Maverick (Satan's Fury MC, #1)

“Promise. I’ll call you once I am inside, so we can talk the entire time I’m in there,” I assured her.

My mind was racing as I drove to my apartment. I tried building up my courage by reminding myself that I was doing this for Maverick, for the man that I loved. Unfortunately, it didn’t help settle the nerves that were causing my hands to tremble against the steering wheel. I took a deep breath, and tried to concentrate on all the things I needed to do. I tried to convince myself that there wasn’t much to it. I just had to park the car in front of the apartment and then, rush inside to get everything ready. I needed to try to make the place look like I was returning home. I needed to turn on the lights and TV, straighten the place up a bit, and then arrange the bed to look like I was lying under the covers. Once everything was set up, I’d slip out the back down the fire escape. Cass would be waiting for me in her car, and we’d wait to see if anyone showed up. The plan was simple. The problem was nothing with me ever seemed to go like it was supposed to.

Several cars were parked in front of my small apartment complex, but thankfully my spot was still empty. I eased the car into park and slowly opened my door, looking around for anything that might seem suspicious. The streetlights gave off just enough light to create an eerie feel to the entire parking lot. I really wasn’t sure what I should be looking for, but I let my eyes roam over the area, hunting for anything or anyone that might be lurking in the dark. I was still searching the area, for God knows what, while I walked up the steps that led up to the front door.

Before I walked inside, I looked back to make sure Cassidy was pulling her car around back. After I saw her taillights heading down the back alley, I stepped anxiously through the door. My legs felt heavy as I walked over to the main elevator. I tried to push back my terror as the doors closed behind me. There was no time to let my fears get in the way. I had no idea if that tracking device on my car was actually even working, but I didn’t want to take any chances. If these guys think I’m back home, who knows how long it will take for them to come looking for me.

When the elevator doors opened, I stepped out into the empty hallway and crept over to my door. I didn’t know what to expect, but I never thought it would be like this. I felt like an intruder in my own home as I unlocked my door. The familiar smell of lavender and fabric softener surrounded me as the door creaked open, but being there didn’t feel familiar. I was scared. I felt so out of place, and I hated that I felt such fear in a place that I’d always loved to be.

As promised, I took out my phone, and called Cassidy. “I’m here.”

“Please hurry, Henley,” she pleaded.

“I’ve got to straighten up a bit. Just hold tight,” I told her as I looked around the room. Several of my school papers were scattered along the floor, along with several overturned lamps and chairs. I quickly started cleaning up the mess, trying to make it resemble the place I’d called home for the past three years.

Once I had everything picked up, I turned on several more lights and the TV, setting the volume loud enough for it to be heard out in the hallway. My adrenaline was in overdrive as I raced to my room, and stuffed several pillows under the comforter. I tried my best to make it look like a body was lying there under the covers. I happened to remember a wig Cassidy bought the year we decided to be twins for Halloween, so I pulled the old costume box out from under the bed, hoping the wig was still there. Luckily, I found it buried at the bottom of the box. I quickly grabbed it and kicked the box back under the bed. I placed the wig at the top of the pillows, spreading out the hair in hopes it’d help, but I wasn’t sure anyone would truly believe it was me. I glanced around my small apartment. Everything was set.

I picked back up my phone and said, “Cass… you there?”

“Yes! Are you done?” she asked.

“Yeah, I’m on my way down.”

“Keep your phone on until you get in the car,” she ordered. “And be careful.”

“Okay. I’m coming now,” I told her as I eased the window up leading to the fire escape. Holding tightly to the ledge, I stepped out onto the railing.

The stairs clattered and shook as I ran down the steps, and I thought I had made it free and clear, until I saw a man standing in the shadows. I froze. Panic surged through my body when I realized that he was staring right at me. My breathing became rapid, and I thought I might pass out from fear, but I took a deep breath, forcing myself to stay calm. There was still a chance that I could make it to the car without him catching me, so I took another step down the stairs. When I did, he began walking towards me… “Holy shit! Cass! Someone’s here!” I whispered into my phone.

“Get your ass to the car! Now!” she cried.

“I can’t! He’s coming this way! Call Maverick. Call him, now!” I was in trouble. He was one of them. I’d run out of time, and there was no one here to help me.

Chapter 23

L. Wilder's books