asked.

Christophe wasn't sure how to describe his mother and father's courtship. It was over and done before he reached puberty. "My father's name is Andre Davenport. He's American. He met my mother and married her a few months before I was born." he shrugged.

"Wait. Davenport? Your last name is Montague?"

"My mother's family is Montague, even after my birth it was expected that I'd take the Montague name. Elliot is the same. His mother and my mother were sisters."


"Elliot's mother died when he was ten. He was pretty much raised as my brother."

"And his father?"

"His father's Scottish. He hasn't had contact with him much after his mother died."

"That's awful."

"So is the way of Montague men. My father said my lineage was a curse not a privilege. My father had a lot of bitterness. Mostly aimed at my mother."

"So you keep in contact with your father?"

"No. When I was growing up I was shuffled between the two of them. I got to go to school in the states for a stint. I decided America was more for me."

"You consider yourself more American than French?"

There must have been something in his tone because she stared at him a furrowed brow. "You don't like the French? Do you?"

"I didn't say that."

"I get the feeling you don't. The way you said you are American, sounded like. Oh never mind."

"My mother has crammed my legacy down my birth from the crib. Being part of the French aristocracy is like some merit badge for her. She destroyed my father in the end. Or maybe his inability to please her drove her to it. Either way, no I'm not fond of the great Republic of France. Okay?"

"You and your mother aren't close? That has to be hard. A son's relationship to his mother is as important as hers to her father."

Christophe sipped his wine. He was done talking about Stephanie Montague.

"Is that why you don't call yourself Stephan? Why you call yourself Christophe?"

"It was my father's name for me, the name of his father."

"Is he dead?"

"He's dead. Alcoholism."

"I'm so sorry."

Christophe smiled. "Don't be. I'm over it."

"Are you?"

"Look at how great I turned out." he spread his arms wide. She looked at him, then smiled. He didn't see pity in her eyes. That was a relief. He was halfway through his meal before he realized he'd told her more in the short conversation about himself than he shared with Gabriella. Talking of his parents always made him uncomfortable. Suddenly he felt none of that.

"You're fascinating, Christophe. I can tell you're lonely, sad sometimes, but you don't seem bothered by it. I think you've accepted life as is, given up."

"What makes you think I'm lonely?" he asked.

Zuri sipped her wine. He was curious as to her choice in words. He wasn't exactly begging for the attention of a woman or bemoaning his existence. Why would she conclude he was lonely?

She lowered her glass. "I don’t think you're lonely. I feel that you are or I felt it yesterday when you kissed me. La seule vraie langue du monde est un baiser."

He found the words beautiful: "The only true language in the world is a kiss?" he translated.

She nodded. "A woman can tell a lot about a man by the way he kisses her."

"Have you kissed many men?"

"Only three." she smiled.

He smiled. "And that makes you an expert?"

"At kissing? No. At telling who a man is by his kiss. Well that comes naturally. Don't you feel it when you take a woman into your arms? Isn't a kiss the most sensual way to express your self? There's a lot to be found in tasting someone."

"Shall I tell you what you taste like?" he asked, leaning forward. Remembering how sweet her nectar was between her legs.

Zuri laughed. "I'm not sure. Is it appropriate dinner conversation?"

"I can't figure you out. You're beautiful, smart, kind. Why hasn't any man made you his?"

"Who’s to say no man has." She held his stare. "I know things were uncomfortable between us after that night four years ago. But I never forgot what happened between us." Her eyes returned to his. "It's been hard to forget how I felt that night with you."

Christophe paused. "So, you haven't um, you haven’t—"

"Had sex with another man?" She chuckled. "No. I've come close, but I haven't. Not because I was waiting on you, but I have been waiting... on the right man."

He dropped back in his chair. He wasn't sure if he could believe her. The way she moved on the dance floor. The way she touched him, kissed him. She didn't behave like a novice. He immediately hated himself for doubting her, just as he did the first night he had her.

