No Limit

Dinner ended up being four courses and it took two hours to get through it all. William and Jason conversed while I focused my attention on Diane. “Veronica told me none of her girls have been approached by anyone this week. That’s a good sign.”

I finished my last bite of chocolate cake and leaned closer. “That’s true, but it also puts a damper on the investigation. I need someone to make a move. That’s why I’m going to corner Drake tonight. When the time comes, can you make sure Georgia is occupied?”

She snorted and glanced over at the middle-aged beauty. “That should be easy. She doesn’t particularly stick to her husband’s side at these events. Personally, I don’t even know why they’re married.”

Once dinner was over, everyone got up and milled about to different parts of the house. Jason and I kept our eyes on Drake and as soon as he separated from his wife, I went on the hunt. “Stick close to him and I’ll make sure his wife doesn’t stray,” Jason whispered.

“How do you plan on doing that? Besides, I have Diane looking out for her.”

“Diane can only do so much. But Mrs. Blackwell is a full-on cougar. She couldn’t keep her greedy eyes off me at dinner.”

“Great! Now I have to worry about you getting attacked. She better keep her claws to herself.” Georgia was on the move so we parted ways. The house was enormous, with so many different rooms to explore. Drake disappeared around a corner, entering a room at the end of a hall and shutting the door. By the sounds of it, he was using the bathroom. Not exactly what I called a romantic situation, but I had no other choice.

Leaning against the wall, I waited for him to emerge. When the door opened, I stepped forward. “There you are,” I murmured huskily.

His eyes widened, but then he bit his lip, smiling. “What can I do for you?”

“You can give me a good time again. You up for that?”

Stepping closer, he brushed a finger down my neck. “I’ve been waiting on you to come back to me. Tired of us playing for you?”

“A little. I don’t want to take a chance on one of the others winning. What do you say we forget the poker game and make our own plans? I don’t want Jason to know about this. It’ll be our secret.”

He moaned and licked his lips. “I love secrets. How about next Wednesday night? My week is pretty hectic, but I can probably get away then.”


“I have a second house not too far away. My wife didn’t like it so I bought our current house. Be ready around six. I’ll text you and tell you where we can meet.”

I gave him my number and he entered it into his phone. “See you then. I look forward to it.” He waltzed off and grinned back at me before turning the corner. I pulled out my phone and texted Jason.

Me: Done.

Jason: Where you at? I can’t find Davies.

I was about to reply when a hand grabbed my wrist and I was shoved into one of the bedrooms. It was dark and I couldn’t see, but I knew who it was. I recognized the smell of his cologne. “Care to turn on the light, Mr. Davies? Or are you afraid to look at me?”

The light shone bright and I squinted. He locked the door and stalked toward me. “I’m not afraid to look at you, whore. I’m here to warn you. If you so much as tell anyone what happened that night . . .”

“You’ll what exactly? I’m not scared of you.”

He got up in my face and stared me down, his expression hard. “You should be.”

“Well, I’m not, so get the fuck out of my way.”

“I’ll get out of your way when I feel like it.”

“No, you’ll do it now,” a voice growled from behind. Chazz jerked around, pulling my arm with him. I hissed in pain and that pushed Jason over the edge. With a murderous glare, he shut the door quietly and locked it. “Let her go,” he demanded.

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