Tempt Me Like This (Drew and Ashley ~ The Morrisons, Book 2)

He wasn’t the kind of guy to play mind games with a woman. What’s more, Ashley was the very last person he’d ever want to mess around with. Especially considering how great she’d been to talk to about his mom and his music.


The problem was, he’d never felt about anyone the way he felt about her. When she was in his arms, he wanted to hold her forever and never let her go. And every word she spoke played straight to his soul, affecting him more strongly than any song ever had.


James didn’t ask Drew how he was doing after being stuck in the elevator. On the contrary, his bodyguard scowled at him. Don’t hurt her, was the clear message in the other man’s eyes, right before they stepped into the TV studio.


Drew worked like hell to concentrate on his job and give his fans the best interview he could, but with Ashley only a few feet away behind the cameras, he knew he wasn’t coming anywhere close to pulling it off. Because even though he’d vowed that Ashley would leave his tour as pure as she’d come, he still couldn’t stop hoping that her answer to his question about whether she dreamed of him was yes.






Chapter Thirteen






Ashley was standing in front of the table on the bus, quickly reading through her email before heading into the venue to watch Drew’s show, when she suddenly felt him move behind her.


“Close the computer and turn around, Ash.” When she didn’t obey his command fast enough, he put his hands over hers and bent his mouth to her ear. “I promise you’ll be glad you did.”


Together, they closed her laptop, and then he moved his hands to her waist to turn her around to face him.


“I thought you were about to start your show,” she said, her voice sounding far huskier than it normally did.


“The opening band went on late.” His eyes were dark as midnight. “Which gives me time to make up for what happened in the elevator.”


“You don’t have to—” Her words fell away as he stroked his hands up her back from her waist to her shoulders.


“I do.” He brushed her hair over one shoulder, then bent his head to press a kiss to the skin he’d exposed at the side of her neck. “You taste so good. Your mouth. Your neck.” He licked out against her, and she shuddered at the pleasure of it. “I need to taste more of you. I don’t care what anyone else thinks about the two of us. Just you.” He took her earlobe between his teeth, and she couldn’t hold back a moan of pleasure as he lightly scraped over her sensitive flesh. “Do you still want me the way you said you did?”


She couldn’t stop herself from saying, “Yes,” and the next thing she knew, he was lifting her up onto the tabletop and moving to stand between her legs. It was pure instinct to throw all caution to the wind and wrap her arms and legs around him as his mouth crashed down on hers.


While their first kiss out on the beach had been gentle, this kiss was ferocious, as if both of them were desperately trying to get their fill before they were yanked apart again. She threaded her fingers into his hair to bring his mouth even closer, and when his tongue swept out against hers, she gasped at the pleasure of it.


“The sounds you make when I’m kissing you, touching you,” he said in a raw voice against her jaw as he nipped at her. She arched back to give him better access, and he nuzzled in against her neck, his stubble grazing her skin in the sexiest possible way. “There’s nothing sexier, Ash. Not one goddamned thing.”


It was warm on the bus, so she’d worn a tank top with her jeans today. Drew clearly appreciated the bare skin as he first ran his big, warm hands over her shoulders, and then bent his head to follow up that caress with a trail of kisses.


“Your skin is so pretty, so soft. I can’t wait to see all of it. All of you.”


She shivered at the thought of being completely naked in front of Drew. Not only was she a virgin, but the truth was that she hadn’t actually gone all that far with any of the guys she’d dated. Clothes had been unbuttoned and unzipped, but her panties and bra had always stayed on...and no one else had ever made her come. Not because she was a prude—she figured she had the same sexual urges as anyone else. But because none of those guys she’d dated had turned her on that much.


Not like this. Not the way just one look, one touch, one kiss from Drew did. Heck, she was nearly all the way there, and she still had all her clothes on.


“Do you want that, Ash? Do you want me to strip you bare? Do you want me to kiss every beautiful inch of your body?”


His eyes were intense as he asked her his sexy questions in a voice made raw with need. The same desire that had been eating her up day by day, hour by hour, second by second, ever since the moment they’d met.


Bella Andre's books