"You don't believe me." Her eyes narrowed.

"It's not that—"

"Then what?"

"I feel like a fool," he confessed.


"Because I've wasted so much time not knowing you. Will you be honest with me? Did I... did I jade you about sex, making love? After we... because of how we parted?"

Zuri stabbed a cube of meat on her plate with her fork. "Partly, yes. At first, I was angry at myself. Then I was focused on school again. Driven to make my father proud. But when I tried again with a man who cared, it just didn't feel right. That wasn't you. It was me." She lifted her gaze to him and gave him a coy smile. "I think."

Christophe felt the possessive urge to take some delight in the fact no one has had her but him. But the guilt was there too. He had given and robbed her of a true experience. And he realized in that moment he'd done it on purpose. The moment he felt that connection with her, he wanted to destroy it. Make her loathe love and him as much as he did back then. How stupid he was. She reached for the wine bottle and he reached over to stop her. "No more."

"Huh?" she said curiously.

"No more wine, tonight."

She stared at him for a moment then understood his request. Her hand slipped from under his. Christophe rose from the table and went to her. Zuri rose from her chair and turned to him. He cupped her chin and tilted her head back. "Am I truly forgiven? Because I want to make it up to you."

She nodded.

Christophe's lips moved over Zuri's. She tasted so much sweeter with the addition of wine on her breath and tongue. Slowly she pressed into him, her arms lifting to go around his neck. A sudden blood rush hit his brain, and the very room around him began to spin, then fade from existence. The pounding of his heart finally quieted with the feel of her lips under his. She moaned into his mouth and he knew that she spoke the truth. There weren't enough words in French or English to express all he learned about himself and his feelings for her within this kiss.

I have to have her.

Her mouth was hot and hungry beneath his. She tightened her arms around his neck and thrust her tongue forward in sweeping swirls with such urgency he lifted her into his arms. She felt light as a feather. He carried her through his suite, the momentum of the wind blowing through the extinguished the candles as if on command. He only withdrew his mouth from hers to kiss and sample her neck. In his arms her head went back and her fragrant skin flooded his nostrils. The then drapes that covered his bed, were parted on the left. Gently he deposited on her mattress. She sought his mouth again, pulling him down on top of her.

Christophe could barely contain himself. The pointed tips of her nipples brushed his chest and he groaned. He eased down her and suckled on one hard tip through the fabric of her halter dress.

"Oh Christophe," she sighed.

He lifted his mouth and eased up against her to look down into her liquid brown eyes. "I love the way you say my name, Beautiful. I can hardly wait to make you say it over and over."

"Then don't. Make love to me." She stroked the side of his face, and a bright flare of desire sprang into her eyes.

The night would be filled with him showing her how passionate he was about her. His hand moved underneath her dress to slide it up her thigh in a slow, sensual crawl. He elicited soft moans from deep within her throat. And when he finally eased his hand between her tender thighs and cupped her p-ssy, she trembled beneath him.

She hadn't worn any panties. Christophe groaned in his throat, and her heavy lids parted as a slow smile eased over her lips at his discovery. This was definitely meant to happen. He rubbed his hand over her mound before caressing her outer labia with his fingers. He slid a finger between the slick folds of her vagina, and then eased in another. His fingers became moist thanks to her damp tightness. They probed and twisted inside of her channel and she wound her hips in response, digging her nails into his shoulder. She parted her knees and granted him further access.

"Oh gracious, Christophe, please. I can't take it. Just make love to me now."

"But I am, Beautiful. Don’t you know that?" he slowly withdrew his digits then reinserted them as he would his cock with slow seductive movements. He wanted her to burn for him like he did for her. For her to know how consuming the passion between them was. As he increased the pace of his thrusting fingers she thrashed and bucked her p-ssy against his hand. Her cries of pleasure grew louder and more ardent.

