No Limit

Chazz released his grip on my arm and stepped to the side. “What is it about this whore that has everyone so hard up? You must be one whipped * to keep crawling back to her after she’s fucked half the men in Vegas.”

Jason didn’t waste any time, punching him square in the jaw. But he didn’t stop there. Next, he kicked him in the ribs and slammed against the wall, knocking over the trinkets from the dresser. It was loud and I was sure any moment the door would burst open. Grabbing Chazz around the neck, he squeezed. “You don’t know the first goddamned thing going on here. Too bad I know . . . you’re the one who woke up with a red ass, almost drowning in your own jizz. How did it taste by the way?”

“Fuck you,” he choked out.

Jason squeezed harder, slamming Chazz’s face onto the dresser. “You need to learn some respect. I saw the marks you left on her body and if it was up to me you’d be dead right now. If you ever touch her again, I’ll rip your goddamn head off. You got that?” When Chazz didn’t answer, he smashed his face into the dresser again; his face was turning blue. “Answer me!”

“I . . . got . . . it.”

Jason tossed him to the floor and stepped on his hand when he walked past. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

“How did you know where I was?”

Jaw tensing, he looked down at Chazz and then at me. “I just did. Now let’s go before I do something I’ll regret.” He unlocked the door, and surprisingly, there wasn’t anyone standing around in the hallway. Holding my hand, Jason squeezed it tight and he didn’t let go until we got outside and into his car. The farther away we got, the more he seemed to calm down. “Do you think I got my point across?”

“I’d say so. I have to admit, you were sexy as hell kicking his ass.”

His lips pulled up into a smirk. “Oh yeah? Did my ninja skills turn you on?”

“I don’t know, you tell me.” I grabbed his hand and slid it up my dress, rubbing his fingers along my wet opening.

His eyes widened as he looked down to my bared *. I grinned and brought his fingers up to my mouth, sucking them clean. Leaning over, I unbuttoned his pants, freeing his cock. It jumped in my hands and hardened as I massaged him.

“What are you doing to me, firecracker?” he moaned, gripping the wheel in his strong grasp.

I leaned over and bit his ear. “I’ve tasted me,” I sucked his lobe between my teeth, “and now I need to taste you, Mr. Avery. Drive safe and let me do all the work.”

For the past few days, sleep was non-existent. I could feel the end drawing near and I didn’t like it. Something was off, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. It didn’t help that I couldn’t find a goddamned thing on Drake’s other house. Not even the Las Vegas PD knew anything about it. Another fucking dead end.

“When do you think he’ll text you?” I asked. It was Wednesday afternoon, the day Drake wanted to meet with Aylee. I was on edge.

Shrugging, she slid me a bottle of water and tossed an orange slice into her mouth. “I’m not sure. What I want to know is why can’t we find this extra house of his? This could be the place the victims were taken to.”

“I know and I can’t find shit on it. When Blackwell calls you, I’ll get Ryan to get a group of men together. If he takes you to that house, I want to make sure we have the manpower to get you out unharmed.”

Leaning over the counter, she shut my laptop and smiled. “I have no doubt you could storm the castle all by yourself.”

I sighed. “I know, but you’re the one who’ll be inside. My only concern is for you.”

For the rest of the morning and afternoon, we sat around the hotel mentally preparing for the unknown. Aylee was set, but I was nowhere near ready to let her go. This time was different. When her phone went off, we both froze. She walked over to it and sighed when she read the text.

“He cancelled.” She threw her phone to me and I read it.

Drake: Family emergency. Raincheck?

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