
Kacey: Yeah, I don’t make that much with the Assassins and I only work in the mornings now. I’m kind of bored come the afternoon.

Jordie: You really don’t need that much money. I’m about to sign a huge contract.

Kacey: I know, but I can’t depend on you to support me.

His face scrunched up more.

Jordie: Why the hell not? You’re my woman.

Kacey: This is very true, but you know, what if it doesn’t work out? And then I’ve been depending on you and I have nothing.

He glared.

Jordie: Won’t happen. You aren’t going anywhere.

Kacey: lol. Okay, so this is a convo for later, I guess.

Jordie: I guess so. Have you thought about moving in with me?

Kacey: You’re killing me.

Jordie: I’ll take that as a no. Stop being a relationship staller and get it together, Kacey King. Be my woman, move in with me, and have lots of loud sex.

Kacey: Dork, I’ll see you when you get back.

Jordie: Fine, love your stubborn ass.

Kacey: Love your dorky ass more.

He smiled as he clicked off his messages and went to his Facebook. Hitting the status update section, he wrote:

My girlfriend is the most stubborn-ass woman in the world, but I wouldn’t be head over heels in love with anyone but her. Love you, Kacey King.

He posted it and then grinned. He wasn’t that big a Facebooker, but when he updated his status, it usually meant something. The world needed to know what he thought of his girlfriend, and he was sure to get some kind of response. Hopefully out of her. He also wanted to remind her that he cared. He may not have had to woo her like Lacey had suggested in the beginning, but he still thought that little things like Facebook posts and Snickers would keep her happy. She didn’t like flowers like a normal chick, so he fed her. It usually worked.

As he expected, his Facebook started to blow up, his phone dinging left and right, stealing his attention.

Hitting the comments, he laughed as he read through each one.

Lucas Brooks: I’m surprised she even dates a guy from Duck Dynasty. You should be happy she’s staying. BTW it’s not playoff season, do something about your face.

Erik Titov: Pansy ass.

Karson King: Loser, stop posting shit about my sister. But really, she is the biggest pain in the ass I know.

Kacey King: Shut up, Karson King. And don’t you mean you’re the biggest pain in the ass? And you hush too, Jordie, but I do love you too.

Shea Adler: Aren’t you in a meeting? Show some respect for my wife and stop Facebooking about your high school romance. Big dweeb.

Tate Odder: Cap, people don’t say dweeb anymore.

Shea Adler: Says the kid that doesn’t speak English.

Tate Odder: Yes, I’m a little delayed in your language, but at least I’m a kid and not an old ass.

Karson King: BUUUUUURRRNNNNNNN!!!! But he said it. Not me. Don’t hate me and get me traded.

Lucas Brooks: Good one, Tate Odder.

Shea Adler: I will kill you all, no trades needed.

Phillip Anderson: All of you are losers, especially you, * ass Jordie Thomas! No one Facebooks this girlie shit.

Reese Anderson: Yes, they do, he did it yesterday. Don’t listen to him, Jordie. I can’t wait to meet her.

Jordie was cracking up as the comments kept coming, but then Elli interrupted him as she said, “You can come in now.”

Looking up at her, he smiled. “Check out Facebook later.”

She returned the smile and nodded. “Shenanigans, I’m guessing?”

“Our team is full of crazies,” he commented as he walked past her.

“Ain’t that the damn truth,” she agreed as she shut the door. “Charles is running late, so we’ll go over the contract while we wait. But I wanted to talk to you about something,” she said and he paused before lowering down into the chair.

“Am I in trouble?”

She laughed. “No, actually, you’ve been doing very well. Everyone is extremely pleased. Coach is boasting about you every time I see him.”

He relaxed in the chair, nodding his head. “I’m working hard.”

Toni Aleo's books