Need You Tonight


Tessa and Kade headed to the porch, and Kade knocked on the door of the cabin.

Here we go. Tessa adjusted her corset and tried to smooth her expression so she wouldn’t show all the trepidation moving through her. This is just a game. A fantasy. I can bow out at any time with one simple word.

But it didn’t feel like that. It felt real and intense and heavy all of a sudden. Like this was some test she hadn’t studied hard enough to pass. What if she humiliated herself? Or made some mistake and embarrassed Kade? Were there certain rules or customs she was supposed to follow?

The door swung open, and a gorgeous dark-haired man in glasses greeted them with a smile. Tessa blinked, not sure what she had expected, but not really anticipating Clark Kent in a polo and slacks to be at a place like this. He reached out and shook Kade’s hand. “Good to see you, Vandergriff.”

“Wyatt,” Kade said, returning the warmth. “Sorry we’re a little late.”

“Not a problem, the whole plan’s pretty fluid tonight, and you’re not the last to arrive by any means. We actually just moved out to the back lawn.”

“Everything ready?”

“Yep, Kelsey’s taken charge of it all. She loves a party.”

Party? Tessa swallowed hard. Kade hadn’t mentioned anything about a party.

“Glad to hear she’s enjoying herself. I’m looking forward to saying hi. I haven’t seen her since you guys eloped. Congratulations, by the way, I knew when I saw you two on that island that it would only be a matter of time before that girl had your collar around her neck and a ring on her finger.”

Wyatt chuckled, the sound deep and genuine. “I’m a lucky bastard, what can I say?”

“Yeah, you are.” Kade’s wistful tone caught Tessa’s attention, but she didn’t have time to ponder it because Kade was placing a hand on her back, drawing her into the conversation. “And hey, we’re looking forward to joining y’all outside but I need to prepare my girl before we do. I had sent a few special requests to Jace.”

Wyatt smiled and spared Tessa a kind glance. “Yep, he has everything you need set up in the downstairs bathroom. We’re using that as the prep room tonight. Take a right when you go inside, second door on the left. I need to go change, but I’ll see you two in the backyard in a while.”

They exchanged good-byes and it wasn’t lost on Tessa that no introductions were exchanged. She’d asked not to be brought into his circle of friends as Tessa, the girl he was kind of dating. And he was sticking to his word.

Kade took her elbow again and guided her forward. “Come on, this shouldn’t take long.”

The house was rustic-chic and tastefully decorated, but Tessa couldn’t take in much because her mind was scrolling through endless possibilities of what exactly Kade meant by preparation. When they reached the large, slate-tiled bathroom, she began to put the pieces together. A wide bench had been placed alongside the oval bathtub and shaving cream and fresh razors where lined up along the edge. Kade shut the door behind him and locked it.

She turned to him, feeling heat of a different sort flare in her cheeks. “You want me to shave?”

She’d only ever shaved her bikini line. Doug had preferred the natural look. Now she wondered if it was some faux pas now to not be waxed or whatever.

Kade gave a hint of a smile. “No, not exactly. Lie down on the bench on your back. I’m going to shave you.”

Oh, shit. “You’re kidding, right?”

His brow arched. “What part of being a slave do you not understand? I’ll prepare you however I wish. Lie down and don’t make me tell you again.”

The firm words probably should’ve made her run instead of shiver in anticipation, but she’d asked for this fantasy for a reason. She could stand here wasting time trying to decipher her motivations for being turned on by this, but what did it matter at this point? Kade had told her he’d never judge her about her desires, so she needed to afford herself the same luxury.

“Yes, sir. My mistake.” Her hands were still bound, but she managed to get herself in position and lie down. It wasn’t long enough for her whole body so her feet stayed on the floor, her butt at the edge of the bench. Kade turned on the faucet in the bathtub, and the roaring sound of the water filled her ears.

He touched the top of her foot and she jumped. He gave her shin a little flick with his finger, silently telling her to stay still. Once she complied, something smooth wrapped around her ankle and tightened. “This is a spreader bar. It will keep your legs open for me and will stop you from squirming so I don’t hurt you.”

He locked her other ankle into the device, and she tried to move but couldn’t draw her legs together. “Kade, sir . . .”

“Hush. I want you smooth and sensitive tonight so you can enjoy what I bought for you. Give me the pleasure of preparing you.”