"Shhh... relax," he whispered into her ear, "We haven't begun yet." He sucked her diamond-studded lobe. "Go with it, Zuri. This will be the first of many."

"Yes! Do me, do me," came her response as he twist and thrust his middle fingers and rubbed her * in whirling motions with his thumb. "Yes!"

His lips traced a sensuous path from her ear to her mouth. Zuri stiffened before shuddering wildly. She let out a beautiful cry of submission and his cock nearly ripped through his zipper as it bulked and pressed so hard to the front of his pants. Christophe removed his hand causing her to whimper softly. He brought his fingers to his mouth and tasted her.

Dazed and hugging herself she watched him. He delayed this a minute longer. His face dove into her wet p-ssy with her skirt pushed up to her hips. His mouth latched on to her *. He milked the last of her climax from her *oris and licked her p-ssy until her body thrashed about as she chanted his name until she was spent.

Christophe drew away. He looked down at her shaking with her legs spread apart. Her skirt was up to her abdomen now so he could see her p-ssy. Her brown thighs were parted wide enough for him to admire the glistening pink flesh between the dark folds of her vagina. He dragged his gaze from her cunt to her breasts where her nipple points jutted and strained against the front of her halter. She hadn't worn any undergarments tonight.

"Good girl."

He let his gaze rove higher, landing on her face.

Her crinkly hair was wild and spread on the pillow. The rhinestone headband was like a crown to keep the mass of curls in place. "Damn, you're beautiful."


It seemed like forever, with the way he stared at her. She did have the urge to cover herself. She lay so exposed for him. But she knew he wouldn't permit it. Before Zuri could say a word, he was on top of her again. His mouth covered hers with a kiss so hungry it was as if he was a man possessed. A thrill washed through her because she knew she was the cause of his lack of control. She felt him struggling with his belt buckle and lowering his zipper. It was a savage lust that claimed them both. He yanked down the top of her dress and sucked her entire areola into his mouth as he freed his dick.


As if he heard her thoughts he removed one from his pocket. She only noticed when he stopped his sucking and nibbling of her nipple and lifted his head to rip into the foil package with his teeth. She had imagined them undressing and making love slowly, like the seductive way he touched and pleased her at the spring. But there was something wild and primal in his eyes. He had only pushed his pants and underwear to his hips. This is going to happen, oh sweet merciful God it's happening now. He was good, because he sheathed his cock within minutes, and was ravishing her breasts again.

Her body felt alive once his cock pressed between her folds and then began to rub up and down. She lifted her hips to aid in brushing her p-ssy against him while stroking the back of his head. She kicked her feet, the heels of her stilettos stabbing the mattress and digging into the duvet.

The meaty thickness of his cock was as hard and ready for her as she was soft and pliable for him. He bit her left nipple and she winced. "Owe, slow down Christophe," she begged.

His head lifted. She was shocked by the glazed look of pure lust in his eyes. She wondered how gentle he'd be this time.

"I'm sorry love, but you're making me crazy. I can't wait any longer," he panted.

Christophe guided his cock into her moist entrance. Zuri's breath caught. Yes, she been prepared to take his length and width but still it was a shock to feel his cock-head breech and her vagina stretch to accommodate inch by inch. He groaned into her ear how tight she was. And she figured by the way his shoulders shook that it was a good thing.

He lifted his hips and slammed deeper into her quivering flesh.

"Christophe!" she cried out as his pleasure-pain ripped through her and he stretched the walls of her p-ssy beyond its limits. She wrapped her legs around his waist and reached up to hold on to him. Christophe started stuffing her p-ssy with every inch of him. He grabbed her hips, with his face buried between her breasts; he guided her up and down on his dick instructing their loving.

The muscles in her p-ssy tightened around his cock making him lift his face and bury it into her neck. He pumped in and out of her and soon she was moving to match his rhythm. His mouth sought hers and his tongue thrust between her lips. It darted in and out of her mouth, mimicking the motions of his cock.

