The Accidental Mistress

chapter Thirteen

The width of his cock made it impossible for her to keep a firm hold on his dick. But she tried. She loved the way he reacted. His strong muscled arms were spread around the opening of the spring, his head titled so that his adams-apple bobbed once or twice with each of his staggered breaths.

Clothed he was gorgeous. Naked he was devastating. Olive tanned skin stretched over every inch of him. His arms, shoulders and chest was cut to precision. Her gaze moved lower to his defined abs. Tight ridges formed a six-pack down to his trim waist and she could see most of it as his chest swelled and expanded while she worked her fist up and down his shaft. His mouth parted, then shut. She saw his jaw clench, and she knew her hand job was working him to the edge. He groaned deep in his throat and his hands clenched. It was as if his cock was bulking by the minute in her hand. She almost wanted to use both her hands to get him there. But Christophe released with a deep gut-wrenching groan and shuddered. His spunk erupted and dissolved in the heated waves of the springs. Zuri smiled to herself. She had to admit that she'd really enjoy such a powerful tool being buried inside of her. She longed to get on him.

Then his eyes opened and latched to hers. "Your turn."

"I said—"

He licked his lips and eyed her breasts. His mouth on her nipples would be so good right now. She lost her train of thought. Oh yes, she was going to object. His hands dropped in the water. "I'd love to taste you right now."

What am I supposed to say to that?

"Yes," she grinned. "Taste me."

He gave her a mysterious smile. "First I want to watch you touch yourself for me."

Her grin faded. "I prefer you do it."

"I will. I want you to get ready. Can you do that for me, Zuri?"

Zuri looked around them. Now wasn't the time to care or worry, she'd already given him a hand job. But still she felt a bit shy and awkward with the spotlight on her. When she looked back to his hooded gaze, she realized how foolish she was.

He reached and cupped her face. His fingertips slipped from her cheek, down her neck and shoulder. His soft touch blazed a trail of heat that rivaled the warmth of the spring. "Do it for me, Zuri. Don’t make me beg," he whispered.

His head came forward and he flicked his tongue at her nipple. His hand gripped hers under the water and guided it to her mound. It was all the instruction she needed, especially with his tongue circling and giving her pleasure. She parted the lips to her sex and began to rub her bud. She knew the art of masturbation; it had gotten her through many a night after their encounter. But she'd never thought of doing it for him. Suddenly she was thrilled over the opportunity. Her head lolled back as she slid her finger under her slit and felt her p-ssy contract. Christophe nipped her nipple with his teeth and she shuddered. Easing her finger inside her tightness with the push of the underwater current that shiver went through her from the top of her head to the bottoms of her feet. She gasped and fingered her hole.

Christophe switched nipple. Leaving the other bruised and aching for his mouth's return. Her eyes rolled her head as she began to grind against her own palm. Something came over her beyond her understanding. Her body was on fire and she wasn't sure of just one source. His hand went down her spine to the split of her ass and as she fingered her p-ssy, he slipped his thick thumb into her anus. Her eyes opened and she gasped hard, looking through the steam, past his shoulder, at the swaying cypress beyond the spring. He sucked and loved her breasts. She fingered her cunt and he kept the thrusting his finger into her other hole until she was shouting her orgasm until she was hoarse. Every part of her melted by the sizzling blissful explosion of her climax that nearly shattered her pelvis.

He withdrew his finger, lifted his head and smiled at her. Zuri swayed, through the last remnants of her release.

"Now, you're ready."

To her surprise he rose bringing her up with him and out of the spring. He lifted her to the smooth edge of the rock and gently placed her there. Then climbed out to join her. The sun had moved down further in the sky and the afternoon breeze caused her skin to goose pimple. He came down on the side of the molten rock. Studying her. His hand went immediately to her neatly trimmed p-ssy. He cupped her there and she parted her legs to invite him to do more. For a brief moment she actually considered having unprotected sex. She prayed he didn't push her too hard.

Christophe covered her. He took one achy nipple between his teeth and tugged it as his lower torso pressed down against her center with the hardness that made her * tingle. He moved up and down between her thighs. She released a groan. He nipped the taut bud once more before soothing it with a slow lick. His mouth then swallowed more of her nipple. She undulated beneath him, wanting to feed him more, pressed between a rock and a hard place. The need throbbed in her p-ssy so she rolled her hips against his chest reminding him of his promise. His eyes flipped open and he stared at her as he devoured her breast. Then he winked and released it, thankfully.