She closed her eyes, her heartbeat jumping in her chest. Despite her anxiety about a blade being put to her most delicate parts by someone other than her, she could feel arousal blooming through her.

Kade lifted her skirt all the way up and ran a finger along her folds—no, along her p-ssy. She needed to own those dirty words and stop being scared of them.

“So damn gorgeous. You should see how wet and swollen you are already.” His fingertip traced each tender spot. “And I love these curls of yours. I plan to leave some on the top. But I think you’ll thank me once you feel how much more sensitive you’ll be after this.”

She whimpered softly as he slid a finger inside her, teasing her with easy strokes. She lifted her hips toward his touch, but as soon as she did, he moved his hand away.

“That’s not going to do,” he said as she opened her eyes. He stepped over to a nearby cabinet and pulled something from it. “I need you completely immobile.”

He carried over the new items and wrapped another wider strap around her body, right at her waist, and secured it beneath the bench. She gave a test wiggle and couldn’t move. Then he took another strip and covered her eyes. Blocking her vision gave her a little flutter of panic. “I promise I won’t move or look.”

“That’s a promise you may not be able to keep even if you have good intentions. Just relax and let me handle things.”

He laid a hot, wet towel between her legs. She sighed as the heat melted into her skin and radiated outward, making everything feel languid. Combined with the steady sound of the running water and her blocked vision, she started to sink into the moment. She could picture Kade standing near her, still in his work clothes, steam filling up the room and his focus on her bound form.

The sound of something electronic broke her meditative state, a quiet humming. Her eyes blinked behind the blindfold. She was desperate to see even though she already suspected it was an electric razor. He moved the towel, but where she expected the feel of cold metal, something smooth touched her *.

She gasped, her body wanting to arch but having nowhere to go with the restraints.

“There, that’s better. No moving,” Kade said, his voice sounding soft through the rush of the water. He ran the small vibrator over her, sending delicious, undulating warmth up her nerve endings and making her belly clench tight. She’d already been keyed up in the car, so it didn’t take much before she was ready to go off. “Do well and you’ll get more of this feeling. Understand?”

She released her bottom lip from between her teeth. “Yes, sir.”

He gave her a few more passes with the vibrator then moved it away and spread warm shaving cream over her. She groaned again. Who knew heated foam could feel so good? But she didn’t have time to relish the sensation for long. A louder buzzing sound filled the room, louder and more ominous than the vibrator, and she willed herself not to flinch.

“Just breathe, baby. I won’t hurt you.”

She tried to follow his directive, taking a long inhale through her nose and holding it until she felt his touch. But she shouldn’t have worried. The electric razor was gentle against her, the slight vibration actually stimulating her even more. The tension started to slowly drain out of her. But when the buzzing stopped and more cream was spread over her, her ribs pulled tight again.

“Easy, Tessa,” Kade said, his voice soothing. “I need you to remain as still as possible for this part. I can’t do it all with the electric. And this is what I’m going to enjoy the most, so I plan to take my time.”

She held her breath again, and the cool metal blade touched her most delicate of skin. Kade drew the razor over her skin with a steady hand. Cool air coasted over her newly bared skin in his wake. The treatment, which she thought would feel clinical, turned out to be one of the most sensual sensations she’d ever experienced—the warm cream, his confident but easy touch, the care he was taking. In her mind’s eye, she could see Kade there between her spread thighs and bound body, studying every private part of her, delicately grooming her for his enjoyment. Her arousal increased tenfold. She had no doubt he could see exactly what this was doing to her.

He spread her with his thumb to get to her most hidden parts and ran the razor across sensitized skin. She sighed softly, sinking into some meditative stillness she didn’t quite understand.

“You’re beautiful, slave,” Kade said, his voice reverent as he continued his work. “Every part of you. Your sounds. Your scent. This pretty pink cunt that’s swelling beneath my touch. But most of all”—he ran the blade near her *—“your trust. I plan to reward you for that.”

God. She could melt into the bench. Somehow Kade could morph words that she’d normally find offensive or degrading into the hottest things ever. “Thank you.”

After a few more draws of the blade, Kade was done. He cleaned her off with another warm towel and left her there while he rinsed everything. Every bit of skin he’d exposed tingled and tightened, begging for his touch. She was dying to see how she looked. She’d never shaved so completely. But she had no choice except to lie there patiently.