Zuri had never felt such intense pleasure all at once. It made her head swim with delirium as fantasy and reality collided and her universe was filled with them both. Zuri grabbed on to him. He began to f*ck her mercilessly and she squeezed her self around his tunneling cock, milking him to his end.

"Ugh! Zuri!" he exclaimed, losing control, but she held on, moving underneath him and taking over the mating. She was so close to her climax she could taste it and she wanted him to come with her. His cock seemed to contract with short quick jerks and he grunted going stiff all over. She kissed the side of his face and slipped her tongue in his ear, sliding her hands down his back into his pants to grip his ass so he would come. And he did let go. Together they convulsed under wave after wave of delicious pleasure.

He lay perfectly still. Zuri panted against his cheek. Dazed and stunned by the explosive way her body responded to him, it was almost as if they were made for each other.

"I didn't want it to go down this way," he said through deep breaths. "I couldn't control it."

"Stop. You don't have to control yourself with me," she said.

He groaned but they separated. Zuri's dress was pulled down and rolled up, the fabric a twisted knot circling her midriff. She glanced over to see his dick sheathed in a glistening condom, semi erect, hanging out of his zipper. She rolled the dress up and over her head and tossed it out between the curtains covering the bed. She removed her headband, and earrings as well. Her hand slipped through the part of the curtain to drop then on the nightstand. She dropped and rolled over to him and he wrapped his arm around her.

"Zuri, I don't think I'll ever be able to let you go," he said.

She listened to his racing heartbeat and tried not to read too much meaning into his words. Regardless of what afterglow made him feel, experience taught her to be wise and not to trust in the fading euphoria of sex.


Zuri turned over under the sheets. She opened her eyes to find him staring at her. His arm propped up by the pillow.



"What time is it?" Zuri asked.

"Not morning. Not yet."

"Oh," she rubbed her eyes sleepily. They had made love once more before climbing under covers and drifting in each other arms. "Were you watching me sleep?"

"I was," he said as he ran his hand up and down her arm.


"Because you're so beautiful when you sleep. I can't help it."

She moved in close to him. "I think you're just saying that."

"I only say what I mean, Zuri."

"Is that so?"

Christophe laughed. "Okay, well the new me, only says what he means. I haven’t felt this alive in years. If ever."

"I think it was the spring," she half-joked, turning away.

He turned her face back to his. "It's you. All you. Who you are, how I feel when I'm with you, I don't know enough to believe this is real. Tell me more about you."

"I told you everything."

"What is your favorite movie?"

Zuri blinked at his question. "Are you kidding?"

"Nope. I want to know the movie you'd watch over and over."

"Hmmm, I guess it would be I'm Gonna Get You Sucka."

Christophe frowned. "Never heard of it."

"It's funny, a comedy." she smiled.

"Okay, tell me what you like to do when you're alone."

Zuri snuggled his chest. He pressed his face to the top of her head and buried his nose into her mass of curls. "I like to do cross word puzzles and macramé."


"What about you? What is your favorite movie Christophe?"

"The Godfather."

"Good choice. Which one?"

"The second one."

"Mmm, and what do you like to do when you're alone?"

"I like to box, run, swim."

"Box? That's not an alone sport." She lifted her head.

He smiled down at her. "Sometimes you can spar alone, with a bag."


"If you're so physical, why were you a wimp on the trail today?"

He laughed and pinched her left butt cheek. Zuri kicked her feet. Christophe rolled her to her back. "Stay with me today."

"I did."

"You know what I mean. We can deal with the world later. I just want to remain in bed with you. All day, all night."

Zuri smiled. "One more day, then—"

"Then we'll deal with the next."


