Maverick (Satan's Fury MC, #1)

“More,” she pleaded.

Her body grew rigid as I began to thrust deeper, harder. Her snug * throbbed against my cock, weakening all of my restraint. I intended to go slow… needed to go slow, but I couldn’t fucking stop. Her * was so tight, so ready. I couldn’t restrain myself any longer. She was more than I had ever expected, making me lose all my sense of control. Her nails dug into my lower back as her hips bucked against mine, meeting my every thrust with more force… more intensity. I could feel the pressure building in my cock as her walls constricted against me.

Her head reared back as she shouted, “Oh god, Logan!”

“Fuck,” I groaned as her * tightened, clenching down against me. She panted wildly, moaning and clawing at my back when I increased my pace. I knew she was close to the edge, unable to stop the inevitable torment of her building orgasm. The muscles in her body grew taut, and her body stilled as her release took over. I continued to drive into her, the sounds of my body pounding against hers echoing throughout the room. My hands reached under her, lifting her ass off of the bed, and continued to thrust harder and deeper, until I finally came inside her.

Her body fell limp under me. I remained still, seated deep inside her, not ready for this to end. I rested my head on her chest and listened to her rapid heartbeat begin to steady. Her breathing began to slow to the point that I thought she had actually fallen asleep. I looked up at her and was surprised to see a sexy smile on her face. I settled myself beside her, and she slowly began to wiggle her way into the crook of my arm and laid her head down on my chest.

With her fingers tracing the lines of my tattoo, she said, “It was nice to see you have a good time tonight.”

“Yeah, it’s been awhile,” I told her.

When she looked up at me, I saw something in her eyes that I wasn’t prepared to see. God. I hoped I wasn’t right. I was the last man a woman like her needed to fall for. My life was a fucking mess. I should’ve protected her from my darkness, not pulled her into it. Fuck. I was a selfish bastard. I knew I should say something, warn her somehow, but feeling her body pressed against mine felt too fucking good. I couldn’t let her go, not yet. We laid tangled in each other’s arms until we finally fell asleep.

I woke up early, the dread of the day ahead of me already creeping in, making my chest so tight that it was difficult to breathe. When I looked down and found Henley still draped across my chest, I felt an instant sense of calm wash over me. I could’ve spent the entire day wrapped in her arms, but I knew Lily was waiting for me. I gave her a light kiss on her forehead and tried to pull myself from her arms without waking her. It took some effort, but I finally managed to wedge myself free and headed for the bathroom.

After a hot shower, I got dressed and sat on the edge of the bed. Henley hadn’t budged since I had gotten out of the bed. Leaning down close to her ear, I whispered, “Hey, Slick. Wake up.”

She groaned as she threw her arm over her eyes, trying to block out the light. “What time is it?” she fussed.

“It’s early, go back to sleep,” I told her as I stood up and kissed her on the forehead.

“Are you leaving?” she asked as she lifted her arm, peaking up at me.

“Yeah, but I won’t be gone long.”

“I hope it goes okay,” she whispered.

“It will, now go back to sleep,” I told her as I headed out the door.

Just like I thought, Bobby was working on his computer in his office. I stuck my head inside his doorway and said, “Hey, man. I’ve got to run over to Lily’s for a bit. Mind keeping an eye on Henley for an hour or so? She’s still in bed.”

“Sure. Not a problem. You want me to bring her over there when she gets up?” he offered.

“That’d be great. Just give me a call before you leave. I’m not sure how long it will take.”

“You got it. Courtney is in the kitchen with Taylor making cookies for the kids. I’m sure they can keep her entertained while you’re gone,” he laughed.

I sent a text to Lily that I was on my way, and when I pulled into the driveway, she was waiting for me on the front porch. She had John Warren propped up on her hip next to her full, obviously very pregnant belly. Looking at her, holding her family close to her heart, gave me a sense of peace. John Warren had his family. Seeing him for the first time in months, I was surprised by how much he had changed. He watched me apprehensively as I made my way up to the porch.

“Hey, Lily.” He looked up at her, waiting to see what her reaction would be. I was a stranger to him, and he wasn’t quite sure what to make of me yet.

When she leaned in and gave me a hug, he piped up and said, “Bye-bye.”

“He isn’t going anywhere yet silly. This is Maverick. I’ve told you all about him,” Lily explained.

L. Wilder's books