No Limit

“Gladly, but you’ll have to wait until after breakfast.”

Jerking around, I watched as Jason came through the door, carrying two cups of coffee and a bag. “What the hell? Why didn’t you tell me you were going for breakfast? You had me worried.”

He set our stuff down on the counter and I joined him. “You mean you were worried because you thought I’d gone after Davies?”

I bit my lip. “It crossed my mind.”

Opening the bag, he pulled out two apple pastries and slid me one. “I’m going after him and nothing’s going to stop me, not even you. I just don’t want him drugged out of his mind when I do. It’s important he remembers my lesson.”

I just wished he could see that leaving Chazz face down in his own fluids and a flogged ass was payback enough. The humiliation alone was retribution. “Have you talked to Ryan yet?” I asked nervously. I wasn’t looking forward to telling him we didn’t have a single shred of evidence from anyone.

He took a bite of his pastry and nodded. “He’s coming to see us today. I didn’t go into details, but I’m sure he got the hint.”

“What do you think he’ll say?”

“I don’t know, but we’ll find out in an hour when he gets here.”

I finished my pastry, then hurried off to take a shower while he stayed in the kitchen and worked. After getting dressed, I watched Jason from the doorway to my room, his forehead all scrunched in concentration. The stubble on his face had grown thicker; I liked it that way, even though I knew he hadn’t shaved because he was stressed. It made me wonder what things would be like between us if we weren’t here for work, if we could just be ourselves.

My phone rang and I jumped, drawing Jason’s attention. His muscles relaxed and he smiled. “I knew you were watching me, firecracker.”

“It’s kind of hard not to. Give me one sec.” I hurried over to my phone and my heart leapt when I saw my uncle’s name. “Uncle G,” I answered excitedly. His name was Gary, but uncle G was what I had called him ever since I was little and it stuck over the years.

“Hey, peanut. Vegas treating you well?”

“Somewhat. It’s been a trying case.”

“No leads?”

“We’ve had plenty, but they all ran into dead ends. Hopefully, we’ll figure it out soon.”

“How’s it going working with that other agent? I know you were worried about his reaction.”

I snorted. “It was hard at first, but now it’s going good. We haven’t killed each other yet.”

He chuckled. “I’m just glad to hear you’re safe. I kept waiting on you to call and when you hadn’t, I started to get worried. You can’t do that to your old man.”

It warmed my heart to hear him say that. “I know, and I’ll do much better from here on out. Did Adrian stop by to see you?”

“He did and he left you a present along with a letter. I think he’s hoping you’ll visit him in New York.”

“Yeah, that’s what he said when he called.”

“Are you going to?” he asked.

Sighing, I sat down on the bed. “I honestly don’t know. The last thing I want to do is give him the wrong impression.”

“What’s changed? He’s a good man and he’ll take care of you.”

Jason stood in my doorway, leaning against the frame. “Oh I know he would, but I’ve moved on. My feelings just aren’t the same as they used to be.”

“I see. Well, you take care out there. I know you have more important things to do than talk to me. Be safe and I’ll see you soon. Love you, peanut.”

I smiled. “I love you too.”

Jason walked in and sat beside me. “What all did your uncle say?”

I looked down at my phone and grinned. “Just scolded me for not calling him. He wanted to make sure I was okay.”

“It sounded like a little more than that. I heard you mention your ex’s name.”

Taking his hand, I clasped it with mine. “Adrian and my uncle grew close over the years. He was asking if we were getting back together.”

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