Her nerve endings were on fire. Zuri could barely breathe or think past the pleasure rippling through her body. He pulsed inside of her. She could feel his very heartbeat in his cock with each deep thrust. Her vaginal muscles tightened, trying to draw him back in with each withdrawal. When only the head of his cock remained, he paused and she'd look back over her shoulder to see him staring. He had this thing with liking to observe her suffering. She'd move her ass and he'd then push forward again driving her to moan his name once more.

"Harder, Christophe, harder... stop teasing me."

On her hands and knees, she gripped the sheets and curled her toes. He grabbed her left shoulder and smacked her on the right side of her ass. The sting seeped all the way in, making his thrusts all the more intense. He then gripped her by the hair as he pumped in and out of her. She staggered to breathe during his passionate strikes. Then he slowed his pace to torture her again. His hips pulled away before slamming his cock back into her with short thrusts that rocked her. Zuri groaned and he yanked on her hair, making her scalp tingle.

"More! Harder!" she said.

She pushed her ass back at him as best she could. His cock pulsed in her cunt. He began to thrust in and out of her with short, jerky movements that she enjoyed even more. Her orgasm tightened and spiraled upward, tighter and tighter until she thought she would snap. His cock twitched inside of her and she moaned. He withdrew, then slammed into her, and repeated the action until her hands slid over the sheets and her face was buried in the pillow. He kept her ass raised for him. He f*cked her hard now. Her body shook with the power of each thrust.

"You belong to me, Zuri, just me, f*ck... I'm never letting this p-ssy go!" He slapped her ass, sending a shockwave of heat and pleasure through her. He pounded into her harder and harder. The pressure was now at the bursting point as it coiled tightly deep in her core. Her vision blurred and her fingers and toes curled. The passion poured fiery hot through her veins and she trembled from the sheer intensity of her orgasm before she drowned in it.

He collapsed on top of her, kissing her back and shoulder. She was sore. What was this? The third time that morning? How could he be ready to go after thirty-minute breaks? How was that possible? She thought men could only do it twice, maybe three times in a day.

He pulled his cock out of her, careful to hold on to the condom. Zuri panted.

"Are you hungry? I think it's lunchtime. I can order us food."

"Mmm." Is all she said, as he covered her with a sheet. She needed to call Joi, check on père. She would do so after just a little more of sleep.


"Hi, mère... are you there?"

"Oui, Zuri, I tried to reach you earlier. You weren't answering."

Her heart caught in her throat. Christophe was sleep, they ate lunch and finally he was exhausted. To be sure she closed the bathroom door. Her body ached, mostly between her legs. "Is père okay? What's the matter?"

"He's fine. But Detrick called. He said that he need's to see you. He seemed upset."

Zuri frowned. "I will call him. I have good news," she whispered. "We are going to be okay. Tell père, that I will see him at the end of the week. Tell him I've handled everything."

"Oh that is good news. How did you manage it? Did the bank give us another extension?"

"Um, no, not exactly. It's a long story. No worries. I'll explain it when I see you. I love you."

"I'm proud of you, Zuri. So is your father. So proud of you."

Zuri pressed her lips together. Shame made her throat close and her chest burn. "Bye, mère."

"Bye, chérie."

She ended the call, looked to the mirror and faced her reflection. Her hair was a mess of tangles. She had a purplish bruise (hickey) right above her left breast. A hint of sex, sweat and his cologne clung to her skin. Zuri couldn't believe the disheveled woman before her. She set the phone on the counter and tried to tell herself that she didn't see what she saw. But she wasn't that good of a liar. Suddenly, she needed a shower.

Zuri turned on the tap and waited for the water to warm enough for her to step inside. Besides the shame of her actions, there was an even more troubling feeling that had left a paralyzing grip on her heart. She had feelings for Christophe, the kind that kept her thinking of a future outside of the bargain she struck with him.

This is just sex, that's it. I'm not falling for him. I barely know him. Just because he can do things to my body that no other man has, doesn't mean its love.

