Shine Not Burn

He strode across the meadow and into the trees with me in his arms, clamping down on me so hard, all I could do was struggle mutely, barely able to move my arms or legs.

“Please don’t throw me in,” I begged, mostly meaning it but partially thrilled with his caveman act. I was so used to being in charge in my life, this was an erotic twist in our relationship I hadn’t expected to like. But there was no denying that I was hoping his next move would be to drop me to the ground and do that thing that he does oh so well, all over again.

Shimmering bluish green water came into view and I pleaded with renewed vigor, imagining how cold it would feel against my hot skin. “Please, I’ll do anything. Please don’t put me in there, Mack. I hate cold water!”

He stopped abruptly. “You’ll do anything?”

I nodded without hesitation, my chest heaving. “Yes. Anything. Name it.”

“Stay. Stay for the picnic…”

I smiled. “I already said I’d stay.”

“…And let me sleep with you tonight. I want our last night to be spent in your bed, inside you.”

A shiver ran through me as I imagined his hard, hairy body next to mine in the small bed of his parents’ house, while we did things we shouldn’t be doing. I looked over at the lake and its cold, deep waters. The decision was a no-brainer.

“Fine. Deal.”

He dropped my legs and put his hands on either side of my face. “I knew I’d get you to see reason.” He kissed me passionately for several seconds before surprising me by turning me around to face a tree. “Now do me a favor and bend over.”

“Why, what are you going to do?” I held my breath waiting for his answer.

He leaned in and spoke softly next to my ear. “I’m going to fuck you from behind.” He ran his hand up my spine from my rear end to my shoulder blades, pushing forward on my upper back.

A thrill shot through me like an electric shock, and I was instantly ready for him. I smiled, barely containing my excitement as I spread my legs and leaned over, grabbing the trunk of the tree. My breasts hung down, the cool air tickling their sensitive skin as my fingers dug into the rough, hard bark. His velvety hard length came up to touch my swollen place and he gripped one of my hips in his strong, warm hand.

I couldn’t stop moaning as he pulled my hips back and slid into me once again.

Chapter Thirty-Six

OUR RIDE BACK TO THE house went a lot faster then the ride out to the meadow. The sun was getting nearer the horizon and my belly was full from the food Mack had fed me with his own hands as the ranch came into view.

My brain was going a thousand miles an hour, trying to find some kind of fall back plan for my life or something. The connection Mack and I had made today had done nothing but complicate things even more. A glimmer of temptation was keeping me from just putting my foot down and insisting he let me go. All I could see down that path was loneliness and despair, and for once I didn’t feel like I was going to be completely happy following the script I’d written so long ago.

“You’re thinking too much again,” said Mack, not even looking back.

“Shush, you have no idea what I’m thinking.”

“You’re trying to figure out if you should make me sign those damn papers or just go with the flow and see where it takes you.”

“I never go with the flow,” I said, feeling grouchy.

“You said you’d stay through the picnic so you have to stay. I already texted my mom and she’s counting on you to help.”

“Dammit, Mack, that’s playing dirty.” He was getting family members on his side, making it harder for me to leave, and he knew it.

I kicked my horse a little to get her to move up to Mack’s side. His horse flinched away a little, but stayed on the path.

“I do what I gotta do to shine, babe. That’s all I’m doing … shining not burning.”

“Screw that. You’re being sneaky and manipulating my heart and I don’t like it.”

He looked at me with all traces of humor gone. “All’s fair in love and war, and I plan on winning, no matter what.”

My nostrils flared. Time to drop the big bomb. “Bradley’s on his way out here.”

Mack did a double take. “Say that again?”

“You heard me. He’s coming out. I tried to stop him, but he wouldn’t listen.”

Mack actually grinned. “Sounds like my kind of guy.”

I shook my head. “You just don’t get it. He’s not your kind of guy and he’s going to come here and cause a big fuss. I need to be gone when he comes or it’s going to be not only ugly but embarrassing.”

“Not for me, it’s not. And it shouldn’t be for you either.” He reached over to touch me but I flinched away.

“Hands off. I’m not kidding. You’re not going to charm yourself out of this one. He’s coming, and when he realizes I’ve been sleeping with you, he’s going to make a big stink and everyone will know that we’re both cheater assholes.”

Mack laughed. “Cheaters? How can we possibly be cheating when we’re married?”