The Accidental Mistress

chapter Eleven

"Wow," Christophe looked back. Zuri glanced back as well. In the distance the Vaval king went up in flames. "That was amazing, all of it, and the ti-punch has a kick." Christophe laughed. Again she liked the smoky warmth in his laugh. Zuri tightened the sash to her silk robe. The night air warmed her exposed skin as it blew in off the Caribbean Sea.

Zuri strolled at his side. The cloudless sky was a light display of stars and constellations. She gazed up at the half-moon, remembering how her father loved to go clamming by moonlight. He'd tell her stories about Haiti as a boy and adventures he and his brother's would have in the mangrove.

"What are you thinking?"

"About Père," she answered truthfully.


Zuri sighed. "Nothing. Forget it."

His hand eased into hers and he forced her to stop. Every time his gaze met hers, her heart turned over in response. Facing him, she cleared her throat and tried to appear unaffected. They stood in silence. His height and the dim lighting outside the chateau’s made her tilt her head and squint. He stared intensely as if he was photographing her with his eyes. His gaze dropped from her mouth to her shoulders, then her breasts. He drew in his bottom lip ever so slowly. She had to fight the overwhelming need to brush the succulent pair with hers. What is he waiting for? If he wants to kiss me, I'll allow it. Maybe I can break this spell and stay focused on my plan if we get the kiss over with. He was so disturbing to her in every way. He hurt her feelings and still didn't give an adequate apology. He insulted her when he arrived. And even now, he hadn't said word one about considering her counter offer for the take-over. And yet, she wanted to kiss him. His gaze returned to hers again. There was a maddening hint of arrogance behind the small smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"You are truly beautiful, Zuri."

She took in a steadying breath before she spoke. "It's nice out, isn't it?"

"I couldn't keep my eyes off you tonight," he said in a deep whisper.

Zuri felt overwhelmed. Her body had been a twisting, writhing, foreign thing for his enjoyment all evening. But that wasn't who she was. Her desires made her hot and cold all at once. Maybe she should part ways with him now. Escape and clear her head to try another seduction tomorrow. All thoughts of fleeing dissolved when his face drew in closer.

Zuri stared into his eyes, mesmerized. Up close, they weren't just blue but clear as liquid with flecks of violet swirling beneath. He licked his lips and his voice dropped to a hoarse whisper. “What do you see when you look at me? Do you see how much I want to touch you?"

"I see... I don't know... I thought—" she cursed herself for stammering and sounding like an idiot.

"Come with me." He began to walk, taking long strides that made her nearly run at his side with her shorter legs. She glanced back and around. She prayed that Joi and Jean-Paul hadn't seen them.

Christophe led her quickly down the winding sidewalk to the stairs to the suites. His suite! It was of no surprise when he stopped at his door.

"Ah, I think we should say goodnight."

He used his key card and opened the door and Zuri was pulled inside. Her heart raced wildly. The open doors to his outside deck blew in moonlight over the hardwoods and canopy bed with sheer drapes tied to each post. Zuri was flustered, turned around and saw him staring at the bed. His face was unreadable. She should make her excuse now, leave, but time wasn't on her side. She had to make a move.

"You owe me an apology," she said instead.

He turned his head and frowned. "A what?"

"Apology. A proper one."

"You said you didn't want one."

"Well I changed my mind. I want it, and you owe it to me."

Christophe's eyes searched her face, reaching into her thoughts. She crossed her arms in front of her. If he wanted to touch her, and she knew he did, he would apologize. No matter what her plan was, she wanted to hear it.

"First a question. Why me?"

"Why what?" Zuri frowned.

"Why did you choose me, that night in the bar?"

He measured her with a cool appraising look and waited in silence for her response. She turned her head and rolled her eyes under his steady gaze. "I didn't."

"You did."

"No." There was an exasperated sharpness in her tone. "You walked up to me. You bought me a drink. You took me to your room and put me in your bed. I didn't choose you."

"Then why make love with a stranger, Zuri?"

"You only ask that question because I was a virgin and for the record I was."

"I know you were."

