Play Dirty: Devil's Mustangs MC

I can just make out the sound of her opening the front door from the upstairs guestroom. I haven’t had enough time to get the room ready. It’s still in that ugly beige bedding set Erin’s mother bought for us. And we still haven’t cleaned out the closet of the discarded holiday items and unworn pairs of shoes.

But it will do for Maddie. Later this morning I will take her to the store and buy new comforters and sheets and maybe even a little desk, as well. I’ll stock up on some treats and snacks -- whatever she wants. I don’t know how long she is going to be with us, but, no matter what, I want her to be comfortable and maybe even happy in her new home. Even if it is temporary.

I find myself smiling, and I sit down on the bed that I just smoothed out the wrinkles from. I can’t be happy right now. That wouldn’t be right. What I did with Erin is totally beyond me. I took a daughter away from her father. But I had good reason to, and no one could argue with me on that one.

Well, except for Cal. I kept my phone close to me the entire night, waiting for his phone call to tell me how much he hated me or how he was coming for me. But the phone never rang and a text never came. Now it was nearly twelve hours after the Child Protective Services social workers came and got her from the clubhouse, and I was left wondering how he felt about it.

Was I taking his family away? Or was I safeguarding it? I hope he saw it was the second option. Because as much as I care for Maddie, I want him to be with her. They need each other. I could never, ever come between that bond.

However, there was no time to think about Cal or how he felt about me. What mattered was that she was here, downstairs, waiting for me. Erin continued to call my name before I ran downstairs to greet her. She tossed her bag in the foyer, totally missing the basket everyone else used for their things. And I had to bite my tongue as she walked into the living room with her muddy sneakers, but I kept my cool. Even neurotic Michelle could keep it in when need be.

When I made it to the last step, she turned towards me, her eyes downcast and tired. She asked me quietly, “What am I doing here, Miss Springer?”

I take a seat on the couch next to her, but she doesn’t follow me. Instead she stares at me coldly, as if she knows. I put on a reassuring, sympathetic smile as I explain, “Maddie, these men and women with Child Protective Services want me to look out for you for a little bit while Cal, I mean your dad, works with them. You’re going to stay here with my roommate Erin and me, and your dad will come see you here soon. We can even give him a call tonight to let him know you are all right.”

A man dressed in all black with glasses interjects by clearing his throat, “Miss Springer, we ask that you not contact the father until we give permission.”

I nod my head solemnly. I can’t imagine being a father and not hearing from my daughter daily. I glance at Maddie who is looking more dejected than ever. I give her a knowing wink and then reply, “Of course.” This rule will have to be broken.

“We will be back to check on Maddie in two or three days. Our offices will arrange a time for our visit.” The man hands me a card with his name embossed in jet black letters, “In the meantime, if you need anything or this one becomes, uh, overwhelming for you, feel free to call my offices. She is case number 484895.”

I stand up and defiantly say, “She’s not a case number. She’s Maddie Ross.”

His stiff face becomes awash in horror as he adjusts his tie nervously. He stutters as he says, “Of course.”

Maddie, Erin, and I watch silently as he leaves. Neither of us knows what to do or where to begin. But Erin, being Erin, launches right in, “Hi there, Maddie. Michelle has told me all about you.”

Maddie looks over at me, unsure of who this bubbly, energetic person is. She’s the complete opposite of someone she would run into at the clubhouse. I give her a little nod of my head to show she won’t bite, and Maddie returns Erin with a small smile.

Erin is relentless, “I know! How about we watch a movie. Or is it too early for that? Pancakes? I can totally make some awesome chocolate chip pancakes. And you can help me out! That’s the best part!”

I butt in, sensing Maddie isn’t ready for all of Erin’s Erin-ness. “How about you make those pancakes while I take Maddie upstairs to settle into her room. Okay?” I don’t give Erin a chance to argue as Maddie follows me quickly.

I give Maddie the tour, showing her our house and attempting to make it clear what is and isn’t off-limits. The whole idea of personal space seems a bit perplexing to her as she touches everything she comes to and even opens up Erin’s underwear drawer. Once we reach her room, I can tell she is overwhelmed. “Miss Springer,” she asks me nervously, “Can we just call my dad now? I know they said we couldn’t but I--”

“Yes, of course, Maddie. Let’s call your dad.”

Evelyn Glass's books