Steam billowed over the top glass of the shower and she opened its door to step inside. Slowly she lathered her skin and cleaned away the evidence of their lovemaking. It felt wrong to rinse him away, as if what they shared was anything less than remarkable. But she had to be realistic. She met the man in a hotel bar. She propositioned him for her father's hotel. She let him screw her brains out after he agreed to put his money and power into saving their company. That was reality. Not the stupid notion that his groans of wanting her forever had meaning.

"What have I done?" she asked.

"Why are you questioning yourself?" she heard him answer.

Zuri looked startled to the shower door. Through the barrier of the fog-covered glass, he stood there watching her. The door opened, bringing in the cool air and a very serious looking Christophe. "Don't question what we share, Zuri," he said, closing the door behind him.

She looked up at him and didn't know what to say. He touched her face. "Not after this night. Not after the ways you healed me."

"Healed you?" she answered.

"You were right at dinner. I guess a lonely man that settles for what I have deserves to be pathetic. You've cured me of my fears. I'm not afraid of letting a woman in, one as special as you."

She didn't know what to say to him.

"Hand me the soap. I want to wash you."

She did as he asked, unable to look away from his eyes. He rubbed the bar of soap between his hands and gazed down at her as the water pelted her back and steam swirled around them. He then smoothed the lather covering his palms over her breasts. "Do you regret what we've shared? Be truthful."

His touch had been soft and soothing as his hands massaged her breasts and lifted them. "No. Yes. I guess part of me does," she said softly.


A starburst of desire exploded inside of her as she remembered the positions they shared in bed. "It's because of how it all came to be."

"You gave yourself to me again. I'm no fool, Zuri. It's the most special gift I've ever received. Do you think I'd f*ck it up? Risk having you again?"

She tried not to be lulled by his words or his hands that were rubbing suds over her mound, and hips. He turned her and rubbed soap suds over her ass.

"Answer me."

"I'm not stupid, Christophe. You aren't in love with me."

"You're not very smart if you can't see when a man is falling in love with you."

He came up behind her and she stepped closer to the water. It rinsed away the lather and her doubts. She disappeared under the spell he wove around her with his words and for a moment she almost felt that this could be love, though her head screamed to be careful. Sadness weighed heavy on her heart and made her shoulders drop. She realized it was too late. Her feelings were invested completely. When they parted, and she knew they would, it would hurt so much more. She didn't know enough about loving a man to prevent herself from falling so hard and fast for this one.

"Trust me, Zuri."

"I can't."

"Try," he said, kissing her shoulder and wrapping his arms around her waist. He was so gentle in the way he held her in the shower. He didn't press or squeeze too hard. She yearned to feel him again inside of her. When they made love she believed all things were possible. And she could feel the hardness splitting her buttocks. He ran his hands down to her sex, and her eyes drifted shut. A moan slipped from her lips. A shiver rushed up her spine when his finger traced, then coaxed her *oris from the hooded cover her p-ssy. His erection pressed deeper into the crease of her ass. He rolled his hips and caused his length to slide up and down the crevice. Her p-ssy clenched and heat flooded her channel. Then it happened. Christophe pushed forward stuffing the head of his dick into her anus. Zuri gasped. She fell forward with her hands flat to the wall and her head went under the cascading warm water. It poured down her neck and spine, running rivulets around to drop from the points of her nipples.

"Relax. It’ll be good. I promise."

She groaned, but didn't object. He thrust again and she felt herself rip with pleasure and pain. "Oh, Christophe!" she cried out.

"Are you okay?" he stilled.

"The water streamed over her backside and her ass to where they were joining. "Yes, yes, I'm okay," she panted.

"Do you want me to stop?"


"Then push back for me, Zuri. Take me in at your pace."

