Play Dirty: Devil's Mustangs MC

Bursts of energy hit me as I come again. This time, I can feel my juices flow out of me like a river onto his cock. The extra lubrication only seems to turn him on as he uses it to get even deeper into me. Cal smooths out the hair next to my neck and looks up at my face awash in shock and awe. Something in him changes as he eases up. He stops the twisting and the slapping and instead massages at the nub.

His hands guide my body backwards towards him as I snuggle next to his neck. His cock follows in me with his hips dipping lower so he can take the lead. I cry out. But he bites down on my earlobe floating next to his mouth, and I go silent. I need to enjoy this ride.

Cal’s breathing picks up as I throw my arms up and around his neck. He kisses my shoulder and bites into the small flesh around my collarbone. I watch as his hands slide towards the seats, using it as leverage to make his strokes faster. I turn my head slightly to see his eyes go dark like embers from the flame.

I pull him in for a kiss as he collapses, shaking underneath me. His cock pushes three hard thrusts as I feel him explode inside of me. I don’t dare to move. I don’t try to turn away or to move. Instead, I feel his head pressed into my shoulder, my arm resting on his feathery hair. And both of us finally take our moment to just breathe.

Chapter 20: Misgivings


I place my hand on her cheek, feeling the softness of her skin, the hard bone of her jaw. And I do something out of the box for me -- I kiss her again. It’s not because we are having sex or because I want to seduce her. It’s because I want her to know I am here, that she is safe, and that we are together.

I kiss her again and again until I feel like I am falling back in. But she pushes me back before we can get in too deep again. She leans against the steering wheel and picks up the slinky black tank top off the floor, throwing it on her. As she gathers her things, she turns back to me and asks, “What about Maddie? What about the club?”

“When you arrived, the Coyotes were retreating. The Mustangs were holding them off. There’s no way they got into that basement.” I don’t sound as sure as my own words. The truth of the matter is that I abandoned my club and my daughter in battle to make sure Michelle got out of the line of fire. I cringe to think of what was going to happen to me when the dust settles.

“But what if --” Michelle senses my fear and doubt. She’s got that way about reading people, but it’s a gift that overwhelms her. She takes on everyone else’s emotions as her own, but this is especially true with Maddie. Why else would she come all this way to the clubhouse knowing the danger she would face when she could have easily just called the cops? “Cal,” she says interrupting my own thoughts, “You need to go back. You need to go back right now. I can’t be here with you making love when your daughter and your, uh, home is in danger!”

I don’t care that she has called the motorcycle gang a “home.” I’m more stuck on us “making love.” Were we? Was what I doing to her even in that category? I can’t deny that I’m starting to feel something for her beyond annoyed resentment over all that’s happened with Maddie and school. But have we gotten to that place?

I can’t dwell on this, though. She’s right. There’s something so much more important to think about than our feelings or desires. And that thing is potentially trapped in a clubhouse unable to defend herself. I had to get back to her.

I reach for my pants as Michelle moves back to the passenger side to put on her own jeans. I start the car up as she gives me directions the rest of the way to her house. Neither of us talks. What else is there to say? Our bodies have done enough for one night.

Her house is just as I imagine it to be. It’s neat, clean, precise. The lawn has been recently cut and there isn’t a leaf to be seen. Unlike the clubhouse, the home itself is in pristine condition without a shingle missing from the roof. As I park, she shrugs a bit nervously as she thinks of what words to leave me with. “This is my place. Thank you for the ride back. How are you going to get back?”

“I’ll take your car. It’s of no use to you with the busted out windows. I’ll have Marco, our repair shop guy, look at it tomorrow.”

She turns slowly towards me and looks at me hard. Her head tilted to the side as she asks slowly, “Repair shop? Did you hear about that repair shop burning down this afternoon? They found four guys there, maybe dead.”

I slink down in the seat. She knows it was me. I look down at my hands as if I were a child again caught stealing. “Yeah, I know.”

She reaches out a hand and lifts my head up and over ‘til I am eye to eye to her. She kneels in the passenger seat so our heads are level. “That was you, wasn’t it? The fire? The bodies? The fire trucks? All of it?”

Evelyn Glass's books