Phoenix: The Beauty in Between (A Beautiful Series Companion Novel)

“Come in,” he booms, taking my hand and bringing it to his mouth. “Braden, I can see why you were hiding her,” he says, his eyes locked with mine as he presses his lips to my knuckles.

“Can you blame me?” Braden laughs uneasily. I can hear a slight tinge of nervousness in his voice as he starts to introduce us. “Paige, this is Reggie. Reggie, meet Paige.”

I nod and smile, but I find him unsettling. There’s something about the way he’s looking at me, and then at Braden, that makes me concerned. It’s like they know something that I don’t. He tucks my hand in the crook of his arm and walks me inside. Braden makes sure to keep pace with us.

“This is quite a party,” I comment, trying to make casual conversation, as I look around at all the people gathered in the large foyer and living area.

The house is very modern in styling and lit for the party as though it’s a night club. Everything is either white, chrome or mirrored, and the lights that flash are a red or a purple. It all feels very surreal as it is. But when a strobe light goes off and causes the room to look as though it’s moving in slow motion, it’s even more so.

Reggie walks us toward a bar and tells us to choose anything we’d like, before excusing himself to go and mingle. As he speaks to us, his hand lingers a little too long on my skin, and a cold chill skitters its way up my spine. So I’m grateful when he’s gone.

Looking around the party, I see that there aren’t many people holding drinks. But they’re all on something.

“What’ll it be?” the bar tender asks.

Braden has been to these things in the past, so he answers before I have a chance to open my mouth.

“Coke,” he says, holding two fingers up to let him know it’s for both of us.

The barman hands us a dish that has everything we need on top of it. “First one’s free,” he tells us. His voice flat and impassive. He’s obviously been saying the same thing all night.

We move to the side, and I lean into Braden. “What is this?”

“A tasting party.”

“Tasting party?”

“Yep. Pick your drug, but don’t mix it. ODs aren’t tolerated.”

“What do they do if you OD?”

“I have no idea. I just know that no one ever sees you again.”

“Holy shit,” I breathe. I’m starting to feel as though I’m in this a little too deep. I had been looking at what we were doing as a bit of petty theft. I had no idea we were involved with major dealers. This is all a bit above my experience level.

“Relax. Reggie seems to like you. Just have a good time, and we’ll be fine.”

I nod, but I’m not sure that I can relax.

“Do you want a downer instead?”

“No. Coke’s fine.”

“Well, sniff up sweetheart. Let the party begin.”

The high hit me faster than our usual stuff does. It’s almost as good as the first time I did it, back when I was with Jeff.

“Oh wow,” I say to Braden, who’s watching me, nodding and smiling.

“It’s great right?”

“Amazing,” I say rolling my head around as I’m sent soaring.

As I move through the crowd, I feel so much lighter on my feet. Braden introduces me to a few people he knows but ultimately, we end up dancing alone.

Due to my high, every move of my hips is erotic, and I feel like I can have anyone and anything. Braden’s hands are moving over my body, every touch feels amazing as my senses come to life.

His hand wanders down my thigh and up under my dress. He clutches as my buttocks and pulls me up against him. We’re pressed as close as we can, swaying as one as we stare into each other’s eyes. His eyes drop to my mouth, and I can’t help but lick them. I want him to kiss me.

Lilliana Anderson's books