"I didn't want to be one anymore, and I had enough liquor in me to be foolish enough to think you were deserving. It was a stupid act on my part." She steadied and focused her withering glare. "And it wasn't love, remember? Whatever my choices were, you were no victim Christophe. My actions gave you no right to treat me like you did."

He nodded. "Very true. I'm sorry. I was a complete a*shole then. Hell I wanted to say it to you the next morning but on top of being an a*shole I was a coward. I even called your school in search of you."


"To find you, but I was so damn drunk I couldn't remember your last name. I'm sorry. You gave me something special and I threw the opportunity to know you away. It's not about you, well then it wasn't. It's about you now. If that makes sense."

Christophe touched her elbows and drew her to him once again. His face came in slowly and his head lowered before he took the kiss he wanted. For Zuri, first contact was gentle but decadent like the pour of warm honey, a slow teasing touch of their lips that caused her head to slowly tilt back before his tongue swept in and claimed control. Heat slid from her mouth down through her body and she lifted her arms up to his neck. She liked kissing. In particular, she liked kissing him. In his arms she was powerless to resist.

His hand slid down her back and his palms spread over both halves of her buttocks. Then squeezed before he lifted her up against him. Her eyes flashed open when the bulking length of his erection pressed into her abdomen. She shoved him off. Her lungs expelled a shaky breath as moisture pooled between her thighs to dampen the seat of her bikini bottom.

"You feel that?" he pushed his erection into her. "That's what you do to me and have done to me all night." He brought her back up against him. Her knees became jelly. She held to his arms to keep from slipping off of him. Mindless, she pushed her body against his cock in response, totally absorbed in only him. "You were so f*cking sexy tonight, Zuri, and you are now. I'm tempted to rip this robe from you and show you what you’ve done to me. It's like I have no control when I want you this bad. It's making me crazy."

Christophe's mouth covered hers with a passionate kiss that demanded supremacy. Their tongues clashed and dueled. He turned her to the door and put her against it lifting her so she had no choice but to wrap her legs around his waist. He was so powerful in the ways he handled her. One hand worked loose the tie to her robe, and the other pinned her hand above her head, their fingers intertwining. It's going to happen again. This is no dream. He'll take you back there where pleasure and joy sang through your body.

"No." She dropped her legs and pushed at his shoulder with her free hand. He didn't hear her or care. Her robe was open and he was pushing her up higher on the wall to get to her breasts. Before she could stop him he had her left one freed from the tiny bikini top. "No!" she said, wiggling against him. Her squirming caused her to rub her sex against his chest and the friction made her bite down on the inside of her jaw, it felt so nice.

"Please don't, Christophe," she moaned.

"No?" He let her go and stepped back.

"I can't. Good night," She mumbled as she fixed her robe quickly. Zuri grabbed the doorknob behind her and turned it. Shaking her head at him, she opened it but he was between her and the door and she couldn't escape.

"Zuri, wait." He forced the door to shut with his hand.

Trapped, she couldn't catch her breath. She changed her mind. There was no way she'd fall into bed with him that easy. There was far too much at stake. If she slept with him, he’d toss her out again, and then where would she be. Things were moving too fast. She tried to smile. Her mind scrambled for round two. It would have to be good; because God help her she was weakening.

"I have an idea."

He was focused on her breasts again. It was all lust. Part of her felt disappointed that their passion was reduced to lust. But what did she expect? "Christophe? Did you hear me? I have an idea."

His gaze lifted. He moistened his lips. "Stay with me, tonight."

"I—I can't. But tomorrow I have a surprise.” He traced the side of her jaw with his finger. Zuri stiffened. "I want to take you hiking, show you more of the island."

"Stay," he said, his voice low and hungry. She tingled with the way he spoke the words into her ear.

"I can't, okay... Christophe stop." She put a hand to his chest. "The answer is no."

He stepped back. Finally! "Be ready at six," she mumbled and hurried out before he touched her again. The door closed. Zuri dropped her head back on the wood frame and smiled. Okay, she could secretly enjoy his torment. How could she not? Zuri quickly walked to her suite, hoping to reach it before being spotted. Jean-Paul cut her off as she turned the corner.

"Mon Dieu! You scared me, JP."