She nodded and squeezed her eyes tightly shut. She pushed back an inch and then another inch. And to her amazement it worked deliciously. "That's it, sexy, nice and slow," he said rubbing her ass until he was fully seated. Zuri sucked down deep breaths once he began to move inside of her. He pumped in and out with his balls slapping against her *. The heat from the water on her back and in her anal channel had her feeling as if her body was afire. The lines of pleasure and pain blurred and she slipped into a rhythm with him that had her rolling her ass and licking her lips. He kept going, and so did she, and together they reached the pinnacle. She heard him grunting, cursing, and she shuddered when he came forward and gripped her *oris to pinch it while he pumped her ass. The action made the pressure in her pelvis explode and she came hard, with him shooting off his seed deep in her ass.

Christophe withdrew. He pulled her up and turned her to face him. She was in his arms again, lifted to her toes, as he kissed her deeply, and Zuri continued to climax in his arms.


A deep sigh escaped his lips. He rolled over and found her right underneath him. Christophe’s eyes fluttered open. He blinked and waited for his vision to clear. They'd slept since the shower and it was night again. He buried his face into her hair. She pushed him beyond his limits. He willed his cock to rise again but it lay limp and lifeless against her backside. In the excitement, he might have broken his dick. Christophe chuckled to himself.

"What's funny?" she murmured then turned to face him. He threw his leg around her thigh. Still he got no reaction from his cock when it bumped her p-ssy. Damn.

"Just thinking of how wonderful it feels to be with you like this."

She smiled. "I'm hungry. What time is it?"

"It's dinner. Want to order something?"

"Cheeseburgers and fries."

Christophe brows rose. "Really? No special Oasis dish?"

"Nope, just a greasy cheeseburger with lots of onions."

"Your wish is my command," he said, groaning to have to leave her side. But she escaped the bed as well and began to open the canopy curtains on all sides of the bed. While he ordered, he saw her flip on the TV to see her channel surf past one French speaking station to the next. He returned to the bed. "I think I might need to practice my French."

"We can order a movie, American movie."

"What do they have?"

She did a scroll through the list and they settled on some action flick with Jean Claude Van Dam. He was French after all. He sat up against the pillows with her on his chest guessing the villain and the outcome and meaning of each scene. When the burgers came. Zuri insisted they eat in bed. He got the feeling that she didn't want to be seen by the staff. And he made sure she wasn't. Together they ate and laughed. And when it was over, neither wanted sex. All they wanted was more of each other’s embrace and sleep.


Zuri sighed. She stretched under the bright rays of sunlight and her mind registered the truth--it was another day. She shot up in bed. Christophe was on his side lightly snoring. She had spent an entire day in bed with him. She had to go. She threw back the covers and he woke.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to get to my sister and stuff. Plus, I need to see my father’s attorney. How soon will your attorneys—"

"Slow down, Zuri."

She smiled at him nervously. "Oh, sorry. It's just that well, I'm still nervous."

Christophe rubbed his eyes. "Don't be nervous. We'll work it out. Come back to bed."

"I can't, Christophe. We need to work it out now. Please. Call your people and tell them that I will speak with Detrick Chevalier today. If we can get something official in place by Tuesday, we'll be good."

"What day is it?"

"Sunday," she said pulling down her dress over her curves.

"Zuri, there's no business to be done on a Sunday."

"Detrick is at his office on Sunday. I'll go see him. This way he can be prepared on Monday. See, it works out. It's perfect. Don't you see?" she exclaimed as she put on her shoes. "

"Can't we just deal with it on Monday? I can order us some breakfast. We can watch something you want."

She looked back at him and frowned. Was he serious? Did he expect her to stay in bed with him again? "I have to check on my father. I'll see you tonight."

He nodded, but she saw his disappointment. She climbed back on the bed and crawled over to him. "The sooner this is resolved, the sooner you will have me."

Christophe frowned at her words, and she realized what they implied. But she had no time to sugar coat the truth. She was crazy about him. Still, her family came first. This deal had to go through before she considered anything about her heart.

"See you soon." She rushed for the door.

"See you soon," he mumbled behind her.

Sienna Mynx's books