Phoenix: The Beauty in Between (A Beautiful Series Companion Novel)

“Why? Because you’re older than me?”

“Well, yeah, and I was supposed to be looking out for you, and Tahlia. I wasn’t supposed to be hooking up with a beautiful girl who is almost half my age.”

Blushing, I shake my head, letting my curls fall over my face. “You’re not that old.”

“I am, Paige. In five years’ time, our age difference wouldn’t matter. But right now, it seems quite vast, don’t you think?” I bounce one of my shoulders as I chew my lip, listening. He rubs his hand over his face and head, then leans against the back of the couch, looking up at the ceiling. “God, I’d bet if your father had any idea what happened tonight, he’d hunt me down and hang me.”

“I doubt that,” I deadpan. “The man I thought was my father couldn’t care less what I do. And I’ve never met my real one.”

“What about your mother? Does she care?”

“No. She kicked me out months ago.”

His brow furrows as he sits forward again and looks at me. “Are you serious? They just kicked you out?” I nod. “What for?”

“For being me, I guess. I figure my mum had an affair, and I’m the result of it. I’ve always been treated differently from my brother and sister. I never felt wanted. Eventually, they just sent me away.” For some reason, I feel comfortable with Jeff and tell him everything I’ve been through so far. He sits quietly, listening to me as I unload.

“That’s pretty messed up. Where are you staying now?”

“On the couch in Tahlia’s garage.”

“Are you serious?! No, no, no. That’s not cool.”

“Well, what else am I supposed to do? I don’t have any other family to stay with, and I’ve stayed with every friend I can. I’m not entering the system either. I don’t want to go into foster care, or a home, or whatever-the-heck they do with girls my age.”

“Paige, you have other options.”

“Oh yeah. Like what?”

He shifts where he sits and turns to face me, taking my hand into his before he meets my eyes. “You might not want to hear this. But, a girl who is good in bed, will never be wanting for a place to sleep.”

“What? No…I don’t know about that,” I laugh, feeling slightly uncomfortable all of a sudden. “I mean I have never…”

He closes his other hand over mine and says, “I know. I can teach you if you’d like.”

My heart thuds solidly in my chest as I think about what it is he’s offering me. “I’m just not sure that’s a good idea. I mean isn’t that kind of like being a prostitute?” I practically whisper.

Jeff laughs. “No – I’m not going to teach you to charge money. I’m just saying that if you’re good in bed and know how to please a man, there is no way you’ll ever have to sleep on an old couch, in a dirty garage again.” He reaches forward and touches my face gently with the back of his hand.

“You’re so beautiful Paige. You should have seen the way other men were watching you tonight. It made me feel like I had to have you. You have a quality that draws men in, and I’d love to be the man who teaches you how to use this gorgeous body of yours to your benefit. A woman like you could use her beauty to have the world at her feet.” He chews on his lip as his eyes travel up and down my body. The expression on his face seems as though it hurts for him to look at me and not touch me.

Strangely, I don’t want to run. I want him to touch me. I want him to teach me. I’m tired of sleeping on a couch. I’m tired of sleeping in a garage. I’m tired of silently begging, tired of feeling dependent on others. I’m tired of being a burden.

Lilliana Anderson's books