"What are you doing?" he seethed.


Jean-Paul grabbed her by the elbow and yanked her forward. She shoved him off but his grip was painfully tight. "What are you doing? Lowering your self for those men. That's not you, Zuri."

"Stop it! What's wrong with you?" She snatched away. Her arm burned where his fingers had pressed in crushingly tight. She felt her pride bruise as well. "Don't you dare touch me like that, JP."

"Answer me! I saw you with him. And then you went to his room."

"You followed me?"

Jean-Paul shook his head in disgust. "Is this your plan, Zuri? Be his whore and then save the resort."

She slapped him.

She regretted it that very instant. The look of hurt and disappointment in his eyes felt as bad as if her father himself had discovered her actions. Jean-Paul was family and the only man she truly trusted outside of her father. She couldn't bear for him to think of her so horribly. "I'm no one's whore, JP. And you said you would never throw that in my face."

"Throw what in your face?" Jean-Paul looked at her confused. "I'm talking about what you did tonight. You can't possibly think that sleeping with him is the way to save your father. What would Claude think?"

Zuri shook her head repeatedly.

"I saw you leave his room, Zuri!"

"You don't know what you saw! I'm going to do whatever it takes to save this place for père, and you need to stay out of my way. Au revoir," she said, before walking off. The word whore rang in her ears. She felt dirty for kissing the man who made her feel cheap. Shame burned in her cheeks as she admitted to herself that she did want to sleep with Christophe again despite it all. Confused and scared, she went to her suite and locked herself behind the door.


A cold shower did little to wash away his burn for her. He could still feel the sweet softness of her lips and tongue. How delicate and feminine she felt in his arms. Christophe wasn't sure he'd get to sleep at all. Walking through his suite in nothing but his robe, he heard a knock at the door. Maybe Zuri had changed her mind?

Christophe opened the door without thought. Elliot appeared with glassy eyes and his face twisted in an angry scowl. He nearly bowled him over he was in such a hurry to get inside. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"You saw the way that bitch humiliated me tonight!" Elliot snapped.

"Go back to your room and sleep it off. You’re drunk."

"Who the hell do they think they are? Laughing at me? At me? They made a big mistake. I want you to sign the deal with the bank tomorrow. I'll take it from there."

Christophe walked over to the bed and sat down. "You don't make any demands of me."

"I want this f*cking hotel. I don't ask for much. You run Montague uncontested by me. You aren't the only heir. I have rights."

"You have nothing." Christophe waved him off. He was ready to stretch back. Elliot’s tantrums were exhausting. Tonight he was irritating.

"I'll call tante!"

Christophe's sat up. "What did you say to me? Did you just threaten me with my mother?"

"No. I just, I want this resort."

Christophe approached him. Elliot took a step back. "Get the f*ck out."

"It's not fair. You don't give a shit about this place. I want this hotel. I have a right to run part of the business."

"I decide on all business matters for Montague. That was your choice. You wanted to play, while I work. You wanted to f*ck while I kept money in your pocket, and again that was your choice." Christophe poked Elliot in the chest. Elliot glared back. "Don't you ever make demands on me or threaten me with mother. You got that?"

"The Oasis is a crap shot place. It means nothing and we can get it cheap. I have an inside deal. Just give it to me. Damn it, I want Martinique."

Christophe smirked. "People in hell want ice water. What the f*ck do I care." He turned and went back to the bed. "Get out."

"So are you backing out of the deal?"

"Did I say that?"

"Will you buy it or not?"

"I haven't decided. If I buy it, it won't be for you. That's my final word on the matter."

Elliot's eyes bulged in the sockets and his face burned a deep shade of red. Christophe knew his temper and Elliot’s were rooted in self-loathing issues that were inherent to Montague men. In their youth, he'd actually gotten into a few fistfights with his cousin when things couldn't be settled. But he had no desire or cause to fight the spoiled drunk his cousin had become. He owned Montague, and he answered to know one, least of all Elliot.

"Anything else?" Christophe mumbled.

Elliot stormed out. Christophe fell back on the bed and closed his eyes. It had indeed been one strange night.

Sienna Mynx's books