Phoenix: The Beauty in Between (A Beautiful Series Companion Novel)

“I know,” I smile. Moving towards him and giving him a light kiss on the cheek. “You just think I’m beautiful.”

“You’re damn right I do,” he grins back. “Now get that gorgeous arse of yours out there and get me some more stock. I have a delivery to make this afternoon, and we might as well get all the money we can.”

Once a week, Braden goes out on his own to take all the IDs I’ve managed to get my hands on, to whoever it is he sells them to. Our income level varies from week to week, but it’s more money than I’ve ever had. More than enough to get by and procure some entertainment for ourselves on the side.

During the week, we stay clean because we need to focus. Braden is studying art and design at uni as well as working a few nights at Planetary, and I have purses that require my attention. I need to have my wits about me, or I’ll be caught. That’s the last thing I want.

“Get moving woman!” he calls out to me as I’m preparing to leave. Saluting him, I finish collecting my things, so I’m almost ready.

“You want to run interference for me?” I ask as I lace up my shoes. Sometimes Braden comes out with me and distracts my targets with a question about directions, the time, or whatever else he can come up with.

“Sure. I’ll help you for a while. Then I can go and get our money.”

“Good, I want to go shopping for something new to wear this weekend.”

“Me too. I want to look irresistible this weekend. Did you see that guy I was talking to last Saturday? He said he’d be at Compound this weekend. So that’s where we’re going,” he sing songs.

“Yes. I did see that guy. And then I saw him go home with his girlfriend. I think you’re barking up the wrong tree with that one,” I laugh.

“No. I could tell. Just watch what happens,” he grins, standing at the door, ready to leave.

Weekends are our party time. It’s when we really let loose and enjoy the fruits of our labour. I haven’t completely given up my old ways though. As much as I thought I was sick of sleeping with random guys, I still have a libido. Except now I go home with guys that I actually want – I can afford to be choosy.

Braden’s not as bad at picking up as he originally made out to be, although he’s better at picking up women than men. From the looks of it, I think he’s attracted to straight men which is obviously where his problem finding a man arises from. Sometimes he scores though, and that’s when he’s happiest.

We have a rule that we don’t bring people back to the studio, because it’s not fair to the other person. We always go home with the guy or girl. The studio is just for us.

Before he met me, Braden was only into ‘chasing the dragon’, as he likes to call it, and speed, which he calls ‘go-ie’ – it’s like he can’t call a spade a spade. But I’ve convinced him that coke is far superior to his ‘go-ie’, and after trying it with me, he’s inclined to agree.

Now we have a ritual. When we get ready to go out, we set up our lines and snort them just before we leave so we’re feeling wonderful, by the time we get to the clubs or parties. When we get back to the apartment we smoke heroine to come down. It’s a beautiful combination. I even find myself leaving the beds of the men I go home with so I can get back for a smoke. I’m having trouble coming down without it.

Chapter Twenty-Five

It’s the weekend again, and we’ve been invited to a party. Braden has taken me shopping to pick the right outfit. He doesn’t think that anything I own is sexy enough. Flicking fiercely through the clothes racks, he scrutinises dresses before shaking his head and putting them back.

I hold up a gorgeous looking, royal blue mini dress with a tiny ruffle around the hem that makes it look fun and flirty. “How about this one?”

Lilliana Anderson's books