
Holding his gaze, she cupped his face as her heart exploded with love for him. “Well, good thing we have each other then.”

Ten months ago, when she found herself in the ER in Colorado for a miscarriage, she never thought in her entire life that she’d be saying those words ever again.

But she was.

And she couldn’t be any happier.

“Now, come on, let’s get home,” he suggested, helping her sit up even though she didn’t need him to. “I’ll stop and get you a Snickers and we’ll watch that movie of yours.”

She grinned. “You want to watch Notting Hill?”

He shrugged. “I will if you want to. I guess it’s growing on me. I like it when the chick begs for the guy back. I’m taking notes, you know,” he said with a wink and she laughed.

“You don’t need them,” she promised and he laughed.

“Eh, I don’t know. I might forget to put the toilet seat down or fall asleep when you’re talking or something else, no telling,” he teased and she giggled as she got up, feeling more in love with him than ever before.

“I’ll still love you, no speech needed.”

“I’m gonna hold that one for later,” he said with a wink and her heart soared.

Hell, she loved this man.

So damn much it hurt.

“So you think it’s a boy?”

Jordie looked over at Karson as they walked down the streets of Chicago, heading toward lunch with some of the guys. Karl was back at the hotel, sleeping since they’d had a late-night flight in. It was the season’s Fathers’ Trip and Karl was there for both Jordie and Karson. It was nice with him there, especially when he was wearing a shirt with both their names and numbers. Everyone teased him that he looked like a Little League dad, but he didn’t care. He was proud of his boys, as he said.

And it really meant a lot to Jordie that Karl was there for him too.

He hadn’t spoken to his mother since the parking lot when he found Kacey screaming at her. He was completely okay with that too. She had made a few Facebook posts, but he didn’t see them because he deleted her. Karl had though, and after cussing her out good one time, he deleted her too and cut off all contact. Jordie wanted to say he missed her, but he didn’t. He was too consumed with Kacey, the pregnancy, hockey, and his road to sobriety.

And everything was going the way he wanted it to.

“I know it is,” Jordie said confidently. “According to some of the books I’ve been reading, if the woman is carrying low, it’s a boy, high, a girl, and Kacey’s got a little gut at the bottom,” he added, his hand moving along the bottom of his stomach. “Hell, even Ma agrees.”

Karson laughed. “Ma just wants a boy to balance us out.”

“Can’t blame her.” Jordie grinned, feeling complete. “We find out next week though.”

“Gosh, that’s going quick,” Karson said, tucking his hands into his pockets, and Jordie couldn’t agree more. It felt like they were on the fast track to having this baby. It seemed like only yesterday they were in the ER for her bleeding, but everything had been fine since. They did have one other episode, but unlike the first, Kacey was a champ. She only cried a little, while he was sure he was having a panic attack. Now though, she was picking out colors for the nursery, names, and wanting to buy everything she saw. It was great, and he couldn’t be happier, but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous. The books said that it was normal for dads to feel nervous, but he felt like it was more.

He was just so scared to let not only Kacey down, but also now his child.

He hadn’t had any cravings lately, not that he had time for them. Between hockey, Kacey, and looking at spots for her gym that was close by the house, it had been a little crazy. But he felt great. He had even gone out with the guys to dinner and to the bar, but he didn’t drink. He went for the interaction with his friends, and the people at AA were really proud. So was Kacey. She sounded really nervous when he told her though, but when he promised he hadn’t drunk, she was elated.

Toni Aleo's books