"I wonder if you taste as good as I remember."

"Stop teasing me, Christophe," she pleaded.

"My pleasure sparrow."

He eased down until he kissed her mound before he buried his face between her thighs and when he brushed his nose against her * tiny pinpricks of pleasure sparked deep in her core. Zuri arched up off the rock and moaned. He nipped and licked her outer labia, flicking and teasing her * before he began to f*ck her cunt with his tongue.

"Please... please... please—" she begged as her head thrashed from side to side. He chuckled. Deep in her throat, she could hear it rise above the whispers from the wind that she relax and enjoy herself. The pleasure became metaphysical, as he loved her on the ceremonial rock next to the hot spring. And his tongue was only the beginning. He slid a finger into her wet heat and withdrew it to push in two fingers and stretch her nicely. Then he used the tip of his nimble tongue to torment her * while fingering her. She bucked her hips and slammed her thighs shut as the tension built in her mounting orgasm before it rocketed through her. She creamed herself and gripped fistfuls of his hair to make sure his face remained planted between her thighs through her release. He removed his fingers and rolled his tongue over her p-ssy and lapped at her essence, allowing her to crash and burn.

Zuri had known pleasure, but even this registered off the scale.

"Yes, yes, yes." she repeated as her lower half jerked, vibrated, and released her climax.

If he wanted her he could have her. But he rose, and pulled her up. Weakly she forced herself to stand. They returned to the spring. And warm waters soothed the aches from being pressed to the rock. Christophe brought her into the cradle of his arms and allowed her to stretch out her legs as she reclined against his back. Soon she was drifting in contentment. For the first time since the nightmare began with her father, she felt a sense of peace.


The hike back was done hand in hand. It wasn't that hard, the short-cut she knew helped. They arrived back at the jeep and she drove straight to Forte de France. He reclined in the seat, his face red from resting in the sun, his sunglasses covering his eyes. She thought he was sleep, but she sensed he wasn't. He was quiet mostly after they relaxed and held each other. It was kind of awkward not knowing his feelings. He said he would help her. She had gone all the way out to convince him to care. Now she had to trust in what she felt they shared.

"We have to turn in the pellet gun to the gendarmerie. You let me do the talking, okay?"

He nodded.

Again he didn't speak.

Zuri was growing a bit nervous. "Everything okay?"

He nodded again.

She sucked in a deep breath. When they parked. He was the perfect gentleman, getting out the pellet gun wrapped in a blanket and joining her on the sidewalk. Zuri greeted the caribinero and explained all that happened. He of course separated her from Christophe. The next hour she answered questions and signed a few documents that registered her statement. When she returned to find Christophe, he wasn't waiting for her. Her heart sank. An old pitiful wave of doubt seized her and she wondered if everything she'd done was for naught. That familiar bubble of shame swelled deeper in her chest and she hurried out of the station to capture air into her lungs. Why did intimacy always drive him away? She was stupid to think that sex of all things would make him do her bidding. Angry, she marched out onto the sidewalk and found Christophe leaning against the jeep talking on his cell phone. He ended the call and smiled at her.

"Is it possible that we could have your attorney speak with mine? They have some questions for him."

"I, well yes, but you said you wanted to see our records first."

"You can show them to me. It's best to get the bank to stop collection procedures and keep them from accepting another bid. Right?"

"Christophe, thank you so much." She went to him and threw her arms around his neck. "Thank you."

"You're right. Montague could learn a lot from you and your family and you can learn a lot from us. Make your business stronger."

"I don't know what to say. I know you're doing this out of kindness, not because of business," she smiled.

He drew her closer. "Say you will be mine, I want to spend the rest of my days here on the island with you in my bed."

Zuri bit down on her bottom lip. The offer sounded more like a bargain than a proposal for her heart. Was he giving her what she wanted for the payoff? "Okay," she accepted.

He smirked. "Umm, let's go."


Zuri pushed through the kitchen doors. She ordered dinner for Christophe and her to be delivered in her suite. Now she needed to find Jean-Paul. There were things that had to be said. She found him skimming through a book of hand scribbled recipes. He didn't see her at first, so she thought. She soon realized she was wrong.

"Comment vas-tu? How are you?" he mumbled, not bothering to look up.

"Va bien, merci."

