Play Dirty: Devil's Mustangs MC

Sleep is useless. It’s only six o’clock, but I’m exhausted from our new nightly raids. My body is spent as I struggled just to roll out of bed and throw a shirt on. Downstairs, I can hear the afternoon guys shouting about their day’s work, the money they picked up, their cut of the action.

Some of the girls are arriving, too, with their loud laughter and calls at the boys. Tuesdays tend to be one of those nights where everyone gathers for the meeting and the rides afterwards. Tonight’s is particularly special since we are commemorating our fallen. We buried three this week, each shot down by a Coyote in their own clubhouse. After the Mustangs meeting, we will send them off in style as only a biker gang would.

I turn on my closet light and grab my colors. I dust off the badges, counting each of them in my head as I think of what I did to earn each one. Some of it I’m proud of, others I’m not so sure. It’s cost me so much, maybe too much. But it’s the only life I know.

I get dressed and check the time. I’m just in time for the meeting to begin as I saunter down the stairs. Helena is there waiting for me. She’s still young, maybe only twenty or so, but she’s wise for her years. She can sense I’m not myself, and she’s okay with that.

“Hey there, Cal. You headed down?” Her voice is dark and rich, like chocolate. Her brown tan skin practically glows through her tight black halter top. Her short jean skirt shows off her thick thighs partially covered in laced up leather boots. I can’t help but stare.

I ignore her question as I quickly retreat to the basement. The men are taking their seats with no one daring to say a word.

Jager starts by banging his hands into the wooden table sitting on the platform. “Mustangs, this is a hard night. Last week, we were under attack by the Coyotes. And today, we bury what they dared to destroy. But just because Ryan, Jo-Jo, and Goodie are gone doesn’t mean our fight is over. No, we are going to avenge them one by one until those bastards pay in blood!”

“Hear! Hear!” I shout, breaking the silence. The men join in cheers. The truth is that I don’t have the enthusiasm for real revenge talk. That’s far from my mind. But I have to muster it up in this time when loyalty and pledge is being questioned. Even with Ryan gone, I’m going to have to fight off the men trying to take my place at the head table.

“Tonight, we’ll honor them. I will ride Captain with Cal taking Tail Gunner. Old guys, teach our pledges and new members about our burial traditions. I don’t want anyone to fuck this up. Our men deserve that. After the meeting, we’re going to Hell’s Corner. Everyone is required to attend” Jager eyes me, knowing I would rather sit out a night of drinking and drugs. He continues, “As for the rest of this week’s agenda, I expect everyone to be on the lookout for more from the Coyotes. We got final word that Cal’s guy Chris was the snitch who led them here. And if they are able to turn one of our guys, they may try to do it again. If I were Addison Bell and the Mountain, I would be going after anything vulnerable, so be vigilant. You see something, you report back to me ASAP. No solo missions until I give the all clear. Do you hear me?”

I say “Aye” under my breath as the room dismisses. Everyone heads outside towards their bikes, the women following suit with their men. Helena appears out of nowhere as she slides on the back of my bucket. She stares me down as I question her. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“I need a ride. You’re going to give me one.”

“Hell no, girl. Get your own fucking ride with one of the pledges. I don’t take women on my bike.”

“No, Cal.” She leans across the seat and pats the top of the handlebars gently, “I’m riding with you whether you like it or not.”

The train of motorcycles is already leaving, and I don’t have much choice. I toss her a helmet and get on the front. Her arms encircle my waist as I feel the rest of her body snuggle up to me. Her bare chest leans across the leather of my jacket. She moans out as the engine begins to rev up.

Thankfully, the drive to the cemetery is short. All of our boys are buried in one location with their women and children, if they got them. The three today are buried in their colors with caskets black as the night. After the short ceremony, the civilians gather up around the rows of motorcycles to watch Jager start the process. He stands beside his bike and starts the engine, the purr echoes off of the grassy hills and trees. The rest of the men follow except for me as the Tail. I just stand there waiting it all out. Jager then revs his bike three times, one for each of our fallen. Again, the rest of the group follows.

Evelyn Glass's books