The faucet finally went quiet, and all she could hear was her own choppy breathing. She strained her ears, trying to get a sense of where Kade was, but without warning, burning hot heaven touched her between her legs. She groaned loudly as Kade’s tongue tracked a path over where he’d just shaved her.

Her hips tried to lift, the sensation almost too much to bear, but the restraints didn’t give. Holy mother of everything good in this world. She’d never felt so very much down there. It was as if every centimeter of skin were electrified. “Oh, shit.”

“Come for me, slave. You’ve done well.”

Fingers slid inside her, and Kade sucked her * between his lips, teasing it with his tongue. She was so wet and so on edge already after everything that she had no hope of prolonging it. Color streaked behind her eyelids and she cried out, the bench jolting with the sharp force of the orgasm that rocked through her.

Kade took advantage of her bound state, not letting up despite her protests that it was too much, and licked her until she was panting and begging for a reprieve. Finally, he moved his mouth away from her, and she dragged in a deep breath. Fingers touched her lips. “Open.”

She did as she was told, too blissed out to think it through, and his fingers dipped into her mouth, the distinctive tartness shocking her for a moment. She made a little sound of surprise, but he didn’t pull away.

“Clean me off. Taste how sweet you are.”

She sucked his fingers, her body still contracting with the aftershocks of her orgasms. She’d probably look back at these moments and blush over it, but right now, she just wanted to do whatever he told her to.

He pulled his fingers from her mouth and untied the blindfold. When she blinked her eyes open, his gaze could’ve burned right through her. Her focus tracked down to the prominent bulge in his slacks.

She wet her lips, aching to return the favor. “You probably shouldn’t go outside like that.”

He stepped down to the end of the bench, trailing his finger along her thigh. “You’re forgetting what kind of place we’re at. But don’t worry, you’ll get your chance to serve me tonight if you’re lucky. It just might not be in the comfort of a private room.”

That sent fresh nerves coiling through her.

He pulled something from his pocket and it caught the light. “Now for your last gift for the evening. A little jewelry.”

She lifted her head to try to see what he was doing. The small silver bauble had beads attached. “What is it?”

“A ring.” He touched her with gentle fingers, but she flinched anyway, her body still in hypersensitive mode. He moved the smooth metal along her wetness, then slipped it around her *oris.

She let out a soft gasp. The little pinch the ring provided drew her already swollen * into full throbbing awareness and set her senses on edge.

“Gorgeous,” Kade said, staring down at his handiwork and giving the beads a little jostle. “Does it hurt?”

She breathed through her nose, trying to gauge exactly what she was feeling, deciding pain was far from it. “No, not exactly.”

“Good,” Kade said as he unstrapped her from the bench. “It’s meant to provide a little torture but not the painful kind.”

“Torture?” she asked, pushing up on her elbows when he untied her hands. The little ring definitely was making her hyperaware, but it seemed far from torturous.

His mouth lifted at the corner. “Talk to me in an hour.”

After unhooking her from the spreader bar, he helped her to a stand and she soon understood what he was talking about. The little beads swung with the movement, brushing against her like light, teasing fingers. Her sex clenched and her nails dug into Kade’s arm. “Oh.”

He chuckled and slid his hand along her lower back. “Come on, slave. Time for your debut.”

The words made her muscles freeze, and she hesitated when he tried to move her forward.

He looked back to her, a wrinkle appearing in his brow. “What’s wrong?”

She glanced at the door then back to him. “Is it okay that I’m kind of terrified all of a sudden?”

He turned to face her, his eyes soft, and put his hands on her shoulders. “All you need to do is focus on me and what I tell you to do. I’ll take care of you. That’s my most important job as your dominant, and I’ll never shirk that responsibility. Trust that you can give yourself over fully to my care without worry.”

The words warmed her even though the idea of blind trust always sent a shudder of foreboding through her. She managed a half-smile. “Are you saying I need to let you be my prince?”

A strange expression flickered over his features, but he quickly covered it with a confident smirk and brushed his knuckles along her jaw. “Exactly.” He leaned over and gave her a quick kiss. “Not that you have a choice, slave.”

She grinned. “I think you might be the nicest evil prince ever.”

He slid his hand around the back of her neck and guided her toward the door. “I wouldn’t make that call so soon, Tess. The night has just begun.”