He closed the book and sat back on his stool. His face was unreadable. Zuri hated that she hurt him. She loved him dearly. She hated the way he looked at her too. "I'm sorry about last night. I know you were only concerned about me."

"Do you know what you're doing, Zuri?"

"No," she admitted. "But I'm doing what I have too."

"I want to kill him," Jean-Paul said. "I want to throw him and that ape that follows him around out of here. But what would that do?"


"J’en ai ras-le-bol! I can't stay here and watch this. I called Maurice. He will have my recipes and the menu for the week is prepared—"

"No. Please, I need you to stay."

"No. No, Zuri. You made your choice. I don't like it but I understand why you're doing this. Don't ask me to help you. I can't."

Zuri walked over to him. He was so angry and hurt. There was more he wanted to say, but his pride wouldn't allow it. She knew that. Why hadn't she chosen him years ago. He was everything a man should be, kind, gentle, loving. And she had never seen him past a brother. "Can you hold me?"

He looked away at first.

"JP, I love you. Je t'aime." She tugged on his arm. He sighed and brought her into his arms. She held on to the forgiveness in his embrace. She could tell him that she and Christophe were more than what he thought. But even she wasn't sure. And it wouldn't matter either way. The damage was done. "Please stay. It's a week and..."

He pushed her off. "I'll make sure everything is taken care of. I will be reachable by phone." He turned and walked off deeper into his kitchen. Zuri sighed. What choice did she have but to leave? As she left, she considered going in search of Joi, but she didn't think she could go through the inquisition again. Instead she went to her suite. Alone, she fell over on the bed exhausted. What she needed more than anything was sleep.


"Enjoy yourself?" Elliot walked inside.

Christophe settled back into the wicker chair. His scotch was hitting the spot. He was exhausted and in no mood for his cousin's pouting. "What do you want, Elliot?"

"To tell you that you're a hypocrite."

Christophe sipped his scotch. "And exactly how am I a hypocrite today?"

"You go on about me using the company to wax my dick and look at you. I know who Zuri Baptiste is for you."

Christophe frowned.

Elliot spat a mean laugh. "That's right, some piece of ass you got in Chicago."

Setting his glass down Christophe sat forward. "Careful, Elliot. You don't want me to remind you of your manners."

"I asked you for one thing. One thing. And you wouldn't do it for me. Not because it's best for Montague and all that bullshit you yap about. No. You want to f*ck some native whore—"

Christophe rose.

Elliot stepped back. "I'm done playing second fiddle to you."

"Let me help you out, Elliot. You're done playing altogether." He grabbed him by the arm and shoved him toward the door. "I want you on a flight out of here. Tonight. And if you say one word to Zuri or her sister on your way out, I'll have you cleaning toilets in one of our mountain ranches in Georgia. Now get the f*ck out!"

Elliot stumbled outside of the door. He glared in disgust. "F*cking hypocrite!" he said and walked off. Christophe shook his head and slammed the door. He was selfish and a bastard. He was even a hypocrite, but he was done babysitting his cousin. Zuri had shown him something today. He could be much more if he wanted to. And he did want to. Desperately.


Zuri rolled over. She looked to the window and saw the sun had disappeared into night. Sitting up, she was surprised it was close to eight. "Shit!" she jumped up and quickly shed her clothes. She told Christophe she would be in his room at eight thirty. Zuri had no intention of sleeping so long. Undressing and rushing into the shower as soon as the water hit her face and shoulders she groaned. She'd sunburned leaving her skin raw and sensitive. "Damn it."

Zuri bathed as best she could. She dried, herself and rubbed two different lotions over her body. In the past four hours she'd slept and hadn't heard a word from her sister. She wondered if she should call Joi and check on her. Pressed for time, she abandoned the idea. She would seal this deal and then deliver the good news to her family. Unable to tame her hair she smoothed the edges back behind a rhinestone headband and let the rest remain wild like a huntress. Her skin was three shades darker. She only applied light eye makeup and lip-gloss. All the while, she smiled as the day's events flashed in her mind. What did Christophe think of them now? Once the deal was signed and in effect she wouldn't be opposed to seeing him again.

"Stop it, Zuri." She shook her head. "The man doesn't want a girlfriend. He wants sex. Remember that."

Sure she'd try to remember, but part of her struggled to disbelieve in what the day they spent meant

Sienna Mynx's books