
“We can tell and we are thrilled,” she said, flashing him a winning grin. “Especially me since I kind of stuck my neck out for you.”

He laughed as he nodded. “Couldn’t let you down.”

“Yeah, that means a lot,” she said, letting out a contented sigh. “So while it’s on my mind, you’re welcome to skip the team party this weekend. It isn’t really a dry event, and I wouldn’t want to tempt you.”

Jordie shook his head. He had been preparing for the team party. He knew that there would be drinking and partying, and he had to get used to that stuff sooner rather than later. There was alcohol everywhere; it was his duty to resist it. “No, I’ll be there. No biggie.”

“You sure?” she asked skeptically. “I would make an excuse for why you can’t come.”

“Thanks, Elli, but I want to be there. I got a date,” he said with a wink and she laughed.

“I see that you and my trainer have worked it out?”


“Good, I hope it lasts a lifetime.”

“It will,” he said with a grin. “Was that what you needed to talk to me about? The party?”

She shook her head. “No, actually, I wanted to talk to you about Benji Paxton.”

His brows came together. What did the new defensive guy have anything to do with him? “Cool dude, what about him?”

“He’s a recovering alcoholic, eleven years sober.”

“Really?” he asked, surprised by that. “He seems so straitlaced.”

“Now he is, but he has one hell of a past. Though that’s not my place to tell you. And I would like to suggest that you and him room on road trips. He would be a good friend for you.”

Jordie shrugged. He could see why she would think that, but that wouldn’t work. “But I room with Karson, always have.”

“I know, but Fontaine is known to be a partier, and Karson won’t stand for Fontaine’s antics, you know? Can you try it out? For me?”

She batted her lashes at him and he laughed. He’d do just about anything for Elli and she knew that. “Sure. No problem.”

“You are awesome. Thank you,” she said, clapping her hands together. “Now, let’s get to signing some paperwork.”

Excited, Jordie leaned forward toward the contract, ready to add some more brick to the foundation he was building. Signing this contract ensured his future with the Assassins, and that meant it was time to move out of Karson’s house and get a place of his own. Now all he had to do was hope that Kacey would be on board to go with him.

Because he couldn’t leave her behind.

“You and your friends act worse than children,” Kacey accused as Karson laughed, looking down at his phone. As another notification from the “roast,” as the guys were calling it, came across her phone, she rolled her eyes. She almost wanted to tell Jordie to delete it, but if she was honest, it was sweet. Even if he did think she was stubborn. Which she was. But that wasn’t the point. He’d told the world that he loved her and that made her breathless.

Pointing at her, he said, “Shut up, this is awesome. Lucas just said that you are holding Jordie’s balls in your purse.”

She shot him a wry look as he laughed from the gut, Lacey only snickering as she shook her head. Putting the nipple on Mena’s bottle, she handed it to him. “Try to keep the laughing to a minimum. I don’t want my baby to have shaken baby syndrome.”

He scoffed, taking the bottle and kissing her cheek. “Are you reading this stuff? It’s classic.”

Walking away, he let out another gut-busting laugh and Kacey rolled her eyes. “He’s a dork.”

“That is very true,” Lacey agreed, cleaning the counter before leaning against it. “But the status is cute. It’s weird seeing you two so lovey-dovey after you almost murdered him in the living room however many weeks ago.”

Toni Aleo's books