Maverick (Satan's Fury MC, #1)

“I’m not sure. Big Mike, maybe? But you know Henley. She’s always coming up with these crazy ideas, but I thought this one might really work. She was just trying to help.”

Fuck. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Henley would’ve never gotten into this mess, if Mike had kept his goddamn mouth shut. Clenching my fists at my side, I glared at him, trying to fight the urge to kick his ass right here in the middle of the fucking waiting room. The blood drained from his face when he noticed me glaring at him. He took a step towards me, but I raised my hand, signaling him to stop. I had every intention of having it out with him, but this was not the place. He’d just have to wait.

I spent the next three hours feeling like I was coming apart at the seams while I waited to hear something from Henley’s doctor. The walls were closing in on me. I paced back and forth, and my heart stopped beating every time a doctor or nurse walked by the doorway. It was obvious that I was on edge, so my brothers steered clear, giving me time to pull my shit together. I hated the waiting, not knowing what was going on with her. My imagination kept jumping to the worst-case scenarios, and they were driving me insane.

I was about to lose the last of my patience, when a nurse called out, “I need to speak with someone from Miss Henley Gray’s family.”

Cassidy and I anxiously looked at each other before we walked towards the door. Time stood still as I waited for the nurse start talking.

“I just wanted to give you an update on Henley,” the nurse started. “They just got the results back from the CT scan, and Henley does have a concussion and a laceration on the back of her head. They’ve moved her to a room at the end of the hall.”

“How’s she doing? Is she awake?” Cassidy asked with tears streaming down her cheeks.

“She’s a little groggy, and she’s going to have one hell of a headache. But she’ll be just fine.”

“When can we see her?” I asked. I was relieved to know that she was okay, but I needed to see it for myself. I had to know that she really was okay.

“She’s been asking for someone named Maverick? I take it that’s you,” she said with a warming smile.

“Yes ma’am. I’m Maverick,” I told her.

“Why don’t you come with me? I still need to sort out her medication, but you can sit with her while I get it worked out,” she said as she started up the hall.

I started to follow her when Cassidy grabbed my arm and said, “Tell her that I’m sorry,” she wailed unable to control her tears.

I put my arms around her, pulling her close to me and said, “I’ll come back to get you as soon as I can. Just hold tight until then.” She nodded, and I gave her another tight squeeze before I let her go. She stood at the doorway, watching until I walked into Henley’s room.

I was so anxious to see her that I didn’t think before I rushed into her room. I didn’t take the time to prepare for seeing her lying in that hospital bed. She was so fucking pale, making the bruises along her face seem even darker. There was a small bandage around her head, but even at her worst, she was beautiful. I couldn’t stop staring at her. She was alive and lying just a few steps from me. My prayers had been answered. Her lips curved into a small smile when she noticed me standing at the end of her bed.

“Hey,” she whispered.

“How are you feeling,” I asked.

“I’ve been better,” she confessed.

I nodded, crossed my arms, and continued to look at her as I thought about what I was going to do next. I wanted to hold her, to tell her that everything was going to be okay, but I couldn’t. Not yet. She wouldn’t be in this hospital bed if she’d just used her damn head.

“Aren’t you going to say something? Yell… scream… fuss at me? Something?” she asked.

“Do you want me to tell you how a part of me died when I saw you lying on that floor, or how hard it was to sit out there for the past three fucking hours not knowing if you were going to live or die?” I asked.

“Maverick… I’m sorry. I know I screwed it all up,” she explained.

“I thought I made it clear… I told you that I would tan your ass if you even thought about getting involved in club business. Do you remember that, Henley? I hope you do, because I am going to enjoy spanking that pretty little ass of yours when you get out of this hospital.”

“What is it with you and my ass?” she asked with a giggle. “You need to stop teasing me. I’m injured.”

“What can I say? I like your ass. Enough said. You’ll get better, and I’ll be waiting,” I smirked. It was impossible for me to be angry with her right now. I had her back, and I wasn’t about to waste one minute on bullshit that just didn’t matter. She was out of danger, and she was going to be okay. Besides, I knew she’d learned her lesson. After tonight, there’s no way she’d ever do something like this again.

Chapter 26



L. Wilder's books