Maverick (Satan's Fury MC, #1)



Henley was nowhere to be found, and I was getting pissed. I told Smokey to keep an eye on her, but he had no idea where she’d run off to. I would have to deal with him later. I figured she must be somewhere with Cassidy, so I headed to Big Mike’s room. He’d be able to trace her in a matter of seconds. I had lifted my hand to knock on the door when my cell phone rang.

Before I could answer, Cassidy started screaming, “You’ve got to get over here! Now! He’s going to get her! He’s so close. Oh my god, Maverick!”

“Slow down! Tell me what’s going on!” I demanded. Hearing the panic in her voice made my heart pound against my chest.

“There’s no time! He’s about to get Henley. She’s trying to get down the fire escape, and he’s about to get her!” she cried hysterically. The sound of Henley’s name made my heart stop beating in my chest. I needed a minute to think, to focus on what she was saying.

“What fire escape?”

“The one at our apartment. She was trying to help you, and…”

“I’m on my way,” I snapped. Without knocking, I opened Big Mike’s door and shouted, “Get your ass up. Now!”

He turned from his computer and asked, “What the hell, man?”

“Gather up the guys! Henley is in trouble. We’ve got to get over to her place! NOW!” I shouted. I couldn’t hear his response over the loud beating of my heart, as I went along the hall, pounding on all the doors until I got to Cotton’s room. I knocked as I opened the door, not even giving him a chance to acknowledge my presence and said, “We got trouble.”

“And?” he questioned as he stood up to face me.

“Henley… Cass just called. They are at their apartment, and they’ve got company. We’ve got to get over there,” I told him as my voice rattled with nerves. None of this made any fucking sense! Why? Why would she do this? Just a few hours ago she was lying in the bed kissing me, and now I might lose her. I might fucking lose her!

“Don’t… don’t go thinking the worst… We’ll get her,” he assured me.

“I won’t lose her,” I told him as I headed for my bike. This was my fault. I should’ve talked to her, explained how things worked in the club. I was too fucking stubborn, and now it might be too late.

With my brothers following close behind, I raced over to Henley’s apartment. The road blurred before me as my imagination ran wild thinking about what might be happening to her. I pushed the throttle forward, increasing my speed to a dangerous level, but I didn’t give a fuck. I had to get to her. It was the only thing that mattered.

The loud rumble of our engines had to draw the attention of everyone in that apartment complex, but there was no time to go in quiet. Every second counted, and we were running out of time. When we parked our bikes in front of her apartment, there was no one in sight. I instantly spotted Henley’s car, but there was no sign of Cassidy anywhere. I turned back to Clutch and said, “Cassidy… find her.”

“Cooter and I will check around back,” he told me as they walked towards the back alley leading to the back of the building.

“Let’s move it,” I ordered, and my brothers followed me into the apartment building. While Cotton and I took the elevator, Guardrail led the others up the stairwell. I only had one thought on my mind as I waited for the doors to open… get to Henley. I prayed that I wasn’t too late.

Chapter 24



L. Wilder's books